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[A Storm of Light, Via Vengeance, Akkolyte poster]

Description: Poster advertising a concert by A Storm of Light, Via Vengeance, and Akkolyte on Wednesday, February 24, 2010, at RGRS (Rubber Gloves Rehearsal Studios), Denton, Texas. Poster features a color apocalyptic image of a wolf, a dead tree, and a missile in the middle of a street in front of a mountainous landscape. The headlining band name is printed below the image in cream and red text, while other event information is handwritten in black marker.
Date: 2010
Partner: UNT Music Library
open access


Description: Setlist from a concert by unknown band, hand-written in black marker on the back of a blank pay-out receipt. Songs listed are Poem, Out My Wendy, Derp Derp, Pop Song, Schlo, Burning Bridge, Anvil Chorus, Piano.
Date: unknown
Partner: UNT Music Library

[The Mountain Goats poster]

Description: Poster advertising a concert tour by The Mountain Goats in August and September of 2018, through several U.S. states. Poster features a central illustration of a cloaked figure holding a downward turned sword, standing above the band name and flanked by two scrolls listing each concert date. Poster printed in CMYK and light blue.
Date: 2018
Creator: Williams, Kelly
Partner: UNT Music Library

[Mastodon tour poster with ticket stub]

Description: Poster advertising a North American concert tour by Mastodon, including an attached ticket stub for the show on Wednesday, November 11, 2009, at House of Blues, Dallas, Texas. Poster is printed in magenta, cyan, and white ink on black paper and features the band name, tour dates and cities, and an illustration of a creature with a horned skull and protruding brain. The attached ticket stub indicates that the Dallas show was presented by Adult Swim and opened with the band Dethklok.
Date: 2009
Partner: UNT Music Library

[Shiny Around the Edges, Drink to Victory, Kampfgrounds, Picc Line original artwork for poster]

Description: Original collage used to make posters for advertising a concert by Shiny Around the Edges, Drink to Victory, Kampfgrounds, and Picc Line on Saturday, January 23, 2010, at Hailey's, Denton, Texas. This concert was presented by Gutterth Live as Episode XL. Event detail text is embossed on black and red plastic adhesive labels which are arranged and stuck onto an antique photographic portrait of a man.
Date: 2010
Creator: Frishman, Brent
Partner: UNT Music Library

[Dead Week Print Show poster]

Description: Poster advertising the Dead Week Print Show, presented by Pan Ector, Gutterth, and P.A.N.T.S. (Printmaking Association of North Texas Students) with live music by Pinkish Black, Dear Human, and Peopleodian on Saturday, December 11, 2010, at Rubber Gloves, Denton, Texas. The event included art by P.A.N.T.S. in the Meme Gallery and live screenprinting by Pan Ector. Poster by Taylor McClure features an illustration of several drawn faces and event information in hand-drawn text in tan, orange, bla… more
Date: 2010
Creator: McClure, Tyler
Partner: UNT Music Library
open access


Description: Handwritten setlist from an unknown band's concert, in black marker on white paper. Setlist reads: Sink, BB, Red Hands, Art, Recluse, April, House, Herald, Butch, Drift, (heart) U, Hips, Tall Tales, G. Caller, Weather, Bloody, Nonsense, Cash, Encore.
Date: unknown
Partner: UNT Music Library

[Paper Chase, This Was the Year to Lose Friends, Memorize poster]

Description: Poster advertising a concert by The Paper Chase, This Was the Year to Lose Friends, and Memorize on Monday, January 22, 2007, at The Conservatory, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Poster features an illustration of an antlered girl standing atop a car in a junkyard, surrounded by trees and fireflies at night, printed in shades of blue, black and white.
Date: 2007
Creator: Danger, Daniel
Partner: UNT Music Library

[Power Animal, Br'er, Geistheistler, Kampfgrounds poster]

Description: Poster advertising a concert by Power Animal, Br'er, Geistheistler, and Kampfgrounds on Saturday, November 7, 2009, at Majestic Dwelling of Doom, Denton, Texas. Poster features hand-drawn text and an illustration of a man with big, unruly hair and beard and three inverted crosses on his forehead, in black ink on white paper. A speech bubble from the man's mouth reads, "Happy 30th Sloan!"
Date: 2009
Creator: Koons, Matt
Partner: UNT Music Library

[Hotel, Hotel postcard]

Description: Promotional postcard for the Austin, Texas band Hotel, Hotel. on {{{date/s}}}, Postcard features a color photograph of two silhouetted figures standing in a lit doorway with the band name in light green text in the bottom right corner.
Date: unknown
Partner: UNT Music Library

[Enon, Octopus Project, Tokyo Police Club poster]

Description: Poster advertising a concert by Enon, Octopus Project, and Tokyo Police Club on September 15, 2006, at Hailey's, Denton, Texas. Poster features an illustration of two white bears sitting astride a pentagram with purple and blue ghost-like creatures and event detail text floating above them. Some band members signed and drew additional illustrations on the poster in black marker.
Date: 2006
Partner: UNT Music Library

[Kampfgrounds, Drink to Victory, Shiny Around the Edges, Dust Congress poster]

Description: Poster advertising a concert by Kampfgrounds, Drink to Victory, Shiny Around the Edges, and Dust Congress on August 9, 2009, at Majestic Dwelling of Doom, Denton, Texas. Black and white flyer features hand-drawn text and an illustration of a man playing the piano, by Justin Scafidi.
Date: 2009
Creator: Scafidi, Justin
Partner: UNT Music Library

[Matt and Kim 2006 tour poster]

Description: Poster advertising a concert tour by Matt and Kim in February and March of 2006, in the states of NY, DC, VA, NC, GA, FL, AL, MS, TX, AK, TN, and MD. Poster features a diagram type illustration of a tour van and text in black and gold ink. Poster is signed by band members.
Date: 2006
Partner: UNT Music Library

[It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Denton! poster]

Description: Poster advertising a two-day concert showcase presented by Mad World Records, marking the occasion of the store's third anniversary, on Friday, March 7 and Saturday, March 8, 2014, at Rubber Gloves Rehearsal Studios, Denton, Texas. Poster is printed in green and magenta ink on the blank side of a record sleeve, and features a central radial design of the participating band names encircling a split illustration of a man yelling and a chimpanzee in an astronaut's helmet. The right side of the de… more
Date: 2014
Creator: Triple Threat Press
Partner: UNT Music Library

[1st Annual 28th Fest poster]

Description: Poster advertising the First Annual 28th Fest concert by Spooky Folk, Babar, New Science Projects, Peopleodian, and Cool Womb on March 20, 2013, at J & J's Pizza on the square, Denton, Texas. Poster features an illustration of a grid of bearded faces on a blue background to the right of event details in various red fonts on a pink background.
Date: 2013
Partner: UNT Music Library

[Dead Week Print Show poster]

Description: Poster advertising the Dead Week Print Show with music by Zorch, New Fumes, Summer of Glaciers, Def Rain, and Ulnae on Friday, December 7, 2012, at Rubber Gloves, Denton, Texas. Event was presented by Gutterth, Pan Ector, and P.A.N.T.S (Printmaking Association of North Texas Students). Print exhibition was held in the Meme Gallery at Rubber Gloves. Poster features a central illustration of a hand with two severed fingers holding an eyeball, surrounded by torn banner pieces with event informati… more
Date: 2012
Creator: Pan Ector
Partner: UNT Music Library
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