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open access

Spectrophotometric studies of solutions at elevated temperatures and pressures: status and program for FY1961 and part of FY 1962

Description: A program was initiated on the spectrophotometric study of aqueous solution chemistry. The goal is operation at temperatures up to at least 330 deg C and at pressures up to 200 atm, and to near the critical point if this appears to be feasible. A spectrometer capable of operation under these extreme conditions is being designed. (W.L.H.)
Date: July 19, 1960
Creator: Biggers, R. E. & Chilton, J. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: An information storage and retrieval system (PIC) was developed, utilizing the IBM 7090 computer, for handling data pertaining to the effects of neutron irradiation on metals. The input includes a reference identification, an appropriate abstract or extract summarizing the article, code identification parameters analogous to those used by the ASM-SLA Literature Classification System, and special codes identifying relevant irradiation and testing parameters. The output contains the same data plu… more
Date: August 15, 1963
Creator: Bush, S. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Planetary-Wave Behavior and Arctic Air Pollution

Description: An attempt was made to relate episodes of air pollution at Barrow, Alaska, containing vanadium, to the behavior of planetary waves in middle and high latitudes. A stationarity index for planetary waves is defined as the ratio between amplitudes computed from monthly mean maps and the mean amplitudes computed on a daily basis and averaged over the same month, irrespective of phase angle. Longitude-time sections of 500-mb height anomalies at various latitudes are related to vanadium pollution epi… more
Date: January 1, 1979
Creator: Reiter, Elmar R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Response of Shortgrass Plains Vegetation to Chronic and Seasonally Administered Gamma Radiation

Description: In order to determine the effect of radiation on the structure of native shortgrass plains vegetation, an 8750 Ci 137Cs source was installed on the Central Plains Experimental Range near Nunn, Colorado; The experimental area was divided into 6 treatment sectors, a control, 2 sectors for chronic exposure (irradiation initiated April 1969 and continuing as of August 1971), and one each for spring, summer and late fall seasonal semi-acute (30 day), exposures which were administered during April, J… more
Date: August 1, 1971
Creator: Fraley, L. Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Physics Performance of the EBWE in Its Zero to 100 Mw Operation

Description: The distribution of fuel elements in the EBWR core is described. Spike elements with boron steel strips were provided in the core for burnup allowance. A calibration of the control rod system with Zircaloy followers was made. Void coefficient measurements were made for two different H/sub 3/BO/sub 3/ concentrations. Power runs were made, and reactivity loss vs. power characteristic was obtained. Steam remaining in the core, or carryunder,'' was indicated. Some of the spikes were remov… more
Date: June 1963
Creator: Iskenderian, H. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Phase Transformations in Alumina. Technical Report, May to December 1961

Description: e transformation studies showed that synthetic aluminas produced in the laboratory were not transformed to alpha alumina at 400 to 700' deg n the presence of nitric acid and water vapor. Amorphous aluminn produced in the pilot plant was transformed to alpha alumina. This indicated that the amorphous alumina produced in the pilot plant is structurally predisposed to form alpha alumina. Most additives did not appear to have any special effects. Lithium formed zeta alumina, LiAl/sub 5/O/sub 8/. Ph… more
Date: December 1, 1961
Creator: Eding, H J; Huggins, M L & Brown, A G
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: An eddy current test system is described in which the test information is detected as a series of fields reflected from the metal surface and interior. Pulsed electromagnetic fields are caused to impinge upon the test specimen. These fields are restricted to a small cross sectional area over a path in space long enough to be useful for test purposes by devices called mask-apenture assemblies. This approach provides a number of advantages over conventional eddy current methods of comparable capa… more
Date: June 11, 1962
Creator: Renken, C. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Measurement of the K{sup 0}{sub S} - K{sup 0}{sub L} mass difference by the time dependence of strangeness

Description: The magnitude of the K{sup 0}{sub S} - K{sup 0}{sub L} mass difference has been measured by monitoring the time dependence of the strangeness of neutral K's produced in hydrogen and deuterium in the LRL 25 '' hydrogen bubble chamber. The particles originate as K-bar{sup 0} in K{sup -} change-exchange scatters at .85 to 1.15 Bev/c; the signature for an S = -1 reaction is the production of a hyperon. Seventy- seven events were found, obtaining {Delta}{omega} = 0.50 =- 0.15, measure… more
Date: April 1, 1966
Creator: Camerini, U.; Cline, D.; English, J. B.; Fischbein, W.; Fry, W. F.; Gaidos, J. A. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Modified Pyroelectric Sodium Fluoride Carrier Distillation Medthod For The Spectrographic Analysis Of Impurities In Plutonium

Description: A modification of the pyroelectric sodium fluoride carrier distillation method for analysis of impurities in plutonium metal is described. The metal is dissolved. Plutonium is precipitated and treated with nitric acid. The slurry obtained is dried and ignited. The resultant low density oxide is mixed with sodium fluoride and pressed into a pellet for arcing. Cobalt is used as the internal standard for densitometric using visual comparisons against prepared standards. The procedural modification… more
Date: August 1, 1966
Creator: Schreiber, G. A. & Barrick, C. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analysis of Vanadium in Milk Powder by Neutron Activation Analysis Using a Rapid Radiochemical Separation of 3.77-Minute Vanadium-52

Description: A procedure is described for the activation determination of V in powdered milk using 3.77-min V/sup 52/. The quantity of V in the sample is obtained by comparing the V/sup 52/ radioactivity found in the test sample with the V/sup 52/ radioactivity in a V comparator sample that is treated in the same manner as the test sample. The procedure can also be used for the determination of V in a variety of materials. (P.C.H.)
Date: November 15, 1963
Creator: Molinski, V. J.; Wahl, W. H. & Strain, W. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Tests of a Vapor-Space Feed Nozzle for Calcining Aluminum Nitrate Solutions in a Fluidized Bed

Description: An investigation was conducted to determine the performance of a vapor- space feed nozzle which sprayed aluminum nitrate solution on the surface of a fluidized bed calciner. Results indicate that this type of feed system is satisfactory for calcining aqueous wastes from the processing of spent aluminum- type nuclear fueIs. Process and product control were achieved by adjusting the volumetric ratio of the air to the liquid fed to the nozzIe. The results obtained at various operating conditions a… more
Date: October 31, 1962
Creator: Lohse, G. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

TAGS-85/2N RTG Power for Viking Lander Capsule

Description: Results of studies performed by Isotopes, Inc., Nuclear Systems Division, to optimize and baseline a TAGS-85/2N RTG for the Viking Lander Capsule prime electrical power source are presented. These studies generally encompassed identifying the Viking RTG mission profile and design requirements, and establishing a baseline RTG design consistent with these requirements.
Date: August 1, 1969
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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