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open access

INEX simulations of the optical performance of the AFEL

Description: The AFEL (Advanced Free-Electron Laser) Project at Los Alamos National Laboratory is presently under construction. The project's goal is to produce a very high-brightness electron beam which will be generated by a photocathode injector and a 20 MeV rf-linac. Initial laser experiments will be performed with a 1-cm-period permanent magnet wiggler which will generate intense optical radiation near a wavelength of 3.7 {mu}m. Future experiments will operate with slotted-tube'' electromagnetic wiggle… more
Date: January 1, 1991
Creator: Goldstein, J.C.; Wang, T.S.F. & Sheffield, R.L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Picotron 100 streak tubes as a 150-channel photometer

Description: The characterization of a streak camera based upon Picotron 100 tube types is given. Both a large (30 cm 1 x 10 cm dia.) and a small (18 cm 1 x 5 cm dia.) version of this design has been tested. Over 150 channels of information are simultaneously time resolved with system S.N.R. of 3 at 100 picosecond time resolution without post intensification. Absolute photometric evaluation is given in the dynamic mode, i.e. while operating in the picosecond time domain. Such quantitative data has been lack… more
Date: January 1, 1982
Creator: Majumdar, S.; Weiss, P.B. & Black, J.P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Experimental and theoretical investigations of marine stratocumulus cloud sensitivity to climate parameters using ship-trail clouds

Description: The formation and radiative properties of clouds are poorly parameterized in numerical climate models, especially marine boundary layer clouds. Twomey (1991), after describing the importance of cloud microphysics to the climate problem, states Clearly, many more field measurements and laboratory experiments are called for, rather than endless repetitions of computer simulations that are closely related to each other and parameterize in very similar ways.'' The effort described here is a field e… more
Date: January 1, 1991
Creator: Porch, W.; Buchwald, M.; Glatzmaier, T.; Kao, C.-Y.; Unruh, W. (Los Alamos National Lab., NM (United States)); Hudson, J. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Impulsive ion acceleration in earth's outer magnetosphere

Description: Considerable observational evidence is found that ions are accelerated to high energies in the outer magnetosphere during geomagnetic disturbances. The acceleration often appears to be quite impulsive causing temporally brief (10's of seconds), very intense bursts of ions in the distant plasma sheet as well as in the near-tail region. These ion bursts extend in energy from 10's of keV to over 1 MeV and are closely associated with substorm expansive phase onsets. Although the very energetic ions… more
Date: January 1, 1985
Creator: Baker, D.N. & Belian, R.D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Proceedings of the LAMPF workshop on physics with polarized nuclear targets

Description: Topics of discussion included static and dynamic methods for polarizing nuclei, proton and pion nucleus scattering experiments, and possible future experiments at LAMPF. Separate abstracts were prepared for 11 papers in this report. (DWL)
Date: August 1, 1986
Creator: Burleson, G.; Gibbs, W.; Hoffmann, G.; Jarmer, J. J. & Tanaka, N. (eds.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Growth regulation by macrophages

Description: The evidence reviewed here indicates that macrophages, either acting alone or in concert with other cells, influence the proliferation of multiple types of cells. Most of the data indicate that these effects are mediated by soluble macrophage-elaborated products (probably proteins) although the role of direct cell-to-cell contacts cannot be ruled out in all cases. A degree of success has been achieved on the biochemical characterization of these factors, due mainly to their low specific activit… more
Date: January 1, 1982
Creator: Wharton, W.; Walker, E. & Stewart, C.C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Diskless LSI-11 systems

Description: Programs for dedicated LSI-11 based systems can easily be stored in ROM instead of floppy disks, yet execute the same as disk-stored programs. Two sample systems are described.
Date: January 1, 1982
Creator: Ford, W. & Shirk, D. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Statistical magnetohydrodynamics and reversed-field-pinch quiescence

Description: A statistical model of a bounded, incompressible, cylindrical magnetofluid is presented. This model predicts the presence of magnetic fluctuations about a cylindrically-symmetric, Bessel-function-model, mean magnetic field, which satisfies del x <B> = <B>. As theta ..-->.. 1.56, the model predicts that the significant region of the fluctuation spectrum narrows down to a single (coherent) m = 1 mode. An analogy between the Debye length of an electrostatic plasma and -1/ suggest… more
Date: January 1, 1982
Creator: Turner, L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development of 400- to 450-MHz RFQ resonator-cavity mechanical designs

Description: In the development of the radio-frequency quadrupole (RFQ) linac, the resonator cavity's mechanical design may be a challenge similar in magnitude to that of the development of the accelerator structure itself. Experience with the all-copper 425-MHz RFQ proof-of-principle linac has demonstrated that the resonator cavity must be structurally stiff and easily tunable. This experience has led to development of copper-plated steel structures having vanes that may be moved within a cylinder for tuni… more
Date: January 1, 1982
Creator: Hansborough, L.D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Nuclear power in the Soviet Bloc

Description: The growth of Soviet Bloc nuclear power generation to the end of the century is evaluated on the basis of policy statements of objectives, past and current nuclear power plant construction, and trends in the potential for future construction. Central to this study is a detailed examination of individual reactor construction and site development that provides specific performance data not given elsewhere. A major commitment to nuclear power is abundantly clear and an expansion of ten times in nu… more
Date: March 1, 1982
Creator: Davey, W.G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Relation between finite element methods and nodal methods in transport theory

Description: This paper examines the relationship between nodal methods and finite-element methods for solving the discrete-ordinates form of the transport equation in x-y geometry. Specifically, we will examine the relation of three finite-element schemes to the linear-linear (LL) and linear-nodal (LN) nodal schemes. The three finite-element schemes are the linear-continuous-diamond-difference (DD) scheme, the linear-discontinuous (LD) scheme, and the quadratic-discontinuous (QD) scheme. A brief derivation… more
Date: January 1, 1985
Creator: Walters, W. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Potential energy for quarks

Description: It is argued on theoretical and phenomenological grounds that confinement of quarks is intrinsically a many-body interaction. The Born-Oppenheimer approximation to the bag model is shown to give rise to a static potential energy that consists of a sum of two-body Coulomb terms and a many-body confining term. Following the success of this potential in heavy Q anti Q systems it is being applied to Q/sup 2/ anti Q/sup 2/. Preliminary calculations suggest that dimeson bound states with exotic flavo… more
Date: January 1, 1985
Creator: Heller, L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Generation of coherent soft x-rays using a single-pass free-electron laser amplifier

Description: We consider a single-pass free-electron laser (FEL) amplifier, driven by an rf-linac followed by a damping ring for reduced emittance, for use in generating coherent light in the soft x-ray region. The dependence of the optical gain on electron-beam quality, studied with the three-dimensional FEL simulation code FELEX, is given and related to the expected power of self-amplified spontaneous emission. We discuss issues for the damping ring designed to achieve the required electron beam quality. … more
Date: January 1, 1987
Creator: Wang, T. F.; Goldstein, J. C.; Newmam, B. E. & McVey, B. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

SIMMER as a safety analysis tool

Description: SIMMER has been used for numerous applications in fast reactor safety, encompassing both accident and experiment analysis. Recent analyses of transition-phase behavior in potential core disruptive accidents have integrated SIMMER testing with the accident analysis. Results of both the accident analysis and the verification effort are presented as a comprehensive safety analysis program.
Date: January 1, 1982
Creator: Smith, L. L.; Bell, C. R.; Bohl, W. R.; Bott, T. F.; Dearing, J. F. & Luck, L. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development of a low intensity current monitor system

Description: This report documents the development of a current transformer system used to measure pulsed ion beam currents with a wide dynamic intensity range (nA to mA, and factor of 10{sup 6}). Peak beam currents at the LAMPF accelerator typically range from 100 to nA to 40 mA with pulse widths varying from 30 to 1000 {mu}s. Signal conditioning of the peak current output provides an average current readout with a range of 1 nA to 2 mA, noise of approximately {plus minus}0.5 nA, and accuracy of {plus minu… more
Date: January 1, 1991
Creator: Gallegos, F.R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Conductor qualification tests for the 30-MJ Bonneville Power Administration SMES coil

Description: The 30-MJ energy storage coil for the Bonneville Power Administration requires a low-loss, cryostable conductor that is able to carry 4.9 kA in a field of 2.8 T and will maintain its properties over 10/sup 8/ partial discharge cycles. The multi-level cable which satisfies these requirements has been extensively tested at various stages in its development and in its final form. Tests have been performed to determine the effect of manufacturing options on ac losses, low temperature electrical res… more
Date: January 1, 1980
Creator: Schermer, R. I.; Boenig, H. J.; Henke, M.; Turner, R. D. & Schramm, R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A benchmark-problem specification and calculation using SENSIBL, a one- and two-dimensional sensitivity and uncertainty analysis code of the AARE system

Description: The lack of suitable benchmark problems makes it difficult to test sensitivity codes with a covariance library. A benchmark problem has therefore been defined for one- and two-dimensional sensitivity and uncertainity analysis codes and code systems. The problem, representative of a fusion reactor blanket, has a simple, three-zone )tau)-z geometry containing a D-T fusion neutron source distributed in a central void region surrounded by a thick /sup 6/LiH annulus. The response of interest is the … more
Date: January 1, 1988
Creator: Muir, D. W.; Davidson, J. W.; Dudziak, D. J.; Davierwalla, D. M.; Higgs, C. E. & Stepanek, J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Source-jerk analysis using a semi-explicit inverse kinetic technique

Description: A method is proposed for measuring the effective reproduction factor, k, in subcritical systems. The method uses the transient response of a subcritical system to the sudden removal of an extraneous neutron source (i.e., a source jerk). The response is analyzed using an inverse kinetic technique that least-squares fits the exact analytical solution corresponding to a source-jerk transient as derived from the point-reactor model. It has been found that the technique can provide an accurate means… more
Date: January 1, 1985
Creator: Spriggs, G.D. & Pederson, R.A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Operating experience and procedures at the tritium systems test assembly

Description: Operating procedures are important for the safe and efficient operation of the Tritium Systems Test Assembly (TSTA). TSTA has been operating for four years with tritium in a safe and efficient manner. The inventory of tritium in the process loop is 100 grams and several milestone runs have been completed. This paper describes the methods used to operate TSTA. 3 refs., 1 fig.
Date: January 1, 1988
Creator: Carlson, R.V.; Binning, K.E.; Cole, S. P.; Jenkins, E. M.; Wilhelm, R. C. & Cole, S. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Evidence of former higher temperatures from alteration minerals, Bostic 1-A well, Mountain Home, Idaho

Description: Cuttings from the silicic volcanics in the Bostic 1-A well near Mountain Home, Idaho have been examined petrographically with the assistance of x-ray diffraction and electron microprobe analyses. Results indicate that these rocks have been subjected to much higher temperatures than were observed in the well in 1974, when a static temperature log was run. It is not known to what extent the alternation may be due to greater depth of burial in the past, or whether it resulted from an early hydroth… more
Date: January 1, 1982
Creator: Arney, B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Calculations of thermal-reactor spent-fuel nuclide inventories and comparisons with measurements

Description: Comparisons with integral measurements have demonstrated the accuracy of CINDER codes and libraries in calculating aggregate fission-product properties, including neutron absorption, decay power, and decay spectra. CINDER calculations have, alternatively, been used to supplement measured integral data describing fission-product decay power and decay spectra. Because of the incorporation of the extensive actinide library and the use of ENDF/B-V data, it is desirable to compare the inventory of i… more
Date: January 1, 1982
Creator: Wilson, W. B.; LaBauve, R. J. & England, T. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aspects of model selection in multivariate analyses

Description: Analysis of data sets that involve large numbers of variables usually entails some type of model fitting and data reduction. In regression problems, a fitted model that is obtained by a selection process can be difficult to evaluate because of optimism induced by the choice mechanism. Problems in areas such as discriminant analysis, calibration, and the like often lead to similar difficulties. The preceeding sections reviewed some of the general ideas behind assessment of regression-type predic… more
Date: January 1, 1982
Creator: Picard, R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Internal magnetic fields in hcp-iron

Description: The magnetic behavior of hcp-Fe (epsilon iron) has been investigated by the Moessbauer Effect over a wide range of temperature T, pressure P, and applied magnetic field H/sub 0/. The internal field H/sub i/ of the induced moment is given by H/sub i/ = 0.20 +- .01 H/sub 0/ and is independent of T and P. Enhanced paramagnetism is suggested as the most likely origin for a contribution of this magnitude to H/sub i/.
Date: January 1, 1982
Creator: Taylor, R. D.; Cort, G. & Willis, J. O.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Light composite fermions: an overview

Description: Some rules which have been proposed, including 't Hooft's anomaly conditions, decoupling conditions and tumbling versus no tumbling are discussed. Then mass generation mechanisms for composite fermions are covered, including weak gauging, strong gauging, and unification. The origin of the different generations of quarks and leptons is then considered. In the context of composite models, the three generations of quarks and leptons must appear in the first approximation as three sets of massless … more
Date: January 1, 1982
Creator: Raby, S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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