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open access

Advanced Cuttings Transport Study Quarterly Technical Report: April-June 2004

Description: We have tested the loop elevation system. We raised the mast to approximately 25 to 30 degrees from horizontal. All went well. However, while lowering the mast, it moved laterally a couple of degrees. Upon visual inspection, severe spalling of the concrete on the face of the support pillar, and deformation of the steel support structure was observed. At this time, the facility is ready for testing in the horizontal position. A new air compressor has been received and set in place for the ACTS t… more
Date: July 31, 2004
Creator: Miska, Stefan; Takach, Nicholas & Ashenayi, Kaveh
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Cellulose Synthesis in Agrobacterium tumefaciens

Description: We have cloned the celC gene and its homologue from E. coli, yhjM, in an expression vector and expressed the both genes in E. coli; we have determined that the YhjM protein is able to complement in vitro cellulose synthesis by extracts of A. tumefaciens celC mutants, we have purified the YhjM protein product and are currently examining its enzymatic activity; we have examined whole cell extracts of CelC and various other cellulose mutants and wild type bacteria for the presence of cellulose oli… more
Date: July 31, 2004
Creator: White, Alan R. & Matthysse, Ann G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development of DNA Microarrays for Metabolic Pathway and Bioprocess Monitoring

Description: Transcriptional profiling experiments utilizing DNA microarrays to study the intracellular accumulation of PHB in Synechocystis has proved difficult in large part because strains that show significant differences in PHB which would justify global analysis of gene expression have not been isolated.
Date: July 31, 2004
Creator: Stephanopoulos, Gregory
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development of On-line Instrumentation and Techniques to Detect and Measure Particulates Quarterly Report

Description: In this quarter, we have constructed the first field deployable PM measurement system. This system is retrofit from the system that we designed and tested in the lab, and by adding light blocking covers and rugged electronic boxes, we are now ready to test the instrument in our industrial collaborator's site with real engines. We have also collected tons of data on standard PM particles with our lab instrument.
Date: July 31, 2004
Creator: Wu, Sheng; Palm, Steve; Tang, Yongchun & Goddard, William A., III
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effective Theories Of The Strong Interaction

Description: This is the final report corresponding to the full funding period (08/01-07/04) in the Department of Energy Outstanding Junior Investigator Grant DE-FG03-01ER41196. The development of an understanding of the interplay between perturbative and non-perturbative effects in strong-interacting systems forms the broad context of this research. The main thrust is the application of effective theories to QCD. Topics included a new power counting in the pionful effective theory, low-energy Compton scatt… more
Date: July 31, 2004
Creator: van Kolck, Ubirajara
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fundamentals of Energy Transport in Nanofluids Annual Report

Description: The research objectives of this project are the development and applications of nanoparticle analyzing techniques to examine their thermal behaviors in suspension, including the thermal conductivity, thermal (Brownian) diffusion, thermophoresis and thermocapillaryphoresis.
Date: July 31, 2004
Creator: Kihm, Kenneth D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

O&M Best Practices - A Guide to Achieving Operational Efficiency (Release 2.0)

Description: This guide, sponsored by DOE's Federal Energy Management Program, highlights operations and maintenance (O&M) programs targeting energy efficiency that are estimated to save 5% to 20% on energy bills without a significant capital investment. The purpose of this guide is to provide the federal O&M energy manager and practitioner with useful information about O&M management, technologies, energy efficiency and cost-reduction approaches.
Date: July 31, 2004
Creator: Sullivan, Gregory P.; Pugh, Ray; Melendez, Aldo P. & Hunt, W. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Optimizing Technology to Reduce Mercury and Acid Gas Emissions from Electric Power Plants

Description: County-average hydrogen values are calculated for the part 2, 1999 Information Collection Request (ICR) coal-quality data, published by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. These data are used together with estimated, county-average moisture values to calculate average net heating values for coal produced in U.S. counties. Finally, 10 draft maps of the contiguous U.S. showing the potential uncontrolled sulfur, chlorine and mercury emissions of coal by U.S. county-of-origin, as well as expe… more
Date: July 31, 2004
Creator: Quick, Jeffrey C.; Tabet, David E.; Wakefield, Sharon & Bon, Roger L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Wind Generation Feasibility Study in Bethel, AK

Description: This report studies the wind resources in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation (YKHC) region, located in southwestern Alaska, and the applicability of wind generation technologies to YKHC facilities.
Date: July 31, 2004
Creator: Tom Humphrey, YKHC & Lance Kincaid, EMCOR Energy & Technologies
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Advanced Fracture Characterization and Well Path Navigation System for Effective Re-Development and Enhancement of Ultimate Recovery From the Complex Monterey Reservoir of South Ellwood Field, Offshore California, Quarterly Report: March - June 2004

Description: Venoco Inc, intends to re-develop the Monterey Formation, a Class III basin reservoir, at South Ellwood Field, Offshore Santa Barbara, California. Well productivity in this field varies significantly. Cumulative Monterey production for individual wells has ranged from 260 STB to 8,700,000 STB. Productivity is primarily affected by how well the well path connects with the local fracture system and the degree of aquifer support. Cumulative oil recovery to date is a small percentage of the origina… more
Date: July 30, 2004
Creator: Horner, Steve
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced Overfire Air system and design

Description: The objective of the proposed project is to design, install and optimize a prototype advanced tangential OFA air system on two mass feed stoker boilers that can burn coal, biomass and a mixture of these fuels. The results will be used to develop a generalized methodology for retrofit designs and optimization of advanced OFA air systems. The advanced OFA system will reduce particulate and NOx emissions and improve overall efficiency by reducing carbon in the ash and excess oxygen. The advanced O… more
Date: July 30, 2004
Creator: berkau, Gene
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the Ohio Coal Development Office (OCDO) have recently initiated a project aimed at identifying, evaluating, and qualifying the materials needed for the construction of the critical components of coal-fired boilers capable of operating at much higher efficiencies than current generation of supercritical plants. This increased efficiency is expected to be achieved principally through the use of ultrasupercritical steam conditions (USC). The project goal ini… more
Date: July 30, 2004
Creator: Viswanathan, R.; Coleman, K.; Shingledecker, J.; Sarver, J.; Stanko, G.; Mohn, W. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Characterization of the Near-Field Transport and Dispersion of Vapors Released from the Headspaces of Hanford Site Underground Storage Tanks

Description: A parametric air dispersion analysis has been conducted to define the range of tank vapor concentrations from the Hanford Site underground tanks that can potentially occur in the worker breathing zones from active and passive releases from the waste tanks. The potential influences of tank farm specific release characteristics, ambient meteorological conditions, local farm surface roughness, and topographical influences are considered. The parametric approach allows consideration of the full ran… more
Date: July 30, 2004
Creator: Droppo, James G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Contract Management: Guidance Needed to Promote Competition for Defense Task Orders

Description: A letter report issued by the Government Accountability Office with an abstract that begins "The Department of Defense (DOD) spends billions of dollars each year acquiring services through task orders issued under multiple-award contracts or the General Services Administration's federal supply schedule program. However, previous GAO and DOD Inspector General reports found that DOD was not obtaining the level of competition on these task orders that Congress had envisioned. Congress responded by… more
Date: July 30, 2004
Creator: United States. Government Accountability Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development of an Environmentally Benign Microbial Inhibitor to Control Internal Pipeline Corrosion Quarterly Report

Description: The overall program objective is to develop and evaluate environmentally benign agents or products that are effective in the prevention, inhibition, and mitigation of microbially influenced corrosion (MIC) in the internal surfaces of metallic natural gas pipelines. The goal is to develop one or more environmentally benign (a.k.a. ''green'') products that can be applied to maintain the structure and dependability of the natural gas infrastructure. Previous testing indicated that the growth, and … more
Date: July 30, 2004
Creator: Lowe, Kristine L.; Bogan, Bill W.; Sullivan, Wendy R.; Cruz, Kristine Mila H.; Lamb, Brigid M. & Kilbane, John J., II
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development of NSTX Particle Control Techniques

Description: The National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) High Harmonic Fast Wave (HHFW) current-drive discharges will require density control for acceptable efficiency. In NSTX, this involves primarily controlling impurity influxes and recycling. We have compared boronization on hot and cold surfaces, varying helium glow discharge conditioning (HeGDC) durations, helium discharge cleaning, brief daily boronization, and between discharge boronization to reduce and control spontaneous density rises. Access … more
Date: July 30, 2004
Creator: Kugel, H. W.; Maingi, R.; Bell, M.; Gates, D.; Hill, K.; LeBlanc, B. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Establishment of a Cost-Effective and Robust Planning Basis for the Processing of M-91 Waste at the Hanford Site

Description: This report identifies and evaluates viable alternatives for the accelerated processing of Hanford Site transuranic (TRU) and mixed low-level wastes (MLLW) that cannot be processed using existing site capabilities. Accelerated processing of these waste streams will lead to earlier reduction of risk and considerable life-cycle cost savings. The processing need is to handle both oversized MLLW and TRU containers as well as containers with surface contact dose rates greater than 200 mrem/hr. This … more
Date: July 30, 2004
Creator: Johnson, Wayne L. & Parker, Brian M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Establishment of an Environmental Control Technology Laboratory With a Circulating Fluidized-Bed Combustion System Quarterly Report

Description: This report presents the progress made on the project ''Establishment of an Environmental Control Technology Laboratory (ECTL) with a Circulating Fluidized-Bed Combustion (CFBC) System'' during the quarter April 1--June 30, 2004. The following tasks have been completed. First, the final specifications for the renovation of the new Combustion Laboratory and the construction of the CFB Combustor Building have been delivered to the architect, and invitations for construction bids for the two tasks… more
Date: July 30, 2004
Creator: Wei-Ping Pan, Kunlei Liu & Riley, John T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Information Technology: DOD's Acquisition Policies and Guidance Need to Incorporate Additional Best Practices and Controls

Description: A letter report issued by the Government Accountability Office with an abstract that begins "The way in which the Department of Defense (DOD) has historically acquired its business systems has been cited as a root cause for its limited success in delivering promised system capabilities and benefits on time and within budget. In response, DOD recently revised its systems acquisition policies and guidance to incorporate best practices, including those pertaining to business systems. GAO was asked… more
Date: July 30, 2004
Creator: United States. Government Accountability Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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