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open access


Description: The results of the HASP program to determine the role played by the stratosphere in the world-wide distribution of radioactive fall-out from nuclear weapons tests are presented. The program has operated since the fall of 1957. The sampling network using U-2 aircraft collected 10/sup 8/ scf of air from 57 S to 71 N up to 70,000 ft. Ashcan data are used for upward extrapolation. IPC Paper 1478 of near 100% efficiency is used. Stratospheric ruatter sampled is in the 0.01- mu range. Stratospheric i… more
Date: June 1, 1960
Creator: Stebbins, A.K. III ed.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Radioactive Fallout From Nuclear Explosions

Description: A nontechnical description of the mechanisms of local and world-wide fall-out from nuclear explosions is given. The relative importance of local fall-out in a nuclear war is discussed. The effects upon man of world-wide fall-out from past nuclear testing is discussed. It is pointed out that doses to man frcm testing are quite small when compared to the natural radiation background. (auth)
Date: March 23, 1960
Creator: Parker, E.N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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