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open access

Test Bed Taxonomy for Crawler

Description: This report contains an annotated taxonomy of challenges that web crawler may encounter online.
Date: July 2004
Creator: Boyko, Andrew; Anderson, Martha & Jones, Gina
Partner: International Internet Preservation Consortium
open access

Web Harvesting Survey

Description: This report contains a survey of the conditions found on web sites that influence the harvesting of content and the quality of an archival crawl.
Date: July 2004
Creator: Marill, Jennifer; Boyko, Andrew; Ashenfelder, Michael & Jones, Gina
Partner: International Internet Preservation Consortium
open access

Rapid Qualitative Risk Assessment for Contaminant Leakage From Coal Seams During Underground Coal Gasification and CO2 Injection

Description: One of the major risks associated with underground coal gasification is contamination of local aquifers with a variety of toxic compounds. It is likely that the rate, volume, extent, and concentrations of contaminant plumes will depend on the local permeability field near the point of gasification. This field depends heavily on the geological history of stratigraphic deposition and the specifics of stratigraphic succession. Some coals are thick and isolated, whereas others are thinner and more … more
Date: July 2, 2004
Creator: Friedmann, S J
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Gridley Ethanol Demonstration Project Utilizing Gasification Technology: Feedstock Supply Plan; March 15, 2004

Description: The report describes a Feedstock Supply Plan for the proposed Gridley Ethanol Demonstration Project to be located in the City of Gridley Industrial Park in Gridley, California. This report also includes information on the establishment of the required infrastructure required for collecting approximately 113,000 Bone Dry Tons (BDT) annually for the proposed facility. Using the Pearson Technology from Aberdeen, Mississippi, and the related engineering assumptions for required feedstock, it is est… more
Date: July 1, 2004
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Level densities and gamma-ray strength functions in 170,171,172-Yb

Description: Level densities and radiative strength functions in {sup 171}Yb and {sup 170}Yb nuclei have been measured using the {sup 171}Yb({sup 3}He{sup 3}He{gamma}){sup 171}Yb and {sup 171}Yb({sup 3}He,{alpha}{gamma}){sup 170}Yb reactions. New data on {sup 171}Yb are compared to a previous measurement for {sup 171}Yb from the {sup 172}Yb({sup 3}He,{alpha}{gamma}){sup 171}Yb reaction. Systematics of level densities and radiative strength functions in {sup 170,171,172}Yb are established. The entropy excess… more
Date: July 28, 2004
Creator: Agvaanluvsan, U.; Schiller, A.; Becker, J.; Bernstein, L.; Garrett, P.; Guttormsen, M. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

CT Scan of NASA Booster Nozzle

Description: We scanned a Booster Nozzle for NASA with our 9 meV LINAC, AmSi panel scanner. Three scans were performed using different filtering schemes and different positions of the nozzle. The results of the scan presented here are taken from the scan which provided the best contrast and lowest noise of the three. Our inspection data shows a number of indications of voids in the outer coating of rubber/carbon. The voids are mostly on the side of the nozzle, but a few small voids are present at the ends o… more
Date: July 27, 2004
Creator: Schneberk, D; Perry, R & Thompson, R
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Ultrasonic Examination of Double-Shell Tank 241-SY-101. Examination Completed March 2004.

Description: COGEMA Engineering Corporation (COGEMA), under a contract from CH2M Hill Hanford Group (CH2M Hill), has performed an ultrasonic nondestructive examination of selected portions of Double-Shell Tank 241-SY-101. The purpose of this examination was to provide information that could be used to evaluate the integrity of the wall of the primary tank. The requirements for the ultrasonic examination of Tank 241-SY-101 were to detect, characterize (identify, size, and locate), and record measurements mad… more
Date: July 22, 2004
Creator: Pardini, Allan F. & Posakony, Gerald J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Multi-Pulse DARHT Machine-Plasma Plume Problem

Description: The plasma current decay time constant is predicted to be short compared to the pulse length and so self-focusing is predicted for most of the beam pulse. Four- pulse beam envelopes for a high dose case require mitigation, those for a low dose case do not. Methods of mitigation are summarized. Hose instability growth in the plume length is predicted to be minimal.
Date: July 1, 2004
Creator: Lauer, E J
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

On The Use Of Models To Assess Foot-And-Mouth Disease Transmission And Control

Description: The 2001 outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in Europe (Ferguson et al. 2001a, 2001b; Bouma et al. 2003) and concern about the possibility of an intentional introduction of a devastating foreign animal disease triggered renewed interest in both theoretical and experimental research related to FMD. Theoretical models of disease transmission, which influenced the tactical decisions of the United Kingdom (UK) government during the epidemic (Taylor 2003), resulted in large numbers of uninfect… more
Date: July 12, 2004
Creator: Kostova-Vassilevska, Tanya
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

FY05-FY06 Advanced Simulation and Computing Implementation Plan, Volume 2

Description: The Stockpile Stewardship Program (SSP) is a single, highly integrated technical program for maintaining the safety and reliability of the U.S. nuclear stockpile. The SSP uses past nuclear test data along with future non-nuclear test data, computational modeling and simulation, and experimental facilities to advance understanding of nuclear weapons. It includes stockpile surveillance, experimental research, development and engineering programs, and an appropriately scaled production capability … more
Date: July 19, 2004
Creator: Baron, A. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Renewable Energy Water Pumping Systems Handbook; Period of Performance: April 1--September 1, 2001

Description: Water is one of the most basic necessities of rural development. This book provides valuable information on how renewable energy technologies can be used for irrigation, livestock watering, and domestic water supplies. This report emphasizes wind and solar energy resources, and hybrid water pumping systems.
Date: July 1, 2004
Creator: Argaw, N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Intrinisc Angular and Energy Resolution of Electron-Tracking Detectors

Description: The purpose of this study was to estimate the intrinsic physics limitations on the angular and energy resolution of electron-tracking type gamma-ray detectors. In a Compton interaction, one can completely determine the direction and energy of the incoming gamma ray, without measuring the scattered photon's energy, if one can measure the direction and energy of the scattered electron, and the direction of the scattered photon. Multiple scattering of the Compton electron will quickly destroy the … more
Date: July 9, 2004
Creator: Gronberg, J B; Johnson, S C; Lange, D J & Wright, D M
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Study of Compton vs. Photoelectric Interactions

Description: We have studied how often incoming photons interact via a Compton interaction and/or a photoelectric interaction as a function of energy and detector material Results are using a 1m{sup 3} detector, and discrete energy photons from 0.1 MeV up to 10 MeV. Essentially all of the lower energy photons interact at least once in a detector of this size. This is not the case at higher energies. Each detector, photon energy combination was simulated with 2000 photons.
Date: July 9, 2004
Creator: Gronberg, J B; Johnson, S C; Lange, D J; Wright, D M & Beiersdorfer, P
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Certification of Completion of Level-2 Milestone 405: Deploy Next-Generation Data Management and Analysis Environment

Description: This summary report describes data management and visualization activities in the Advanced Simulation and Computing (ASC) program at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). The report covers the period from approximately October 2003 to June 2004 and describes activities within the Visual Interactive Environment for Weapons Simulation (VIEWS) ASC program element. This report and the references herein are intended to document the completion of the following Level 2 Milestone from the ASC … more
Date: July 28, 2004
Creator: Long, J W; Frank, R J; Brugger, E & Louis, S
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Engineering Annual Summary 2003

Description: No Description Available.
Date: July 21, 2004
Creator: Patterson, S R
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Biodiesel Production Technology: August 2002--January 2004

Description: Biodiesel is an alternative fuel for diesel engines that is gaining attention in the United States after reaching a considerable level of success in Europe. The purpose of this book is to describe and explain the process and issues involved in producing this fuel.
Date: July 1, 2004
Creator: Van Gerpen, J.; Shanks,B.; Pruszko,R.; Clements, D. & Knothe, G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Measurements of Horizontal Flow in the Vicinity of a Building: A Field Study from June to December 1999

Description: The pattern of flow around a discrete, yet architecturally complex building is measured through the use of arrays of 2-D sonic anemometers. When the measurements are grouped according to upwind wind direction and normalized by the upwind wind speed, the resulting average vectors reveal persistent patterns of divergence, separation zones, and lee eddies. Additional measurements were made investigating specific details of flow. A pair of 10-m towers supported four levels of anemometers to explore… more
Date: July 29, 2004
Creator: Gouveia, F J & Shinn, J H
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Characterization of the Near-Field Transport and Dispersion of Vapors Released from the Headspaces of Hanford Site Underground Storage Tanks

Description: A parametric air dispersion analysis has been conducted to define the range of tank vapor concentrations from the Hanford Site underground tanks that can potentially occur in the worker breathing zones from active and passive releases from the waste tanks. The potential influences of tank farm specific release characteristics, ambient meteorological conditions, local farm surface roughness, and topographical influences are considered. The parametric approach allows consideration of the full ran… more
Date: July 30, 2004
Creator: Droppo, James G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Study of the Uncertainty on Compton Ring Reconstruction

Description: The purpose of this study was to estimate the effect of measurement errors in the position and energy of the observed interactions on the angular resolution of a Compton-ring imaging type detector. In a Compton interaction, if one can measure the energy of the scattered photon and the energy of the Compton electron, then one can determine the scattering angle between the incoming and outgoing photon using the well-known Compton formula.
Date: July 9, 2004
Creator: Gronberg, J B; Johnson, S C; Lange, D J & Wright, D M
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Establishment of a Cost-Effective and Robust Planning Basis for the Processing of M-91 Waste at the Hanford Site

Description: This report identifies and evaluates viable alternatives for the accelerated processing of Hanford Site transuranic (TRU) and mixed low-level wastes (MLLW) that cannot be processed using existing site capabilities. Accelerated processing of these waste streams will lead to earlier reduction of risk and considerable life-cycle cost savings. The processing need is to handle both oversized MLLW and TRU containers as well as containers with surface contact dose rates greater than 200 mrem/hr. This … more
Date: July 30, 2004
Creator: Johnson, Wayne L. & Parker, Brian M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Integrated Design and Production Reference Integration with ArchGenXML V1.00

Description: ArchGenXML is a tool that allows easy creation of Zope products through the use of Archetypes. The Integrated Design and Production Reference (IDPR) should be highly configurable in order to meet the needs of a diverse engineering community. Ease of configuration is key to the success of IDPR. The purpose of this paper is to describe a method of using a UML diagram editor to configure IDPR through ArchGenXML and Archetypes.
Date: July 20, 2004
Creator: Barter, R H
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Application of Trapped-Air Analysis to Large Complex High-Pressure Magnesium Casting

Description: The usual method for simulating die-castings consists of a solidification analysis of the casting process - a computer calculation of heat transfer between the casting and the die components. The use of cyclic simulations, coupled with the geometric accuracy of the finite element method, has advanced this procedure to the point where it is routinely used for reliable prediction of shrinkage defects in die-castings. Filling analysis is also routinely used to get a glimpse of cavity filling and e… more
Date: July 8, 2004
Creator: Prindiville, J.; Lee, S. & Gokhale, A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Design Documentation for JaWE2Openflow Project

Description: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) has chosen CIGNEX Technologies, Inc. (CIGNEX) to design and develop the JaWE2Openflow conversion software. This document was created by CIGNEX as a project deliverable.
Date: July 29, 2004
Creator: Mehta, N & Barter, R H
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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