Search Results

Primary view of Corrective Action Investigation Plan for Corrective Action Unit 143: Area 25 Contaminated Waste Dumps, Nevada Test Site, Nevada
July 12, 1999
Primary view of Effects of Global Boundary and Local Collisionality on Magnetic Reconnection in a Laboratory Plasma
A. Kuritsyn, H. Ji, S.P. Gerhardt, Y. Ren, and M. Yamada
July 24, 2007
Primary view of Potential for Luminosity improvement for low-energy RHIC operations with long bunches
A., Fedotov & Blaskiewicz, M.
July 1, 2012
Primary view of Part II/Addendum Electron Beam Cooling between EBIS LINAC and Booster; Is Single Pass Cooling Possible?
A., Hershcovitch
July 1, 2008
Primary view of Electron Gun for RHIC EBIS
A., Pikin
July 1, 2006
Primary view of Optical, Thermal and Stress Simulations of a 300-kwatt Electron Collector
A., Pikin; Kponou, A. & Snydstrup, L.
July 1, 2006
Primary view of Frequency budget for the PoP cavity
A., Ratti
July 1, 1995
Primary view of Longitudinal coupling impedance measurements of a bellow at low frequencies
A., Ratti
July 1, 1993
Primary view of Design of a Precast Concrete Stay-in-Place Forming System for Lock Wall Rehabilitation
ABAM Engineers Incorporated
July 1987
Primary view of Elastic Wave Radiation from a Pressurized Spherical Cavity
July 2002
Primary view of Fast Grid Search Algorithm for Seismic Source Location
July 1, 2000
Primary view of Cooperative Monitoring Center Occasional Paper/16: The Potential of Technology for the Control of Small Weapons: Applications in Developing Countries
July 1, 2000
Primary view of Evaluation of the Cask Transportation Facility Modifications (CTFM) compliance to DOE order 6430.1A
July 14, 1999
Primary view of Radiation dose assessment methodology and preliminary dose estimates to support US Department of Energy radiation control criteria for regulated treatment and disposal of hazardous wastes and materials
Aaberg, R. L.; Baker, D. A.; Rhoads, K.; Jarvis, M. F. & Kennedy, W. E. Jr.
July 1995
Primary view of Hydrogeochemical and stream sediment reconnaissance of the National Uranium Resource Evaluation Program primarily for the Rocky Mountain states of New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana, and the State of Alaska. Semiannual progress report, October 1978-March 1979
Aamodt, P. L.; Bunker, M. E.; Waterbury, G. R. & Waller, R. A.
July 1, 1979
Primary view of Simulation and Analysis of Particle Motion in Magnetic Mirrors With High Frequency Fluctuations.
Aamodt, R. E. & Byers, J. A.
July 1972
Primary view of J/{psi} production in p{anti p} collisions at {radical}s = 1.8 TeV
Abachi, S.
July 1, 1995
Primary view of Measurement of B{sup 0} {minus} {bar B}{sup 0} mixing using dimuons at D0
Abachi, S.
July 1995
Primary view of Measurement of inclusive triple differential dijet cross section, d{sup 3}{sigma}/dE{sub T}d{eta}{sub 1}d{eta}{sub 2} in p{bar p} collisions at {radical}s = 1.8 TeV
Abachi, S.
July 1995
Primary view of A measurement of the ratio of W + 1 jet to W + 0 jets cross sections and comparisons to QCD
Abachi, S.
July 1996
Primary view of Inclusive dimuon and b-quark production cross sections in p{bar p} collisions at {radical}s = 1.8 TeV
Abachi, S.; Abbott, B. & Abolins, M.
July 1, 1995
Primary view of Measurement of the {gamma} cross section at D0 using dimuons
Abachi, S.; Abbott, B. & Abolins, M.
July 1995
Primary view of Searches for new gauge bosons using the D0 detector
Abachi, S.; Abbott, B. & Abolins, M.
July 1, 1995
Primary view of ECUT energy data reference series: high-temperature materials for advanced heat engines
Abarcar, R. B.; Hane, G. J. & Johnson, D. R.
July 1, 1984
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