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open access

Sugar Policy Issues [Updated April 5, 2002]

Description: This report discusses federal support for the domestic sugar industry and the economic consequences to the market caused by fluctuating levels of sugar prices and sugar production. This includes an examination of the stakeholder and legislative contention over U.S. sugar subsidization policy.
Date: April 5, 2002
Creator: Jurenas, Remy
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Dairy Policy Issues

Description: Several dairy issues that were debated during the 108th Congress are expected to continue as issues of interest in the 109th Congress. Separate bills were introduced in the 108th Congress to extend authority for both the Milk Income Loss Contract (MILC) Program and the dairy forward pricing pilot program, and to address dairy producer concerns about the importation of milk protein concentrates.
Date: April 9, 2002
Creator: Chite, Ralph M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Farm Commodity Payment Limits: Comparison of Proposals

Description: This report discusses U.S. policy regard farm commodities. Greater public awareness of the size of commodity program payments reaching a comparatively small number of very large farms has focused the attention of Congress on payment limits. Limits on commodity program payments have been imposed since 1970. As part of the emergency economic assistance packages enacted each of the past three years, the payment limits have been doubled. In addition, a mechanism has been developed that allows farms… more
Date: April 26, 2002
Creator: Womach, Jasper
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Endangered Species: Difficult Choices

Description: This report discusses issues debated in the 107th Congress while is considering various proposals to amend the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA). Major issues in recent years have included changing the role of science in decision-making, changing the role of critical habitat, reducing conflicts with Department of Defense activities, incorporating further protection for property owners, and increasing protection of listed species, among others. In addition, many have advocated including signi… more
Date: April 3, 2002
Creator: Buck, Eugene H.; Corn, M. Lynne & Baldwin, Pamela
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Education for the Disadvantaged: ESEA Title I Reauthorization Issues

Description: This issue brief covers only Parts A and E of ESEA Title I. Part A of Title I, grants to LEAs, constitutes over 90% of total Title I funding, while Part E authorizes program evaluation and demonstration projects of innovative practices, including the Comprehensive School Reform Program. Other Parts of Title I authorize the Even Start program of joint services to young disadvantaged children and their parents (Part B), plus aid for the education of migrant (Part C) and neglected or delinquent yo… more
Date: April 19, 2002
Creator: Riddle, Wayne C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Environmental Protection Agency's FY2003 Budget

Description: On April 9, 2001, the President requested $7.3 billion in discretionary budget authority for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for FY2002, $512.0 million (or 7%) less than the FY2001 funding level of $7.8 billion. The request would not have continued funding of about $500 million for activities earmarked for FY2001, and contained provisions shifting more enforcement responsibilities to the states. Popular wastewater infrastructure funding, state roles, and the future of Superfund were s… more
Date: April 25, 2002
Creator: Lee, Martin R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Program: Background and Context

Description: Congressional Research Service (CRS) report entailing information about the context and background of the Safe and Drug-Free schools and Communities Program. Topics include, impact evaluation, the national coordinator program, grants to reduce alcohol abuse etc..
Date: April 22, 2002
Creator: Cooper, Edith Fairman
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

FY2003 Budget and Related Documents: Internet Access and GPO Availability

Description: In February, the President submits to Congress a series of budget volumes which contain the President’s budget proposalsforthe upcoming fiscal year, historical data, and analytical supplements. Early in the year, the Economic Report of the President is released by the Council of Economic Advisors, and the Congressional Budget Office issues its publications, Budget and Economic Outlook and Analysis of the President’s Budget. Neither CRS nor the Library of Congress can provide giveaway copies of … more
Date: April 12, 2002
Creator: Murray, Justin
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Asian Pacific Americans in the United States Congress

Description: This report provides information on the 33 Asian Pacific Americans who have served in the United States Congress from 1903 to the present, including 13 Resident Commissioners from the Philippine Islands. These Resident Commissioners served from 1907-1946 while the Philippines were a U.S. territory and commonwealth (all were Philippine born). Information on Members and territorial delegates includes party affiliations, length and dates of service, and committee assignments.
Date: April 19, 2002
Creator: Tong, Lorraine H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Tracking Current Federal Legislation and Regulations: A Guide to Basic Sources

Description: This report introduces selected basic sources that are useful in obtaining background information or specific facts on the status of federal legislative or regulatory initiatives. It includes telephone, online, and media sources are included, as well as pertinent directories, such as those of organizations that track areas of interest. Annotations describing each source's contents and organization are included so that researchers can select those that most closely fit their needs. Internet addr… more
Date: April 12, 2002
Creator: Davis, Carol D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Appropriations for FY2002: Legislative Branch

Description: Appropriations are one part of a complex federal budget process that includes budget resolutions, appropriations (regular, supplemental, and continuing) bills, rescissions, and budget reconciliation bills. This report is a guide to one of the 13 regular appropriations bills that Congress passes each year. It is designed to supplement the information provided by the House and Senate Appropriations Subcommittees on Legislative Branch Appropriations.
Date: April 10, 2002
Creator: Dwyer, Paul E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Enron: A Select Chronology of Congressional, Corporate, and Government Activities

Description: This report presents basic background information on the collapse of the Enron Corporation, identifying public policy issues in financial market oversight. This report briefly summarizes some federal laws carrying criminal penalties which may be implicated in the events surrounding the collapse of the Enron Corp. This report compares the auditing and accounting reform measures passed by the House (H.R. 3763) and reported by the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. This repor… more
Date: April 9, 2002
Creator: Anderson, J. Michael
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Expulsion, Censure, Reprimand, and Fine: Legislative Discipline in the House of Representatives

Description: The House of Representatives is expressly authorized within the United States Constitution (Article I, Section 5, clause 2) to discipline or “punish” its own Members. This authority of the institution of the House to discipline a Member for “disorderly Behaviour” is in addition to any criminal or civil liability that a Member of the House may incur for particular misconduct, and is a device or procedure designed not so much as merely a punishment of the individual Member, but rather ultimately … more
Date: April 16, 2002
Creator: Maskell, Jack
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Cybercrime: The Council of Europe Convention

Description: Forty-three countries, including the United States, have signed the Council of Europe’s Convention on Cybercrime of November 2001. The U.S. Senate ratified the Convention on August 3, 2006. The Convention seeks to better combat cybercrime by harmonizing national laws, improving investigative abilities, and boosting international cooperation. Supporters argue that the Convention will enhance deterrence, while critics counter it will have little effect without participation by countries in which … more
Date: April 26, 2002
Creator: Archick, Kristin
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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