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open access

10 MMBt/Hr AFBC Commercial Demonstration Cedar Lane Farms

Description: The objective of this project was to demonstrate and promote the commercialization of coal-fired atmospheric fluidized bed combustion (AFBC) systems, with limestone addition for SO2 emissions control and a baghouse for particulate emissions control. This AFBC system was targeted for small scale industrial-commercial-institutional space and process heat applications in the 4-40 MMBtu/hr size range. A cost effective and environmentally acceptable AFBC technology in this size range could displace … more
Date: October 31, 2005
Creator: Keener, Harold M.; Wicks, Mary H.; Machamer, Tom; Hoecke, Dave; Bonk, Don & Brown, Bob
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

12-INCH SODIUM FLOW CONTROLLER. Technical Manual 20357

Description: A manual is presented for the Sodium Flow Controller used in controlling flow to regulate heat transfer in a liquid metal nuclear power plant. A description of the controller, general installation and operational pointers, installation instructions, instructions for dismantling of the Sodium Flow Controller, instructions for assembly of Sodium Flow Controller, list of special tools and fixtures, and repair parts list are given. (M.C.G.)
Date: October 31, 1962
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

14-Year 113Cd

Description: The half lives of Cd/sup 113m/ and Cd/sup 115m/ have been redetermined to be 14 sintering time 2 years and 44.2 sintering time 0.5 days, respectively. The ratio of Cd/sup 113m/Cd/sup 115m/ yields from thermal-neutron fission of U/sup 235/ is 0.27 sintering time 0.03, and the ratio of (n, ) formation cross sections is 0.31 sintering time 0.03. Combination of these ratios with literature values for the Cd/sup 115m/ fission yield and (n, ) formation cross section gives (1.9 sintering time 0.2) x 1… more
Date: October 31, 1959
Creator: Wahl, Arthur C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

16,000-rpm Interior Permanent Magnet Reluctance Machine with Brushless Field Excitation

Description: The reluctance interior permanent magnet (RIPM) motor is currently used by many leading auto manufacturers for hybrid vehicles. The power density for this type of motor is high compared with that of induction motors and switched reluctance motors. The primary drawback of the RIPM motor is the permanent magnet (PM) because during high-speed operation, the fixed PM produces a huge back electromotive force (emf) that must be reduced before the current will pass through the stator windings. This re… more
Date: October 31, 2007
Creator: Hsu, J. S.; Burress, T. A.; Lee, S. T.; Wiles, R. H.; Coomer, C. L.; McKeever, J.W. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

40-MW(e) Prototype High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor Research and Development Program. Quarterly Progress Report for the Period Ending June 30, 1962

Description: Research and development progress specifically directed toward the construction of a 40-Mw(e) prototype power plant employing a high-temperature, gas-cooled, graphitemoderated reactor known as the HTGR is reported. Irradiation of element III-B in the in-pile loop continued satisfactorily. The element has generated a total of l36.3 Mw-hr of fission heat. The gross activity in the purge stream increased slightly to about 350 mu C/cm/sup 3/. By taking larger gas samples than were previously taken,… more
Date: October 31, 1963
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

100 LPW 800 Lm Warm White LED

Description: An illumination grade warm white (WW) LED, having correlated color temperature (CCT) between 2800 K and 3500K and capable of producing 800 lm output at 100 lm/W, has been developed in this program. The high power WW LED is an ideal source for use as replacement for incandescent, and Halogen reflector and general purpose lamps of similar lumen value. Over the two year period, we have made following accomplishments: developed a high power warm white LED product and made over 50% improvements in l… more
Date: October 31, 2010
Creator: Sun, Decai
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

1961 Salmon Survey

Description: Explanation of research methods and data collected during a salmon survey at the Project Chariot site near Seattle, Washington.
Date: October 31, 1965
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

2000 Census: Complete Costs of Coverage Evaluation Programs Are Not Available

Description: A letter report issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "To assess the quality of the population data collected in the 2000 Census, the U.S. Census Bureau conducted the Accuracy and Coverage Evaluation (A.C.E.) program, which focused on a survey of housing units designed to estimate the number of people missed, counted more than once, or otherwise improperly counted in the census. GAO reviewed the life cycle costs of the A.C.E. program and its predecessor, the Integ… more
Date: October 31, 2002
Creator: United States. General Accounting Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

2000 Census: Lessons Learned for Planning a More Cost-Effective 2010 Census

Description: A letter report issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "GAO reviewed the funding of 2000 Census planning and development efforts and the impact it had on census operations. Total funding for the 2000 Census, referred to as the life cycle cost, covers a 13-year period from fiscal year 1991 through fiscal year 2003 and is expected to total $6.5 billion adjusted to 2000 year dollars. This amount was almost double the reported life cycle cost of the 1990 Census of $3.3… more
Date: October 31, 2002
Creator: United States. General Accounting Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

2007 Annual Report Summer Research Institute Interfacial and Condensed Phase Chemical Physics

Description: The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) hosted its fourth annual Summer Research Institute in Interfacial and Condensed Phase Chemical Physics from April through September 2007. During this time, 21 PNNL scientists hosted 23 participants from 20 different universities. Of the 23 participants, 20 were graduate students, 1 was a postdoctoral fellow, and 2 were university faculty members. This report covers the essense of the program and the research the participants performed.
Date: October 31, 2007
Creator: Beck, Kenneth M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

3rd Quarterly Technical Progress Report for Geothermal System Temperature-Depth Database

Description: At the Southern Methodist University Geothermal Laboratory in Dallas, Texas, the Earth`s surface and internal temperature are studied. With financial support from the U.S. Department of Energy, a data base containing geothermal temperature well information for the United States is being developed. During this calendar quarter, activity with this project has continued involving several different tasks: planning and development of the geothermal system thermal-well data base and temperature-depth… more
Date: October 31, 1997
Creator: Blackwell, D.D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Abiotic Degradation Rates for Carbon Tetrachloride: and Chloroform: Progress in FY 2008

Description: This is a letter report summarizing work performed in FY2008 to determine the rates of carbon tetrachloride hydrolysis at temperatures close to actual groundwater temperatures. The report describes the project, the methodology, and the results obtained since the project's inception in FY2006. Measurements of hydrolysis rates in homogeneous solution have been completed for temperaturs of 70 C through 40 C, with additional data available at 30 C and 20 C. These results show no difference between … more
Date: October 31, 2008
Creator: Amonette, James E.; Jeffers, Peter M.; Qafoku, Odeta; Russell, Colleen K.; Wietsma, Thomas W. & Truex, Michael J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Absorption Spectra of Aromatic Disulfides

Description: The effect of solvents and temperature on the optical absorption spectrum of a number of substituted aromatic disulfides is reported. The problems offered by the disulfide link and the exchange reactions between disulfides, and between disulfides and thiols, are receiving increasing attention. Recently the base-catalyzed exchange between various alkyl disulfides and the corresponding thiols was studied by means of a radioactive-tracer technique. Our initial purpose was to extend these investiga… more
Date: October 31, 1956
Creator: Fava, Antonio & Calvin, Melvin
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Acceptable TRU packaging for interim storage and/or terminal isolation

Description: The major objective of ERDA Manual Chapter 0511 is responsible technical management of its radioactive wastes. To ensure long term technical management, this DOE responsibility initially begins with the generation of radioactive wastes in all DOE operations and includes all other attributes and parameters (waste processing, packaging, shipping and storage) over the lifetime of the radionuclides. Close examination of the entire waste management cycle clearly indicates that one of the most import… more
Date: October 31, 1977
Creator: Kokenge, B.R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Accidental Radiogold (198Au) Liver Scan Overdose With Fatal Outcome

Description: This report addresses the use of radioisotopes for scanning, which has added significantly to the clinician's ability to detect and interpret disease manifestations.
Date: October 31, 1969
Creator: Baron, J.M.; Yachnin, S.; Polcyn, R.; Fitch, F.W. & Sturner, W.G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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