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open access

Problèmes de l'Adaptation Filmique d'un Texte Littéraire: Études Comparées de Madame Bovary de Gustave Flaubert et du Colonel Chabert d'Honoré de Balzac

Description: The release of the two films, Madame Bovary (1992) by Claude Chabrol and Le Colonel Chabert (1994) by Yves Angelo, arouses an interest in a method which studies the rapport between the seventh art and literature. Following the studies of the narratologists, Gerard Genette, Yves Reuter, Gerard-Denis Farcy, Celestino Deleyto, Andre Gaudreault and Francois Jost, a method of analyzing and studying the relationship between literature and cinema can be developed. The principal interest of a comparati… more
Date: May 1998
Creator: Conditto, Kerri L. (Kerri Lee)
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Remembering and Narrating in Borges’ “Funes the Memorious” and Camus’ the Stranger

Description: In The Stranger, a novel by Albert Camus, and in “Funes the Memorious,” a short story by Jorge Luis Borges, the homodiegetic narrators have a significant effect on the referential aspect of their personal experiences. Chronologically these remembered experiences are positioned before the moment when they are narrated. The act of remembering is thus a form of subsequent narration. In both texts, memory is a project rather than an object because it is recounted and not found. In the sense that it… more
Date: August 2013
Creator: Stroud, Carl Eugene
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access


Description: This book is a collection of poetry in Italian and translated into French and English.
Date: August 29, 2013
Creator: Di Biasio, Rodolfo, 1937-
Partner: UNT College of Arts and Sciences
open access

Bambina mattina

Description: This book is a collection of poetry in Italian and translated into English and French.
Date: July 27, 2013
Creator: Adriano, Domenico
Partner: UNT College of Arts and Sciences
open access

Comment peut-on être Persane ou Peruvienne ?: On le devient

Description: Cette analyse littéraire examine les parallèles entre les deux romans Lettres persanes de Montesquieu (1721) et Lettres d'une Péruvienne de Françoise de Graffigny (1747) en se concentrant sur le sort des femmes et leur rébellion contre la claustration. Leurs révoltes transformatrices révèlent une volonté qui refuse et puis transcende les barreaux de leur captivité pour vivre librement. La philosophie de Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986) personnifie leurs luttes pour devenir et exister, ce qui se … more
Date: May 2016
Creator: Daucourt, Monica Hazan
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Etude Comparative Et Intertextuelle Sur Le Thème Des “Fenêtres” Dans Quatre Poèmes De Charles Baudelaire, Stéphane Mallarmé, Marie Krysinska Et Guillaume Apollinaire.

Description: Written in French, this thesis presents a comparative and intertextual study on the theme of « windows » in four poems by Charles Baudelaire, Stéphane Mallarmé, Marie Krysinska and Guillaume Apollinaire. Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867), Stéphane Mallarmé (1842 -1898), Marie Krysinska (1857-1908) and Guillaume Apollinaire (1880-1918) use « windows » as a common theme in their poetry. My study compares this common theme found in four poems: (1) “Les fenêtres” by Charles Baudelaire in Spleen de Pa… more
Date: December 2011
Creator: Opsitch, Yann
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Modest Musorgsky's Early Songs: Uncommon Lyricisms Within a Simple Framework

Description: Modest Musorgsky is considered a composer of masterful vocal, symphonic, and piano works. His songs and song cycles distinguish themselves as evocative of the broad spectrum of Russian experience. However, Musorgsky's early songs have not received as much attention as his larger works, such as Boris Godunov or Pictures at an Exhibition. Musorgsky's early songs, from 1857-1867, show the composer's affinity for lyrical expression, be it brightly melodious, impassioned, or within a comical or sati… more
Date: December 2012
Creator: Gunter, Sheila
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Perceiving Matter in Notes on Space, Undated (Log 3) by André du Bouchet, Fontfroide-le-Haut, Fata Morgana, 2000

Description: This study of the graphic field in notes on space, undated (log 3) focuses on how the white emptiness of a page plays a structural role in the articulation of dissociated fragments of notes. According to the criteria of three theorists (Genette, Lapacherie, Baetens), the distinction between non-linear and tabular proves to be non-exclusive in this particular work. Ostensibly, this non-figurative writing instigates interactive contemplation and lends itself to multiple entries, like an object on… more
Date: December 2003
Creator: Simmons, Sandra
Partner: UNT Libraries
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