Search Results

Primary view of The quiescent-chamber type compression-ignition engine
Foster, H. H.
April 30, 1936
Primary view of An Attempted Separation of Mercury Isotopes
Kauzmann, Walter, 1916-
April 30, 1942
Primary view of Exposure history of discharged metal
Menegus, R.L.
April 30, 1945
Primary view of Unwatering and sampling of the Kirk Mine, Gilpin County, Colorado
Hill, J. M.; Selfridge, G. C.; George, D. R. & Guillotte, G. B.
April 30, 1945
Primary view of Application of an ultraviolet spectrophotometric method to the estimation of alkylnaphthalenes in 10 experimental jet-propulsion fuels
Cleaves, Alden P. & Carver, Mildred S.
April 30, 1947
Primary view of Progress Report for the Month of April, 1947
Center, E. J.; Nelson, H. R.; Pray, H. A. & Richardson, A. C.
April 30, 1947
Primary view of Investigation to determine contraction ratio for supersonic-compressor rotor
Wright, Linwood C.
April 30, 1948
Primary view of Relation of Nozzle-Blade and Turbine-Bucket Temperatures to Gas Temperatures in a Turbojet Engine
Farmer, J. Elmo
April 30, 1948
Primary view of A Summary and Analysis of Wind-Tunnel Data on the Lift and Hinge-Moment Characteristics of Control Surfaces Up to a Mach Number of 0.90
Axelson, John A.
April 30, 1948
Primary view of The Effects of Roentgen Rays on Adult Trout
Welander, Arthur D.; Donaldson, Lauren R.; Foster, Richard F.; Bonham, Kelshaw; Seymour, Allyn H. & Lowman, Frank G.
April 30, 1949
Primary view of Equations of State of Elements Based on the Generalized Fermi-Thomas Theory
Feynman, R. P.; Metropolis, N. & Teller, E.
April 30, 1949
Primary view of The Machinability of Beryllium
Armstrong, E. T.; Dayton, Russell Wendt & Dawes, R. C.
April 30, 1949
Primary view of Design and performance of an experimental axial-discharge mixed-flow compressor 3: over-all performance of impeller and supersonic-diffuser combination
Wilcox, Ward W. & Robbins, William H.
April 30, 1951
Primary view of Effect of Fuel Volatility on Performance of Tail-Pipe Burner
Barson, Zelmar & Sargent, Arthur F., Jr.
April 30, 1951
Primary view of Heath-Physics Monthly Information Report
Bradley, J. E. & Burbage, J. J.
April 30, 1951
Primary view of Hydrides and Metal-Hydrogen Systems. Final Report
Gibb, T. R. P., Jr.
April 30, 1951
Primary view of Preliminary evaluation of the air and fuel specific-impulse characteristics of several potential ram-jet fuels 1: octene-1, aluminum, and aluminum - octene-1 slurries
Gammon, Benson E.
April 30, 1951
Primary view of The Synthetic Liquid Fuel Potential of Alabama
Ford, Bacon, and Davis
April 30, 1951
Primary view of Determination of Oxygen in Sodium
White, J. C.; Ross, W. J. & Rowan, R., Jr.
April 30, 1952
Primary view of Electromagnetically Enriched Isotopes, Inventory, April 30, 1952
Keim, C. P.; Normand, C. E. & Weaver, B.
April 30, 1952
Primary view of Recovery of Nitrogen Oxides and Rare Gas Fission Products From the Nitric Acid Dissolution of Irradiated Uranium
Gresky, A. T.; Snyder, M. D.; Blair, J. A.; Lovelace, R. C.; Corbin, L. T. & Tyson, W. R.
April 30, 1952
Primary view of Recovery of Nitrogen Oxides and Rare Gas Fission Products From the Nitric Acid Dissolution of Irradiated Uranium
Gresky, A.T.
April 30, 1952
Primary view of Small Source Model of a Thermal Pile
Horning, W. A.
April 30, 1952
Primary view of Values of Resonance Integrals
Wilson, E. S.
April 30, 1952
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