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open access

Fair Trial and Free Press

Description: This report discusses the two constitutional rights, right to a fair trial and right to fair press, which collides with various degree of intensity and urgency primarily in the area of publicity before and during a criminal trial, and discusses some recent major cases, regulations and some proposed solutions.
Date: November 29, 1968
Creator: Zafren, Daniel Hill
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: A manual is given of the equipment and procedures used in the Army Reactor (SM-1A) to control the water purity and makeup. In addition to a description of the primary purification control system, a discussion is presented of the water chemistry control procedures for the auxiliary systems (e.g., the spent-fuel pit, the shield tank, and the waste disposal system). (T.F.H.)
Date: September 29, 1960
Creator: Chupak, J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Data report of a pretest analysis of soil-structure interaction and structural response in low-amplitude explosive testing (50 KG) of the heissdampfreaktor (HDR)

Description: This report describes a three-dimensional nonlinear TRANAL finite element analysis of a nuclear reactor subjected to ground shaking from a buried 50 kg explosive source. The analysis is a pretest simulation of a test event which was scheduled to be conducted in West Germany on 3 November 1979.
Date: November 29, 1979
Creator: Vaughan, D.K.; Sandler, I.; Rubin, D.; Isenberg, J. & Nikooyeh, H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Tested method to minimize plutonium assay discrepancies between laboratories

Description: Plutonium assay differences are frequently observed between laboratories exchanging plutonium dioxide powders. These differences are commonly the result of chemical changes and/or nonhomogeneities in sampled materials. The irregularities are often caused by moisture absorption during sampling, packaging, shipment, and storage of the materials. A method is proposed which eliminates the effects of chemical change in samples, particularly moisture absorption, and minimizes sampling error. A nondes… more
Date: January 29, 1982
Creator: Seiler, R. J.; Goss, R. L.; Rodenburg, W. W. & Rogers, D. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reasons for the termination of, and DOE losses in, a geothermal demonstration powerplant project

Description: The 50-megawatt Baca geothermal demonstration powerplant project, located in northern New Mexico, was the Department of Energy's (DOE's) initial effort to demonstrate geothermal powerplant technology. The project, started in 1978, was believed to have a high probability of success, and its cost was to be shared equally with the industry participants. GAO's review showed that the project was terminated in January 1982 because sufficient geothermal steam to operate the powerplant could not be obt… more
Date: September 29, 1983
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Documentation of Volume Three of the 1978 Energy Information Administration Annual Report to Congress

Description: The purpose of the ARC78 forecasts and the ways in which they differ from those in the ARC77 are discussed. In a preliminary overview of the projection process, the relationship between energy prices, supply, and demand is addressed. Topics treated in detail include a description of energy-economic interactions, assumptions regarding world oil prices, and energy modeling in the long term beyond 1995. Subsequent sections present the general approach and methodology underlying the forecasts, and … more
Date: February 29, 1980
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Modular OTEC platforms, SKSS designs. Volume I. Executive summary. Final report

Description: One of the possible options for generating electrical energy from ocean thermal gradients requires the use of a floating offshore platform. The platform would contain all OTEC (Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion) systems and power cycle components and consist of the hull, seawater, station-keeping, platform service, and mission support subsystems. It would be stationed at one of the designated OTEC sites, and would transmit the generated electricity to the shore power networks by means of an elect… more
Date: February 29, 1980
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Solar production of industrial process steam for the Lone Star Brewery. Final report

Description: This report outlines the detailed design and system analysis of a solar industrial process steam system for the Lone Star Brewery. The industrial plant has an average natural gas usage of 12.7 MMcf per month. The majority of this energy goes to producing process steam of 125 psi and 353/sup 0/F at about 50,000 lb/h, with this load dropping to about 6000 lb/h on the weekends. The maximum steam production of the solar energy system is about 1700 lb/h. The climatic conditions at the industrial sit… more
Date: June 29, 1979
Creator: Deffenbaugh, D. M.; Watkins, P. V.; Hugg, S. B.; Kulesz, J. J.; Decker, H. E. & Powell, R. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Pathfinder Atomic Power Plant. Thermal and Hydraulic Design of the Pathfinder Boiling Water Integral Nuclear Superheating Reactor

Description: A thermal and hydraulic design investigation of the Pathfinder Reactor, including analytical and experimental determinations, as well as a complete set of performance calculations, was carried out. A detailed analysis of the reactor energy balance was conducted. Results of the analyses indicated that the reactor will perform within the limits of the material design criteria and operational requirements. Fuel element temperatures are not excessive under the worst combination of circumstances. Th… more
Date: August 29, 1962
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Low cost solar collector of a packed bed design

Description: Two solar collectors using a pebble bed design were constructed and tested using air as the heat exchange media. One collector had pebbles of metallurgical grade coke, and the other had a frothy volcanic material called scoria. The highly irregular surface of such vesicular material should increase the path distance for the air and the surface exposed cavities should give some honeycomb effect. Both should yield greater efficiency. Actual testing shows the efficiencies to be comparable with oth… more
Date: July 29, 1977
Creator: Simpson, D.R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Conceptual designs for modular OTEC SKSS. Final report

Description: This volume presents the results of the first phase of the Station Keeping Subsystem (SKSS) design study for 40 MW/sub e/ capacity Modular Experiment OTEC Platforms. The objectives of the study were: (1) establishment of basic design requirements; (2) verification of technical feasibility of SKSS designs; (3) identification of merits and demerits; (4) estimates of sizes for major components; (5) estimates of life cycle costs; (6) deployment scenarios and time/cost/risk assessments; (7) maintena… more
Date: February 29, 1980
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Technical evaluation report on the monitoring of electric power to the reactor-protection system for the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station

Description: This report documents the technical evaluation of the monitoring of electric power to the reactor protection system (RPS) at the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station. The evaluation is to determine if the proposed design modification will protect the RPS from abnormal voltage and frequency conditions which could be supplied from the power supplies and will meet certain requirements set forth by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The proposed design modifications will protect the RPS from sustained abn… more
Date: April 29, 1982
Creator: Selan, J.C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Minutes: ANSI Steering Committee on Solar Energy Standards Development

Description: Minutes of the April 29, 1980, meeting of the American National Standards Institute steering committee on solar energy standards development are given. Attachments include correspondence from individuals and organizations which primarily describe the Solar Public Interest Coordination Committee (SPICC) and its recent activities. Also a report on the meeting of the ANSI subcommittee on international activity is attached. (WHK)
Date: April 29, 1980
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development of improved iron Fischer-Tropsch catalysts

Description: The objective of proposed research is development of catalysts with enhanced slurry phase activity and better selectivity to fuel range products, through a more detailed understanding and systematic studies of the effects of pretreatment procedures and promoters/binders (silica) on catalyst performance.
Date: October 29, 1990
Creator: Bukur, D.B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Magnetic field in the SSC arc quad

Description: In part one we report on field calculations along the conductor in the end region of the SSC arc-quad. We have determined that the maximum field in the 2D section is 5.04 tesla located at the pole turn of the inner layer somewhere in the middle of the cable (strand 9)(fields are at 6500 A). At the end'' the maximum field is slightly higher 5.09 tesla located at the overpass (strand 11). The iron contribution was included assuming infinite permeability. In part two we include results of a 3D rep… more
Date: April 29, 1991
Creator: Caspi, S.; Helm, M. & Laslett, L.J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Theoretical approach for enhanced mass transfer effects in-duct flue gas desulfurization processes

Description: Removal of sulfur dioxide (SO{sub 2}) from the flue gas of coal- burning power plants can be achieved by duct spray drying using calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH){sub 2}) slurries. A primary objective of this research was to discover the aspects of mass transfer into Ca(OH){sub 2} slurries which limit SO{sub 2} absorption. A bench- scale stirred tank reactor with a flat gas/liquid interface was used to simulate SO{sub 2} absorption in a slurry droplet. The absorption rate of SO{sub 2} from gas concentr… more
Date: January 29, 1992
Creator: Jozewicz, W. (Acurex Corp., Research Triangle Park, NC (United States). Environmental Systems Div.) & Rochelle, G.T. (Texas Univ., Austin, TX (United States). Dept. of Chemical Engineering)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preliminary designs for modular OTEC platform station-keeping subsystems. Final report. MR and S Report No. 6042-6

Description: This volume of the report presents the results of the third through the sixth tasks of the Station Keeping Subsystem (SKSS) design studies for 10/40 MW/sub e/ capacity OTEC Modular Experiment platforms (MEP). Tasks 3 through 6 are: (3) complete preliminary designs for one SKSS for each of the two platforms (SPAR and BARGE); (4) development and testing recommendations for the MEP SKSS; (5) cost-time analysis; and (6) commercial plant recommendations. The overall conclusions and recommendations f… more
Date: February 29, 1980
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Special topics reports for the reference tandem mirror fusion breeder. Volume 5. Neutronic issues and optimization

Description: More rigorous nuclear analysis, including the treatment of resonance self-shielding effects coupled with an optimization procedure, has resulted in improved performance of the Be/Li/Th blanket. Net U-233 breeding ratio has increased 36% (to 0.84) while at a U/Th ratio of 0.25 a/o energy multiplication has increased 12% (to 2.1) compared with earlier results.
Date: March 29, 1985
Creator: Lee, J. D. & Bandini, B. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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