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open access

Guest Editorial: A New Book of the Dead: Reflections on the Near-Death Experience and the Tibetan Buddhist Tradtion Regarding the Nature of Death

Description: Article offering a comparison of historical cases of Tibetan near-death experiences (NDEs) and contemporary Western accounts. A tradition of NDEs in Tibetan culture, the das-log experience, affords such a comparison. Modern NDEs differ from das-log experiences in ways that reflect their cultural context and may provide the foundation for a new Book of the Dead especially fitted to the existential and planetary concerns of modern time.
Date: Winter 1993
Creator: Ring, Kenneth
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Life Changes Inventory - Revised

Description: Article presenting the Life Changes Inventory-Revised, a standardized version of the scale that embodies the accumulated knowledge culled from previous drafts of the LCI administered to disparate samples and from qualitative research into attitudinal changes reported by near-death experiencers.
Date: Autumn 2004
Creator: Greyson, Bruce & Ring, Kenneth
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Prophetic Visions in 1988: A Critical Reappraisal

Description: Paper reviewing the research into a specific aspect of near-death experiences (NDEs): the prophetic vision (PV). PVs are subjectively compelling flashforwards of planetary-wide cataclysms and eventual regeneration that sometimes occur during or in the immediate aftermath of an NDE.
Date: Autumn 1988
Creator: Ring, Kenneth
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Frightening Near-Death Experiences Revisited: A Commentary on Responses to My Paper

Description: Abstract: In this commentary, I discuss the responses to my paper on frightening near-death experiences (NDEs) written by Christopher Bache and Nancy Evans Bush, and I try to show that there are many points of agreement among us all. While Bache and I saw the ontological status of frightening NDEs differently than did Bush, all of us agreed on the psychological reality and importance of these experiences. Research on frightening NDEs, long overdue, is encouraged and reasons for its urgency ar… more
Date: Autumn 1994
Creator: Ring, Kenneth
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Impact of Near-Death Experiences on Persons Who Have Not Had Them: A Report of a Preliminary Study and Two Replications

Description: Abstract: Three informal surveys of college students enrolled in a semester-long course on near-death experiences (NDEs) suggest that exposure to information about the NDE may bring about substantial changes in beliefs about NDEs, life after death, and God, as well as reduce fear of death and increase one's level of spirituality. These surveys and previous research point to the importance of conducting more systematic and large-scale studies of the impact of NDE materials on the general popula… more
Date: Summer 1995
Creator: Ring, Kenneth
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Near-Death and Out-of-Body Experiences in the Blind: A Study of Apparent Eyeless Vision

Description: Article reporting the results of an investigation into near-death and out-of-body experiences in 31 blind respondents. The study sought to address three main questions: (1) whether blind individuals have near-death experiences (NDEs) and, if so, whether they are the same as or different from those of sighted persons; (2) whether blind persons ever claim to see during NDEs and out-of-body experiences (OBEs); and (3) if such claims are made, whether they can ever be corroborated by reference to i… more
Date: Winter 1997
Creator: Ring, Kenneth & Cooper, Sharon
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Further Evidence For Veridical Perception During Near-Death Experiences

Description: Abstract: We briefly survey research designed to validate alleged out-of-body perceptions during near-death experiences. Most accounts of this kind that have surfaced since Michael Sabom's work are unsubstantiated self-reports or, as in claims of visual perception of blind persons, completely undocumented or fictional, but there have bee n some reports that were corroborated by witnesses. We briefly present and discuss three new cases of this kind.
Date: Summer 1993
Creator: Ring, Kenneth & Lawrence, Madelaine
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Commentary on Stuart W. Twemlow's "Misidentified Flying Objects?"

Description: Abstract: Stuart Twemlow's article has made an important dual contribution to our thinking about anomalous experiences: first in offering a heuristic psychodynamic model in terms of which to view them, and second, in suggesting a definite link between near-death experiences (NDEs) and unidentified flying object (UFO) abductions. I consider his argument largely from the standpoint of my own recent research, which also brings out the similarities between precisely these same two types of encount… more
Date: Summer 1994
Creator: Ring, Kenneth
Partner: UNT Libraries
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