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[Man swinging an axe at a snake while his wife jumps back in surprise]

Description: Etching and engraving print of a man swinging an axe at a snake. The man appears to be protecting his wife and child who sit in front of a large open hearth. The wife reacts in surprise and fear in the midst of cooking dinner with the child in her lap. This print has a unique ghost image on its verso of a woman dressed in French style fashion with a large wig embellished with feathers.
Date: [1695..1800]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

["The Expedition of Humphry Clinker"; "Burdock refiting the surgeon's attempt to trepan him."]

Description: Etching and engraving print from page 216 of Charles Grignion I's "The Expedition of Humphry Clinker"; "Burdock refiting the surgeon's attempt to trepan him.". The print includes an oval framing the scene with characteristic flourishes of ivy vines surrounding a plaque with the title information. The main figure in the image appears standing on his bed angrily confronting a flustered doctor to a room of terrified onlookers. The print was part of a copy of the picaresque novel "The Expedition of… more
Date: [1695..1800]
Creator: Grignion, Charles the Elder
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Engraving portrait of Johann Von Schonenburgh]

Description: Engraved portrait of German Catholic Archbishop Johann Von Schonenburgh, circa 1500-1600. The plate has the portrait framed by ornate scroll work including the face of a cherub, pears and ribbons. The description directly under the portrait reads "Religion and Wisdom".
Date: [1500..1600]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

["Residence of Robert H. Rose esq." etching and engraving print]

Description: Etching and engraving titled "Residence of Robert H. Rose Esq." depicts the palatial historic home and grounds owned by Robert H. Rose in New York state. Several deer are resting on the lawn and several people are visible as silhouettes near the building.
Date: 1845
Creator: Smillie, James, 1807-1885 & Hinshelwood, Robert, 1812-1879
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

["A Western Lake by Sunset"]

Description: Steel engraving on a book leaf titled "A Western Lake by Sunset" depicting a vast landscape surrounding a distant lake and small rivers. On the verso side of the leaf are penciled notes about its missing companion page, page numbers and the collectors' information.
Date: 1851
Creator: Durand, A. B. (Asher Brown), 1796-1886 & Smillie, James, 1807-1885
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Etching of a man with coins]

Description: Etching "Portrait of Man", designed Guercino Da Cento and printed by Austrian printmaker Adam Bartsch, in 1782. The print shows a man illustrated with loose and energetic lines standing and pointing at coins resting on a table.
Date: 1782
Creator: Da Cento, Guercino & Bartsch, Adam
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

["The Beggars Opera" etching and engraving]

Description: Etching and engraving print of an lively outdoor opera with a small pit orchestra and performers in animals masks. The print, "The Beggars Opera", published in 1728 was printed for John Bonles and The Black Horse in Cornhill.
Date: 1728
Creator: Hogarth, William; Blake, William & Bonles, John
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Etcing and engraving "Puer parvulus minabiteos"]

Description: French religious etching and engraving titled "Puer Parvulus Minabiteos" (The Boy Threatened Them), which depictsa woman and three children in a field with a herd of wolfs, lions, and tigers among sheep and cattle. The main child, the baby Jesus, appears with a shepherds crook leading the flock.
Date: [1695..1800]
Creator: Le Clerc, Sébastien, 1637-1714 & Lacroix, S. F. (Silvestre François), 1765-1843
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Pastoral French landscape etching and engraving]

Description: Pastoral French etching and engraving of a landscape showing a small herd of cattle wadding through a stream that cuts through a hilly landscape with many trees. Two small figures appear conversing on the bank of the stream with a lone individual on a horse. The print is attributed to French designer and printmaker Adam Perelle and was published in Paris by Pierre Mariette.
Date: [1500..1700]
Creator: Perelle, Adam & Mariette, Pierre
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

["The Stars" mezzotint engraving]

Description: Mezzotint engraving print of a woman draped in fabrics with a wreath of ivy around her head playing a lyre with her face to the night sky. "The Stars" was designed by Middelton and printed by American printmaker John Sartain in Philadelphia in the early 1800s.
Date: [1797..1856]
Creator: Sartain, John
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Satirical print of English political figure Hugh Peters c.1600]

Description: Satirical Print of English preacher, political advisor and soldier who supported the Parliamentary cause during the English Civil War. The engraving, circa. 1600, shows Hugh Peters with a devil on his back with each foot on a stack of books that correspond to church and state while he holds the ties to bags of money that are labeled with "Revenue", "Plunder", "Thimbles" and "Benefices". Symbols of the monarchy and the church appear on the floor by his feet.
Date: [1695..1800]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Dutch etching "Laden Asses"]

Description: Etching by Dutch printmaker Theodorus van Kessell as part of his series in collaboration with designer Jan van den Hecke the Elder "Alcune Animali" in 1654. The print, "Laden Asses", shows two saddled donkeys resting in an open field with a small village/ farm in the distance.
Date: 1654
Creator: Van Den Hecke The Elder, Jan & Van Kessell, Theodorus
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Two Mourners and Hope at Washingtons Grave]

Description: Engraving by Boston printmaker Thomas Clarke showing a man and woman weeping into handkerchiefs in front of the grave of George Washington. Washington's monument includes his face engraved below a cherubim and the epitaph "There is Reft in Heaven" and is set at the foot of a weeping willow. The two figures are being consoled by a figure of Hope, who stands by an anchor and points to heaven.
Date: [1695..1800]
Creator: Clark, Thomas
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Adam & Eve frontispiece etching]

Description: Etching print included as the frontispiece of a unknown volume printed in 1780. The plate includes a classic biblical image of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden at the moment the snake offers the fruit to Eve. The image includes excellent details of various animals scattered around the pint such as a frog, various insects, birds and a partially hidden cow laying in the tree line.
Date: 1780~
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Engraving of a woman holding a cross by Vitali]

Description: Italian engraving print of a woman holding a cross possibly the catholic female saint Margaret of Antioch. The print was a collaboration between painter Guidus Reni and was translated and printed by Pietro Marco Vitali in Rome in 1782. The image is accompanied by descriptive Italian text.
Date: 1782~
Creator: Reni, Guidus & Vitali, Pietro Marco
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Etching and engraving "David Tenier's House"]

Description: Etching and engraving of "David Tenier's House" published on August 15, 1757. The design was attribute to Dutch miniaturist David Eniers the Younger (1610-1690) and was printed by English printmaker Thomas Major (1720-1799). The image shows a large manor house on the right edge of a river bank with a bridge arching over the river. A group of three fisherman are gathered on the shore in the foreground communicating the scale of the rest of the scene to the viewer.
Date: August 15, 1757
Creator: Major, Thomas & Eniers the Younger, David
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

["Ben J. Franklin L.L.D." engraving print]

Description: Engraving of "Ben J. Franklin L.L.D." for European Magazine printed on April 1, 1783. The design is attributed to William Angus and printed by J. Fielding. The engraving shows an image of founding father Benjamin Franklin in a circular frame to replicate a painting by F. Schwediauer.
Date: April 1, 1783
Creator: Angus, William & Feilding, J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Portrait etching and engraving of actor David Garrick]

Description: Etching and engraving of English actor David Garrick printed on December 1st, 1773. The design is attributed to N. Dance and was printed by British engraver and painter John Hall. The image surrounded by a detailed oval frame and two cherubs holding symbolic objects tied to drama and the theatre.
Date: December 1, 1773
Creator: Hall, John & Dance, N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Intaglio print from a type printed book of a city scape "Citta Di Varsavia"]

Description: Etching and engraving print on page 332 of an unknown book printed in Italian showing the city of Warsaw Poland from the east overlooking the Vistula river. The image shows what is now "Warsaw Old Town" with the tall steepled building being the Archcathedral of St John's.
Date: [1500..1780]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

["Poor Robin" satire cartoon engraving]

Description: Satirical engraving of William Winstanley or "Poor Robin" circa 1600. The print was printed and published by Ben Harris in Bell Alley in Coleman Street, London, England. The image shows the poet Winstanley standing in his studio with a pen in one hand and a cup of wine in the other. He appears surrounded by alchemical symbols in a cloud around his head and on a square he stands in on the floor.
Date: 1600
Creator: Harris, Ben
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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