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open access

Guidance Documents for Lifecycle Management of ETDs

Description: In 2011, a research team led by the University of North Texas, the Educopia Institute/MetaArchive Cooperative, and the worldwide Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD), began studying the production, dissemination, and preservation of Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs). The original intent was to develop and disseminate documentation for academic libraries that would help curators better understand and address the preservation challenges presented by these new dig… more
Date: March 19, 2014
Creator: Alemneh, Daniel Gelaw; Donovan, Bill; Halbert, Martin; Han, Yan; Henry, Geneva; Hswe, Patricia et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Prospects for Research Data Management

Description: Paper included in a report for the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) on research data management and the DataRes Project. This chapter highlights some of the most provocative findings of the DataRes Project on the topic of research data management in higher education and possible scenarios for the future and the implications of these scenarios.
Date: November 2013
Creator: Halbert, Martin
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Research Data Management Principles, Practices, and Prospects

Description: This report examines how research institutions are responding to data management requirements of the National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, and other federal agencies. It also considers what role, if any, academic libraries and the library and information science profession should have in supporting researchers’ data management needs. University of North Texas (UNT) Library Director Martin Halbert opens the report with an overview of the DataRes Project, a two-year investig… more
Date: November 2013
Creator: Asher, Andrew; Deards, Kiyomi; Esteva, Maria; Halbert, Martin; Jahnke, Lori; Jordan, Chris et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Library Publishing Directory 2014

Description: The first edition of the Library Publishing Directory provides a snapshot of the publishing activities of 115 academic and research libraries, including information about the number and types of publications they produce, the services they offer authors, how they are staffed and funded, and the future plans of institutions that are engaged in this emerging field. In documenting the breadth and depth of activities in this field, this resource aims to articulate the unique value of library publis… more
Date: September 26, 2013
Creator: Lippincott, Sarah K.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

UNT Libraries Budget Increase Analysis 2013: A proposal to increase the budget of the University of North Texas Libraries to meet the needs of the campus

Description: Report put together at the invitation of the University of North Texas (UNT) President at the 2013 budget hearings. This report was prepared to inform a budget increase decision for the UNT Libraries.
Date: May 2013
Creator: Halbert, Martin; Hartman, Cathy Nelson & Paz, Susan
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Social Circumstance and Aesthetic Achievement: Contextual Studies in Richard Wright’s Native Son

Description: This collection of essays on Richard Wright’s Native Son developed from a research-oriented, upper- division University of North Texas Honors College course, spring 2015. It contains the following seven chapters: Chapter I: The Cognitive Dissonance of Bigger Thomas (by Rachel Martinez) Chapter II: The Equal of Them: Violence and Equality in Native Son and “The Man Who Was Almost a Man” (by Molly Riddell) Chapter III: Above the Sceptered Sway: Holy Justice, and the Trials of Bigger and Shylo… more
Date: June 2016
Creator: Duban, James
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Through the Lenses of Ray Bankston and Don Shugart: Horse Photos from the University of North Texas Libraries

Description: The selected Horse Photos in this book represent samples images produced by the two most prolific equine photographers, Ray Bankston and Don Shugart between 1962 and 2000. While Ray Bankston and Don Shugart traveled extensively, many of their clients, including prominent ranches and prestigious performance horse events, were located in Texas, home of the American Quarter Horse Association, the National Cutting Horse Association, and the American Paint Horse Association. In addition to formal po… more
Date: 2015
Creator: Harrison, Sally
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

UNT Libraries Strategic Plan 2011-2015: A Plan to Advance the Strategic Research Value of the University of North Texas Libraries

Description: This report discusses the five-year strategic plan for the University of North Texas (UNT) Libraries to reach its goal of becoming a top tier research library by 2015. It includes an analysis of the status of the UNT Libraries in relation to the university campus strategic plan and to peer institutions. In addition, it provides an outline of the specific goals and targets adopted to reach top tier status, organized into five categories: Creative Partnerships, Innovative Services, Scholarly Ou… more
Date: October 2011
Creator: Halbert, Martin; Hartman, Cathy Nelson; Belden, Dreanna; Brannon, Sian; Jackson, Scott; Parks, Sue et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

UNT Libraries Strategic Plan 2015-2018: A Plan to Continue Advancing the Research Value of the University of North Texas Libraries

Description: This document summarizes key strategic priorities for the UNT Libraries in the 2015 - 2018 period, and will inform planning activities during this time. This document lays out the primary directions that the UNT Libraries will undertake during four years. It builds on previous work and accomplishments, and serves as a transition guide for moving beyond the 2011-2015 strategic plan.
Date: 2015
Creator: Halbert, Martin; Hartman, Cathy Nelson; Belden, Dreanna; Brannon, Sian; Jackson, Scott; Parks, Sue et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

UNT Libraries Strategic Plan Priorities FY 2014-2017: Key prospective Goal Areas for the UNT Libraries

Description: This report summarizes key strategic priorities for the UNT Libraries in the FY 2014-2017 period, and will inform planning activities during this time. This document should be read in close conjunction with other associated strategic planning documents of the UNT Libraries, including the following: 2014 Strategic Plan Alignment Map of UNT Libraries and Academic Affairs, UNT Libraries Strategic Plan 2011-2015, and UNT Press Strategic Plan 2014-2019. This document lays out the primary directions … more
Date: September 2014
Creator: Halbert, Martin & Hartman, Cathy Nelson
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Strategies for Sustaining Digital Libraries

Description: This book is a collection of essays on sustaining digital libraries. The essays report on early findings from pioneers who have worked to establish digital libraries, not merely as experimental projects, but as ongoing services and collections intended to be sustained over time in ways consistent with the long-held practices of print-based libraries. Particularly during this period of extreme technological transition, it is imperative that programs across the nation and indeed the world - activ… more
Date: April 2008
Creator: Skinner, Katherine; Halbert, Martin & Battle, Mary
Partner: UNT Libraries
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