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Photograph of a Lamkang traditonal inn made of vangpher

Description: Photograph of a Lamkang traditional thatch house known as [vangpher inn] in Lamkang. The roof is made of thatch, walls and floor made of bamboo and the name vangher is given due to that. This house is built by Kobeng Tholung of Lamkang Wangjangloon. Underneath is floor is used to keep some wooden planks for building a house.In way it is used as a store house. The steps seen in this house is made of bamboo.
Date: January 20, 2009
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information

Photograph of a Lamkang house [piirdi inn] Bekoinu le' inn Thamlapokpi

Description: Photograph of a Lamkang house [piirdi inn] in Lamkang. The house of Bekoinu of Thamlapokpi village. The small higher roof is for the outlet of smoke known as meikhut thuuhna. The traditional houses are made of thatch roofs, and wooden planks and bamboos and cane is used to chain the thatch together and tie the bamboos together to hold the thatch. Walls can me made of mud or bamboo walls depending on what one chooses.
Date: January 20, 2009
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information

Photograph of ears of corn called Korbu neem

Description: Photograph of ears of corn [korbu tupthoi] Lamkang sticky corn grown by Tony Khular in her field and being dried by hanging on to keep them dry for next planting season- a Lamkang traditional way of keeping and preserving corn for the next plantation.
Date: January 20, 2009
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information

Photograph of Buffalo horn [Keva arki]

Description: Photograph of buffalo horn [keva arki] in Lamkang. The buffalo is used for ploughing the field and it is commonly used in places where they is no modern tractors.The meat is used during festivities in place of Mithun sildak in the Western Lamkang areas commonly.
Date: January 20, 2009
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information

Photograph of women carrying torch during protest vigil at night in Chandel Manipur

Description: Photograph of women carrying torch during protest vigil at night in Chandel Manipur. This picture was taken when the Chandel women keep a vigil during the days when the government plan to bring the surrenderees of the armed group.The torch is made of bamboo and kerosene oil is poured into the bamboo hole and at the tip is a cloth or cotton to keep it burning. This is a traditional method to have the lamp burning for longer time.
Date: January 20, 2009
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information

Lamkang Traditional Arkaa Inn at Thamlapokpi Village

Description: Photograph of a Lamkang house [arka inn] the house of Betoi Tholung of Thamlapokpi built by himself. Thatch roof and wall made of bamboo walls known as Vangpher. We see a small hut at the side of the house which is a pigsty. This is part of the Lamkang pictorial book project by Sumshot Khular.
Date: January 20, 2009
Creator: Khular, Sumshot
Partner: UNT College of Information
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