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open access

Basic data report for drillhole WIPP 19 (Waste Isolation Pilot Plant-WIPP)

Description: WIPP 19 is an exploratory borehole whose objective was to determine the nature of the near-surface formations after seismic information indicated a possible fault. The borehole is located in section 20, T.22S., R.31E., in eastern Eddy County, New Mexico, and was drilled between April 6 and May 4, 1978. The hole was drilled to a depth of 1038.2 feet and encountered, from top to bottom, surficial Holocene deposits (7', including artificial fill for drill pad), the Mescalero caliche (7'), the Sant… more
Date: March 1, 1980
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Geology and Mineralogy of the J.J. Mine, Jo Dandy Area, Montrose County, Colorado

Description: Introduction: Detailed geologic mine mapping and sampling of the J.J. mine in the Jo dandy area, Montrose County, Colo., were undertaken to study a vanadium-uranium ore body in terms of the physical relationships of ore to host rock, the paragenetic sequence of ore minerals, and the sequential development of an oxidized suite of ore minerals from unoxidized ore.
Date: September 1955
Creator: Elston, Donald Parker & Botinelly, Theodore
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Tectonic Map of Western North Dakota Showing the Distribution of Uranium Deposits

Description: From introduction: A tectonic map for the northern part of the Cordilleran Foreland / is being compiled to aid in establishing the geologic setting of uranium deposits within the region and to determine relationships, if any, that exist between the distribution of uranium deposits and the regional tectonic pattern (Osterwald, 1955).
Date: January 1956
Creator: Osterwald, Frank W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Seismic Investigations on Holiday Mesa, Monument Valley Area, San Juan County, Utah

Description: From abstract: A refraction seismic survey was made on Holiday Mesa, San Juan County, Utah, between May 21 and June 11, 1954, prior to an exploratory drilling program made by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission to delineate channel trends in the area.
Date: November 1955
Creator: Hazlewood, Robert M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preliminary Report on the Results of Geobotanical Prospecting on the South Flank of Haystack Butte, McKinley County, New Mexico

Description: Abstract: The absorber plant method of geobotanical prospecting was tested systematically over the bench formed by the Jurassic Todilto limestone on the south flank of Haystack Butte, McKinley County, N. Mex. This portion of the bench includes the largest known uranium ore body in limestone and most has been extensively drilled by private enterprise. Geobotanical prospecting was accomplished to provide control data. Comparison of the geobotanical anomalies with the available drill hole informat… more
Date: April 1953
Creator: Narten, Perry F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Tectonic Map of Eastern Montana Showing the Distribution of Uranium Deposits

Description: From introduction: A tectonic map for the northern part of the Cordilleran Foreland was compiled to aid in establishing the geologic setting of uranium deposits within the region, and to determine what relationships, if any, exist between the distribution of uranium deposits and localities, and the regional tectonic pattern (Osterwald, 1955). The relationships might suggest new areas favorable for the discovery of uranium deposits in the Cordilleran Foreland as well as in other areas with simil… more
Date: March 1956
Creator: Osterwald, Frank W. & Dean, Basil G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Garm-Lamoreaux Mine, Lemhi County, Idaho

Description: From abstract: The Garm-Lamoreaux property, Lemhi County, Idaho is known to have uraninite and zippeite on two of its dumps. The property has been explored by five adits, two of which are now caved, and one of which is partly caved. The country rock is schistose micaceous quartzite and argillaceous quartzite of Belt age. An east-west fault cuts the quartzite, and the Lamoreaux vein, a gold-sulfide-quartz veins occurs in the fault. The uranium minerals are believed to have core from the vein, on… more
Date: January 1954
Creator: Armstrong, Frank C. & Weis, Paul L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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