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open access

04 nuclear safety: pressure piping crack monitoring detection of metal overstress by acoustic emission. Progress report, July-September 1966

Description: The three main areas of effort have been: (1) definition of the general acoustic response pattern related to the gross aspects of forming and extending a crack in various materials, (2) development of a monitor system prototype concept exclusive of transducers and (3) development of a suitable, high temperature transducer. Tests using double cantilever beam (DCB) specimens of various materials to establish conditions of crack formation and growth have indicated that material ductility is a majo… more
Date: October 28, 1966
Creator: Hutton, P H
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

9-ANGIE : a Two-Dimensional, Multigroup, Neutron-Diffusion-Theory Reactor Code for the IBM 709 or 7090

Description: The 9-ANGIE, one of a series of reactor neutronic programs for an IBM 709 or 7090 data processing system, solves the time-dependent, multi-group, neutron diffusion equation for one to eighteen energy groups applied to a rectangular mesh superimposed on either an x-y or an r-z plane. It is characterized by its generalities in region description, boundary conditions, etc., without sacrificing simplicity of input preparation and ease of machine operation. The notation, the style, and the format ha… more
Date: October 28, 1960
Creator: Stone, Stuart P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

1998 federal energy and water management award winners

Description: Energy is a luxury that no one can afford to waste, and many Federal Government agencies are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of using energy wisely. Thoughtful use of energy resources is important, not only to meet agency goals, but because energy efficiency helps improve air quality. Sound facility management offers huge savings that affect the agency`s bottom line, the environment, and workplace quality. In these fiscally-modest times, pursuing sound energy management programs c… more
Date: October 28, 1998
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Ab Initio Enhanced calphad Modeling of Actinide-Rich Nuclear Fuels

Description: The process of fuel recycling is central to the Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative (AFCI), where plutonium and the minor actinides (MA) Am, Np, and Cm are extracted from spent fuel and fabricated into new fuel for a fast reactor. Metallic alloys of U-Pu-Zr-MA are leading candidates for fast reactor fuels and are the current basis for fast spectrum metal fuels in a fully recycled closed fuel cycle. Safe and optimal use of these fuels will require knowledge of their multicomponent phase stability and… more
Date: October 28, 2013
Creator: Morgan, Dane & Yang, Yong Austin
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Additional Development of a Dedicated Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Ultra Low Emissions Vehicle (ULEV)

Description: This report describes the last in a series of three projects designed to develop a commercially competitive LPG light-duty passenger car that meets California ULEV standards and corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) energy efficiency guidelines for such a vehicle. In this project, IMPCO upgraded the vehicle's LPG vapor fuel injection system and performed emissions testing. The vehicle met the 1998 ULEV standards successfully, demonstrating the feasibility of meeting ULEV standards with a dedica… more
Date: October 28, 1998
Creator: Technologies, IMPCO
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Advanced Fracture Characterization and Well Path Navigation System for Effective Re-Development and Enhancement of Ultimate Recovery from the Complex Monterey Reservoir of South Ellwood Field, Offshore California

Description: This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express, or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights.
Date: October 28, 2005
Creator: Horner, Steve
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced software algorithms

Description: Citibank was using a data collection system to create a one-time-only mailing history on prospective credit card customers that was becoming dated in its time to market requirements and as such was in need of performance improvements. To compound problems with their existing system, the assurance of the quality of the data matching process was manpower intensive and needed to be automated. Analysis, design, and prototyping capabilities involving information technology were areas of expertise pr… more
Date: October 28, 1996
Creator: Berry, K. & Dayton, S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced ST Plasma Scenario Simulations for NSTX

Description: Integrated scenario simulations are done for NSTX [National Spherical Torus Experiment] that address four primary milestones for developing advanced ST configurations: high {beta} and high {beta}{sub N} inductive discharges to study all aspects of ST physics in the high-beta regime; non-inductively sustained discharges for flattop times greater than the skin time to study the various current-drive techniques; non-inductively sustained discharges at high {beta} for flattop times much greater tha… more
Date: October 28, 2004
Creator: Kessel, C.E.; Synakowski, E.J.; Gates, D.A.; Harvey, R.W.; Kaye, S.M.; Mau, T.K. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advances in materials science, metals and ceramics division. Triannual progress report, June-September 1980

Description: Information is presented concerning the magnetic fusion energy program; the laser fusion energy program; geothermal research; nuclear waste management; Office of Basic Energy Sciences (OBES) research; diffusion in silicate minerals; chemistry research resources; and chemistry and materials science research.
Date: October 28, 1980
Creator: Truhan, J.J.; Hopper, R.W. & Gordon, K.M. (eds.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aerodynamic Characteristics of Two All-Movable Wings Tested in the Presence of a Fuselage at a Mach Number of 1.9

Description: Report presenting testing of half-span models of two wings of different plan form as both all-movable and fixed surfaces in the presence of a half fuselage. All-movable surfaces are being considered for supersonic aircraft as possible angle-of-attack indicators, control surfaces, and all-movable wings. Results regarding the lift characteristics, center of pressure, and drag of the wings are provided.
Date: October 28, 1948
Creator: Conner, D. William
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Afghanistan Casualties: Military Forces and Civilians

Description: This report collects statistics from a variety of sources on casualties sustained during Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), which began on October 7, 2001, and is ongoing. OEF actions take place primarily in Afghanistan, but OEF casualties also include American casualties in other countries, listed within this report.
Date: October 28, 2010
Creator: Chesser, Susan G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Africa's Great Lakes Region: Current Conditions in Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda

Description: Africa's Great Lakes region is slowly becoming more stable after almost a decade of conflicts. The region remains vulnerable, however, since armed rebel groups are active in eastern Congo, Burundi, Rwanda and northern Uganda. This report discusses conflicts in these areas in detail, as well as U.S.-led efforts to reach peaceful resolutions.
Date: October 28, 2003
Creator: Dagne, Theodore S. & Farrell, Maureen
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Agency Enforcement of the Prohibition Against Sex Discrimination Mandated by Title IX and EO 13160

Description: This report provides a summary of the federal agencies’ enforcement of and compliance with the prohibition against sex discrimination mandated by Title IX and Executive Order 13160. Specifically, this report discusses the implementation of regulations and procedures for enforcing the Title IX compliance of grant recipients and for enforcing the compliance of the federal agencies themselves with President Clinton’s Executive Order.
Date: October 28, 2002
Creator: Feder, Jody
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Air Force Bomber Contract Awarded

Description: This report briefly discusses the Department of Defense's recent announcement of its intention to award the contract to build the new Long Range Strike Bomber (LRS-B) to Northrop Grumman Corporation. The program will continue under the LRS-B name; the Air Force has not yet assigned the aircraft a "B-3"-style type designation.
Date: October 28, 2015
Creator: Gertler, Jeremiah
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Alloy sputtering at high fluence: Preferential sputtering and competing effects

Description: This work addresses composition profiles and partial sputter yields of an alloy under ion bombardment. Effects of preferential sputtering, mixing, and gibbsian segregation are modelled. Theoretical basis is an integro-differential equation into which a feasible expression for a segregation current has been included. Dependence on composition of pertinent input parameters like relocation cross sections and atomic volumes is allowed for but not explored explicitly. In the high fluence limit, a st… more
Date: October 28, 1992
Creator: Sigmund, P. & Oliva, A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Alternative Waste Forms for Electro-Chemical Salt Waste

Description: This study was undertaken to examine alternate crystalline (ceramic/mineral) and glass waste forms for immobilizing spent salt from the Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative (AFCI) electrochemical separations process. The AFCI is a program sponsored by U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to develop and demonstrate a process for recycling spent nuclear fuel (SNF). The electrochemical process is a molten salt process for the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel in an electrorefiner and generates spent salt th… more
Date: October 28, 2009
Creator: Crum, Jarrod V.; Sundaram, S. K.; Riley, Brian J.; Matyas, Josef; Arreguin, Shelly A. & Vienna, John D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Amplified-response-spectrum analysis of sodium-water reaction pressure waves. [LMFBR]

Description: This report deals with a frequency spectrum evaluation of the SWAAM I predicted double rupture disc assembly operation pressure wave generated in the LLTR Series II A-2 test. It also evaluates the same wave predicted by the TRANSWRAP II code and the pressure wave actually measured upstream of the rupture disc assembly by the test instrumentation in Test A-2. The SWAAM I and TRANSWRAP II codes currently use the same analytical model to characterize the rupture disc until the disc strikes the kni… more
Date: October 28, 1981
Creator: Knittle, D.E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analysis of alternatives for immobilized low activity waste disposal

Description: This report presents a study of alternative disposal system architectures and implementation strategies to provide onsite near-surface disposal capacity to receive the immobilized low-activity waste produced by the private vendors. The analysis shows that a flexible unit strategy that provides a suite of design solutions tailored to the characteristics of the immobilized low-activity waste will provide a disposal system that best meets the program goals of reducing the environmental, health, an… more
Date: October 28, 1997
Creator: Burbank, D. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: Monosodium titanate (MST) for use in the Actinide Removal Process (ARP) must be qualified and verified in advance. A single qualification sample for each batch of material is sent to SRNL for analysis, as well as a statistical sampling of verification samples. The Harrell Industries Lot No.081811 qualification and 12 verification samples met all the requirements in the specification, with the possible exception of the geometric standard deviation for particle size. Two subsamples from the quali… more
Date: October 28, 2011
Creator: Taylor-Pashow, K. & Fink, S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Apparatus for real-time acoustic imaging of Rayleigh-Bénard convection

Description: We have successfully designed, built and tested an experimental apparatus which is capable of providing the first real-time ultrasound images of Rayleigh-B\'{e}nard convection in optically opaque fluids confined to large aspect ratio experimental cells. The apparatus employs a modified version of a commercially available ultrasound camera to capture images (30 frames per second) of flow patterns in a fluid undergoing Rayleigh Bénard convection. The apparatus was validated by observing convectio… more
Date: October 28, 2008
Creator: Kuehn, Kerry, K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Application of Reservoir Characterization and Advanced Technology to Improve Recovery and Economics in a Lower Quality Shallow Shelf Carbonate Reservoir

Description: The Class 2 Project at West Welch was designed to demonstrate the use of advanced technologies to enhance the economics of improved oil recovery (IOR) projects in lower quality Shallow Shelf Carbonate (SSC) reservoirs, resulting in recovery of additional oil that would otherwise be left in the reservoir at project abandonment. Accurate reservoir description is critical to the effective evaluation and efficient design of IOR projects in the heterogeneous SSC reservoirs.
Date: October 28, 1999
Creator: Hickman, Scott T.; L., Justice James & Taylor, Archie R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Army's Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle (AMPV): Background and Issues for Congress

Description: This report provides background information on the Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle (AMPV) and it discusses the Army's proposed replacement to the Vietnam-era M-113 personnel carriers, which are still in service in a variety of support capacities in Armored Brigade Combat Teams (ABCTs).
Date: October 28, 2015
Creator: Feickert, Andrew
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Arsenal Act: Context and Legislative History

Description: This report describes the roles of the federal manufacturing arsenals during the years surrounding the enactment of the two sections of the Arsenal Act, one as part of the Army Appropriations Act for 1854, and the other within the Defense Act of 1920, also known as the Army Reorganization Act of 1920, and provides historical context. The report also shows the change in language between the sections' original enactment and today, and it provides details on the Army's policy in implementing the m… more
Date: October 28, 2011
Creator: Else, Daniel H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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