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open access

Development of Advanced Wear and Corrosion Resistant Systems Through Laser Surface Alloying and Materials Processing

Description: The stability of tungsten carbide particles in iron-rich and nickel-rich liquid during the laser surface alloying (LSA) process was investigated. Kinetic calculations indicate a rapid dissolution of tungsten carbide particles in iron-rich liquid, as compared with the dissolution rate in nickel-rich liquid. Optical microscopy indicated a heterogeneous microstructure around the tungsten particles that is in agreement with concentration gradients predicted by kinetic calculation. The work demonstr… more
Date: April 1, 2002
Creator: A, Babu S S Martukanitz R P Parks K D David S
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

F(1) for B (forward) D*ln from lattice QCD

Description: The authors would like to determine |V{sub cb}| from the exclusive semi-leptonic decay B{yields}D*lv. The differential decay rate is d{Lambda}/dw = G{sub F}{sup 2}/4{pi}{sup 3}(w{sup 2}-1){sup 1/2}m{sub D*}{sup 3} (m{sub B}-m{sub D*}){sup 2}G(w)|V{sub cb}|{sup 2}|F{sub B{yields}D*}(w)|{sup 2}, where w = v {center_dot} v{prime} and G(1) = 1. At zero recoil (w = 1) heavy-quark symmetry requires F{sub B{yields}D*}(1) to be close to 1. So, |V{sub cb}| is determined by dividing measurements of d{Lam… more
Date: July 12, 2002
Creator: A.S. Kronfeld, P.B. Mackenzie and J.N. Simone
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Microstructure, Phase Formation, and Stress of Reactively-Deposited Metal Hydride Thin Films

Description: This document summarizes research of reactively deposited metal hydride thin films and their properties. Reactive deposition processes are of interest, because desired stoichiometric phases are created in a one-step process. In general, this allows for better control of film stress compared with two-step processes that react hydrogen with pre-deposited metal films. Films grown by reactive methods potentially have improved mechanical integrity, performance and aging characteristics. The two reac… more
Date: May 1, 2002
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Quantitative Analysis of Microstructure in Polysiloxanes Using High Resolution Si29 NMR Spectroscopy: Investigation of Lot Variability in the LVM97 and HVM97 PDMS/PDPS Copolymers

Description: The quantitative analysis of microstructure and sequence distribution in polysiloxane copolymers using high-resolution solution {sup 29}Si NMR is reported. Copolymers containing dimethylsiloxane (DMS) and diphenysiloxane (DPS) monomer units prepared with either high vinyl content (HVM) or low vinyl content (LVM) were analyzed. The average run length (R{sub exp}), the number average sequence length (l{sub A}, l{sub B}), along with the various linkage probabilities (p{sub AA}, p{sub AB}, p{sub BA… more
Date: November 1, 2002
Creator: ALAM, TODD M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Acoustic Wave Equations for a Linear Viscous Fluid and An Ideal Fluid

Description: The mathematical description of acoustic wave propagation within a time- and space-varying, and moving, linear viscous fluid is formulated as a system of coupled linear equations. This system is rigorously developed from fundamental principles of continuum mechanics (conservation of mass, balance of linear and angular momentum, balance of entropy) and various constitutive relations (for stress, entropy production, and entropy conduction) by linearizing all expressions with respect to the small-… more
Date: July 1, 2002
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Editing Tips for Technical Publications in the Joint Nuclear Weapons Publication System (JNWPS)

Description: These editing tips contain helpful suggestions to assist writers who are writing, editing, and publishing technical publications in the JNWPS. The suggestions clarify some of the most common writing problems and requirements of two publications used in the JNWPS: ''DOE-DTRA TP 1-1, Joint Nuclear Weapons Publications System Operating Procedures, Specifications, and Standards, and United States Government Printing Office Style Manual''. Topics include requirements for abbreviations, formats for d… more
Date: December 1, 2002
Creator: ALLEN, TARA S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: This document presents a set of guidelines for authors who wish to express themselves more clearly to foreign readers, or readers whose first language is not American English. Topics include idioms, technical terms, jargon, word meaning, acronyms, and international conventions of measurement. The guidelines will help writers of technical documents present their ideas more effectively to audiences that may include individuals whose first language is not American English, including audiences with… more
Date: February 22, 2002
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Rapid Ultrasensitive Chemical-Fingerprint Detection of Chemical and Biochemical Warfare Agents

Description: Vibrational spectra can serve as chemical fingerprints for positive identification of chemical and biological warfare molecules. The required speed and sensitivity might be achieved with surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) using nanotextured metal surfaces. Systematic and reproducible methods for preparing metallic surfaces that maximize sensitivity have not been previously developed. This work sought to develop methods for forming high-efficiency metallic nanostructures that can be inte… more
Date: December 1, 2002
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Parametric Study for Large Wind Turbine Blades: WindPACT Blade System Design Studies

Description: This report presents the results of a study of various wind turbine blade design parameters as a function of blade length in the range from 30 meters to 70 meters. The results have been summarized in dimensional and non-dimensional formats to aid in interpretation. The parametric review estimated peak power and annual energy capture for megawatt scale wind turbines with rotors of 62, 83, 104, 125, and 146 meters in diameter. The baseline ''thin'' distribution represents conventional airfoils us… more
Date: August 1, 2002
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Laser Safety Evaluation of the MILES and Mini MILES Laser Emitting Components

Description: Laser safety evaluation and output emission measurements were performed (during October and November 2001) on SNL MILES and Mini MILES laser emitting components. The purpose, to verify that these components, not only meet the Class 1 (eye safe) laser hazard criteria of the CDRH Compliance Guide for Laser Products and 21 CFR 1040 Laser Product Performance Standard; but also meet the more stringent ANSI Std. z136.1-2000 Safe Use of Lasers conditions for Class 1 lasers that govern SNL laser operat… more
Date: February 2, 2002
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: At {nu}Fact'02, the muon-based neutrino factory was confronted with existing and planned neutrino facilities. When it was first discussed in 1999 in Lyon [1], it raised great enthusiasm, especially because it was thought to be the only machine capable of measuring CP violation in the leptonic sector. Since that time the pendulum has partially swung back. Two successive detailed studies [2, 3] have shown that a neutrino Factory and the needed R&D were both expensive. In terms of present expe… more
Date: July 1, 2002
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

ALARA Analysis of Radiological Control Criteria Associated with Alternatives for Disposal of Hazardous Wastes

Description: This ALARA analysis of Radiological Control Criteria (RCC) considers alternatives to continued storage of certain DOE mixed wastes. It also considers the option of treating hazardous wastes generated by DOE facilities, which have a very low concentration of radionuclide contaminants, as purely hazardous waste. Alternative allowable contaminant levels examined correspond to doses to an individual ranging from 0.01 mrem/yr to 10 to 20 mrem/yr. Generic waste inventory data and radionuclide source … more
Date: May 15, 2002
Creator: Aaberg, Rosanne L.; Bilyard, Gordon R.; Branch, Kristi M.; Lavender, Jay C. & Miller, Peter L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Infiltration Heat Recovery in Building Walls: Computational Fluid Dynamics Investigations Results

Description: Conventional calculations of heating (and cooling) loads for buildings assume that conduction heat loss (or gain) through walls is independent of air infiltration heat loss (or gain). During passage through the building envelope, infiltrating air substantially exchanges heat wall insulation leading to partial recovery of heat conducted through the wall. The Infiltration Heat Recovery (IHR) factor was introduced to quantify the heat recovery and correct the conventional calculations. In this stu… more
Date: August 5, 2002
Creator: Abadie, Marc O.; Finlayson, Elizabeth U. & Gadgil, Ashok J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Smoothing the information seeking path: Removing representational obstacles in the middle-school digital library.

Description: Middle school student's interaction within a digital library is explored. Issues of interface features used, obstacles encountered, search strategies and search techniques used, and representation obstacles are examined. A mechanism for evaluating user's descriptors is tested and effects of augmenting the system's resource descriptions with these descriptors on retrieval is explored. Transaction log data analysis (TLA) was used, with external corroborating achievement data provided by teachers.… more
Date: May 2002
Creator: Abbas, June M.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Management and Retrieval of Historical Nuclear Waste Previously Prepared and Concreted for Sea Disposal

Description: This paper describes the approach of dealing with an historic legacy of pharmaceutical manufacturing operations, which arose as a result of the temporary cessation of sea disposal in 1983. The result of that cessation was an accumulation of 1,000 reinforced concrete lined steel drums containing intermediate level nuclear waste of mixed chemical and physical form. Included are the steps taken which established a policy, the resulting strategy and the unique and innovative means by which the plan… more
Date: February 27, 2002
Creator: Abbott, H. & Davies, E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Trace Elements and Common Ions in Southeastern Idaho Snow: Regional Air Pollutant Tracers for Source Area Emissions

Description: Snow samples were collected in southeastern Idaho over two winters to assess trace elements and common ions concentrations in air pollutant fallout across the region. The objectives were to: 1) develop sampling and analysis techniques that would produce accurate measurements of a broad suite of elements and ions in snow, 2) identify the major elements in regional fallout and their spatial and temporal trends, 3) determine if there are unique combinations of elements that are characteristic to t… more
Date: September 1, 2002
Creator: Abbott, Michael Lehman; Einerson, Jeffrey James; Schuster, Paul & Susong, David D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Effect of Average Grain Size on Polycrystalline Diamond Films

Description: The work function of hydrogen-terminated, polycrystalline diamond was studied using ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy. Polycrystalline diamond films were deposited onto molybdenum substrates by electrophoresis for grain sizes ranging from 0.3 to 108 microns. The work function and electron affinity were measured using 21.2 eV photons from a helium plasma source. The films were characterized by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to determine elemental composition and the sp2/sp3 carbon fractio… more
Date: May 2002
Creator: Abbott, Patrick Roland
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Landscape forest modeling of the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico.

Description: This thesis contributes to modeling the dynamics of forest community response to environmental gradients and disturbances over a mountain landscape. A gap model (FACET) was parameterized for species of various forest types (Tabonuco, Colorado, Dwarf and Palm), for many terrain conditions and was modified and extended to include species response to excess soil moisture and hurricanes. Landscape cover types were defined by dominance of species of each forest type and canopy height. Parameters of … more
Date: December 2002
Creator: Abbott-Wood, Chris
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Effects of Light Scalar Mesons in eta -> 3pi decay

Description: We study the role of a possible nonet of light scalar mesons in the still interesting [eta] -> 3[p]i decay process, with the primary motivation of learning more about the scalars themselves. The framework is a conventional non-linear chiral Lagrangian of pseudoscalars and vectors extended to include the scalars. The parameters involving the scalars were previously obtained to fit the s-wave [pi][pi] and [pi] K scatterings in the region up to about 1 GeV as well as the strong decay [eta]' --&… more
Date: October 1, 2002
Creator: Abdel-Rehim, Abdou; Black, Deirdre; Fariborz, Amir H. & Schechter, Joseph
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: A systematic investigation was conducted to provide an accurate determination of hydrogen solubility in liquid media in temperatures in the range of 25-250 C and pressures in the range of 0.5-8 MPa. Results were obtained by an indirect gas solubility measurement method. The method was intended for use with high-resolution camera. The hydrogen solubility measurements were indirect and were based on pressure changes at constant temperature and measured volumes. Since the volume of the view cell w… more
Date: September 2002
Creator: Abedi, J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Electricity: The Road Toward Restructuring

Description: The Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 (PUHCA) and the Federal Power Act (FPA) were enacted to eliminate unfair practices and other abuses by electricity and gas holding companies by requiring federal control and regulation of interstate public utility holding companies. Comprehensive energy legislation has passed the House and Senate. The House passed H.R. 6 on April 11, 2003. On July 31, 2003, the Senate suspended debate on S. 14, inserted the text of H.R. 4 (107th Congress) as a subs… more
Date: June 5, 2002
Creator: Abel, Amy & Parker, Larry
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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