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open access

Fission Product Activity in SM-1 Core I Primary System and Surface Contamination on SM-1 Type Fuel Elements. Task XVIII, Phases 2 and 3

Description: Abstract; The fission product data obtained during SM-1 Core I operation (June 1957 - May 1960) is reviewed briefly and interpreted. Evidence is presented to indicate that a fuel element defect was responsible for the high fission product activity level observed in the primary coolant. Relative escape coefficients are calculated and the defect size estimated. Anticipated fission product levels during SM-1 Core II and SM-1A Core I operation are estimated from alpha surface contamination data o… more
Date: February 28, 1961
Creator: Hasse, Robert A. & Zegger, John L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Decontamination Program Task II. Volume II, Evaluation of Chemical Agents for Nuclear Reactor Decontamination

Description: Abstract: The caustic permanganate-rinse decontamination treatment was investigated. Loop and metallurgical studies were performed to determine optimum operating conditions as well as the metallurgical effects of the treatment. A treatment with 10 percent sodium hydroxide and 5 percent potassium permanganate solution followed by a rinse with a 5 percent ammonium citrate, 2 percent citric acid and 1/2 percent Versene solution was chosen for the decontamination of a stainless steel steam generat… more
Date: February 15, 1959
Creator: Zegger, John L. & Pancer, Guyon P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Decontamination Program Task II. Volume 1, Contamination and Decontamination in Nuclear Power Reactors

Description: Abstract: A survey of the problem of reactor system contamination by radioactive material and methods that have been employed to remove the material was carried out. Following this survey, an investigation of chemical solutions was undertaken to find one which might be successfully employed in the decontamination of a stainless steel steam generator. From a preliminary screening, the most promising chemical method from the view point of minimum corrosion and maximum decontamination is a caus… more
Date: February 13, 1959
Creator: Zegger, John L. & Pancer, Guyon P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Decontamination Program Task II. Volume III, Recommended Procedure for Decontamination of a Stainless Steel Steam Generator

Description: Abstract: A decontamination procedure for a stainless steel steam generator similar to the APPR-1 using a fill-flush application of a caustic permanganate-citrate combination solution is recommended. The isolation of the steam generator is to be accomplished by means of specially designed plugs at the reactor vessel outlet and at the primary coolant pumps. Anticipated results, including corrosion rates and decontamination factors, are presented.
Date: February 13, 1959
Creator: Pancer, Guyon P. & Zegger, John L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Evaluation of Low Impurity Core Material in the SM-2

Description: The worth of reduced cobalt and tantalum impurity concentrations of AISI Type 347 stainless steel in the SM-2 core cladding and structural material is evaluated on the basis of material costs involved and accessibility for maintenance
Date: unknown
Creator: Pancer, Guyon P. & Zegger, John L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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