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open access

Performance of B. M. W. 185-Horsepower Airplane Engine

Description: "This report deals with the results of a test made upon a B. M. W. Engine in the altitude chamber of the Bureau of Standards, where controlled conditions of temperature and pressure can be made to simulate those of the desired altitude. A remarkably low value of fuel consumption - 041 per B. H. P. hour - is obtained at 1,200 revolutions per minute at an air density of 0.064 pound per cubic foot and a brake thermal efficiency of 33 per cent and an indicated efficiency of 37 per cent at the above… more
Date: 1922
Creator: Sparrow, S. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Diaphragms for Aeronautic Instruments

Description: This investigation was carried out at the request of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics and comprises an outline of historical developments and theoretical principles, together with a discussion of expedients for making the most effective use of existing diaphragms actuated by the hydrostatic pressure form an essential element of a great variety instruments for aeronautic and other technical purposes. The various physical data needed as a foundation for rational methods of diaphrag… more
Date: 1923
Creator: Hersey, M. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Icing Tests of Aircraft-Engine Induction Systems

Description: Report presenting a program of icing tests conducted on an aircraft-engine induction system consisting of a Wright R-1820, G-200 blower section, Holley 1375-F carburetor and adapter, and specially built air scoop. The primary purpose of the investigation was to determine the effect of a number of possible factors on icing of engine-induction systems, including carburetor-air temperature, air-moisture content, water-droplet size, throttle opening, mixture ratio, rate of air flow, altitude, and o… more
Date: January 1943
Creator: Kimball, Leo B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Some Recent Contributions to the Study of Transition and Turbulent Boundary Layers

Description: Report presenting a paper in two parts about transition and turbulent boundary layers. The first part reviews the current problem of the instability of laminar boundary layers. The second part reviews the current state of knowledge of the mechanics of turbulent boundary layers and of the methods now being used for fundamental studies of the turbulent fluctuations in turbulent boundary layers.
Date: April 1947
Creator: Dryden, Hugh L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Report of the Forty-Fourth National Conference on Weights and Measures, 1959

Description: Report of the annual conference on weights and measures, hosted by the U.S. National Bureau of Standards in Washington D.C. It includes conference proceedings, a list of attendees, information about committees and officers, and other reports or commentaries discussed at the meetings.
Date: December 18, 1959
Creator: United States. National Bureau of Standards.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Laminar-boundary-layer oscillations and transition on a flat plate

Description: Report presenting an investigation of oscillations in the laminar boundary layer on a flat plate and their relation to transition to turbulent flow. The characteristics of boundary-layer oscillations were studied most successfully when the oscillations were artificially produced by a vibrating ribbon placed in the boundary layer near the surface. A review of theory regarding laminar-boundary-layer oscillations is provided.
Date: April 1943
Creator: Schubauer, G. B. & Skramstad, H. K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Corrugated Metal Diaphragms for Aircraft Pressure-Measuring Instruments

Description: Note presenting a description of a large number of corrugated diaphragms of beryllium copper, phosphor bronze, and Z-nickel with geometrically similar outlines but various diameters and thicknesses were formed by hydraulic pressing. The apparatus and technique used in the manufacture, testing, and heat treatment are described. Results regarding pressure-deflection curves, load limit, effect of center reinforcing, snap-action diaphragms, deflection traverse, thickness variations, and concentrate… more
Date: November 1939
Creator: Wildhack, W. A. & Goerke, V. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Evaluating Thermal Fire Detection Systems: SI Units

Description: Abstract: This report presents a methodology for evaluating heat detection systems installed in buildings. Previous work for use primarily in designing new thermal fire detection systems was used as a starting point. The previous work was enhanced and supplemented to make it more useful for evaluating existing systems. The resulting equations were programmed into a user interactive computer program.' This program is available in both BASIC and FORTRAN and will run on mainframe as well as person… more
Date: April 1986
Creator: Stroup, David W.; Evans, David D. & Martin, Phyllis
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

State Measurement Laboratories

Description: Abstract: The National Bureau of Standards receives repeated requests from industry and Federal agencies (e.g. , Department of Defense, Nuclear Regulatory Commission) for information about the capabilities of and services provided by State measurement laboratories. This directory is a compilation of such information by State, including a description of the services available and fees charged. The directory will be updated annually in January of each year to coincide with the issuance of annual … more
Date: November 1984
Creator: Oppermann, H. V.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

DATAPLOT: Introduction and Overview

Description: Abstract: This manual provides DATAPLOT code solution to a variety of commonly occurring graphical problems. A line-by-line explanation of code is given, along with illustrations and general discussion.
Date: June 1984
Creator: Filliben, James J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Bibliography of Sources of Thermodynamic Data for the Systems: CO₂+NH₃+H₂O, CO₂+H₂S+H₂O, H₂S+NH₃+H₂O, and CO₂+NH₃+H₂S+H₂O

Description: Abstract: Contained herein is a bibliography of sources of experimental and correlated thermodynamic data for the systems: CO₂ + NH₃ + H₂O, CO₂ + H₂S + H₂O, H₂S + NH₃ + H₂O, and CO₂ + NH₃ + H₂S + H₂O. The types of data in this bibliography include all types of equilibrium data, including both eqilibria [sic] in solution and vapor-liquid equilibrium data, enthalpies, heat capacities, and densities. There are 215 references cited. Bibliographic Data Sheet.
Date: May 1985
Creator: Goldberg, Robert N. & Steckler, D. K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Facilities of the National Bureau of Standards

Description: From forward: Every laboratory in this country is a valuable national resource. Along with the people who work in these facilities, U.S. laboratories constitute the basic foundation of this country's scientific and industrial strength. As the nation's foremost science and engineering measurement laboratory, the National Bureau of Standards has some of the premier research and testing facilities in the United States, and several of our laboratories are unequaled anywhere in the world. Bureau sci… more
Date: December 19, 1984
Creator: United States. National Bureau of Standards.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Progress in Environmental Specimen Banking

Description: In October, 1986, the 10th U.S.-German Seminar of State and Planning on Environmental Specimen Banking was held at the Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences in Gloucester Point, Virginia. At this meeting the current status of specimen banking activities in the U. S., FRG, Canada, and Japan was presented and discussed. This publication contains the proceedings of that meeting with contributions describing various activities related to banking and analysis of samples from aquatic, atmospheric, te… more
Date: 1988
Creator: Wise, Stephen A.; Zeisler, Rolf & Goldstein, George M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Investigation of Fundamental Interactions with Cold Neutrons

Description: Abstract: The National Bureau of Standards is establishing a National Cold Neutron Facility at its 20 MW reactor located in Gaithersburg, Maryland. In order to provide guidance in the development of research plans for the Facility, the Department of Energy and NBS sponsored, on November 14-15, 1985, a workshop on the Investigation of Fundamental Interactions with Cold Neutrons. The 25 papers presented at the workshop are printed in the proceedings.
Date: February 1986
Creator: Greene, G. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Report of the Sixty-Sixth National Conference on Weights and Measures, 1981

Description: Report of the annual conference on weights and measures, hosted by the U.S. National Bureau of Standards in Washington D.C. It includes conference proceedings, a list of attendees, information about committees and officers, and other reports or commentaries discussed at the meetings.
Date: January 1982
Creator: United States. National Bureau of Standards.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Environmental Speciation and Monitoring Needs for Trace Metal-Containing Substances from Energy-Related Processes

Description: Abstract: This book presents the Proceedings of the DoE/NBS Workshop on Environmental Speciation and Monitoring Needs for Trace Metal-Containing Substances from Energy-Related Processes held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, on May 18-20, 1981. The Workshop was sponsored by the Office of Health and Environmental Research, DoE, and the Office of Recycled Materials, NBS. The volume contains refereed papers submitted by 24 invited speakers, along with substantially complete te… more
Date: November 1981
Creator: Brinckman, Frederick E. & Fish, Richard H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Low-Sloped Roofing Research Plan

Description: Abstract: This report presents a long-range plan for roofing research. The plan was developed in response to a need for roofing research addressing major materials problems and changes in low-sloped roofing materials technology. The intent of the plan is to establish the technical basis for developing standards and minimum levels of performance to assist in the selection of cost-effective and durable roofing materials. Four major areas of needed research are identified: (1) low-sloped roofing s… more
Date: July 1983
Creator: Cullen, William C.; Rossiter, Walter J., Jr.; Mathey, Robert G. & Clifton, James R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Standard Reference Data Publications, 1985-1986

Description: Abstract: The National Bureau of Standards' Office of Standard Reference Data manages a network of data centers that prepare evaluated databases of physical and chemical properties of substances. Databases are available in printed form, on magnetic tapes, diskettes, and through on-line computer networks. This document provides a comprehensive list of the products available from the National Standard Reference Data System (NSRDS) for the years 1985-1986, including indexes qualified by author, ma… more
Date: June 1987
Creator: Sauerwein, Joan C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Steel Research Needs for Buildings

Description: Abstract: This report identifies experimental and analytical research needed to advance the state-of-the-art and improve safety and economy in the design, fabrication and construction of steel buildings. A five year plan for a coordinated research program is included. Recommendations for research projects dealing with the following topics are presented: total building systems, connections and members, frames, seismic design, load and resistance factor design, fire protection, and design loads. … more
Date: May 1985
Creator: Culver, Charles G.; Iwankiw, Nestor & Kuentz, Albert
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Federal Laboratory Directory, 1982

Description: Abstract: This Directory provides limited information about some 388 Federal laboratories with ten or more full-time professionals engaged in research and development. Summary data arranged by Federal agency and by State provide a broad overview of the Federal laboratory system. Laboratory lists by staff size, by State and by agency provide a cross reference. For each laboratory, a contact for obtaining technical information is given by name, address, and phone number. Major mission and major s… more
Date: February 1983
Creator: Wyckoff, James M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Evaluating Thermal Fire Detection Systems: English Units

Description: Abstract: This report presents a methodology for evaluating heat detection systems installed in buildings. Previous work for use primarily in designing new thermal fire detection systems was used as a starting point. The previous work was enhanced and supplemented to make it more useful for evaluating existing systems. The resulting equations were programmed into a user interactive computer program. This program is available in both BASIC and FORTRAN and will run on mainframes as well as person… more
Date: April 1986
Creator: Stroup, David W.; Evans, David D. & Martin, Phyllis
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Electromagnetic Compatibility and Interference Metrology

Description: From abstract: The material included in this report is intended for a short course on electromagnetic compatibility/interference (EMC/EMI) metrology to be offered jointly by the staff of the Fields Characterization Group (723.03) and the Interference Characterization Group (723.04) of the Electromagnetic Fields Division (723). The purpose of this short course is to present a review of some of the radiated EMC/EMI measurement methods, to which the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) at Boulder, C… more
Date: July 1986
Creator: Ma, Mark T. & Kanda, M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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