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Oliphant of St. Hubert

Description: This is a decorative oliphant made with Ivory, Bone and Shells. The curvilinear design of the oliphant is wide from one point and narrow from the other. There are two black straps on the piece. There are many carved engravings done in repeated pattern. There are horizontal lines running along the silhouette of the carved piece. There is a chain passing through the black straps to hold the piece.
Date: 1200~
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

Asante Helmet

Description: The helmet consists of alternating silver and gold leaf decorative strips moving from the front to the back. There is a gold rim around the front edge. All of the metalwork is decorated with repoussé technique.
Date: unknown
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

The Attack into the Unknown: German Troops Advancing on Stalingrad, from Signal Magazine

Description: Single page from Signal magazine shows a Nazi flag, soldiers and a tank. Text at the bottom of the image has the title "El asalto en lo desconocido" and the text: "El corresponsal de guerra de "Signal" PK. Artur Grimm describe en las páginas siguientes la cooperación alemana entre Infantería, Ingenieros y Caros de Combate."
Date: 1940/1945
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

Dish with the bust of a man inside

Description: This is a round silver metalwork dish. There is face of a man displayed in the center of the dish. Torso of the man is also visible. This sculpture like figure is surrounded by a ring that gives the bust of the man a confined vicinity. Other than the textures on the male figure the entire dish as been given a clean , smooth and glazed finish.
Date: 0100~
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design


Description: In this view, the doll is seated in a small chair. She is wearing a green dress with white lace and black shoes.
Date: 1865
Creator: Marsh, Julian Charles (attribution: probably made by)
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

Christ Blessing

Description: It is a round disc with painting of christ. Upper half of the body is visible with one hand holding a book and the other hand in gestural position. There is a circular disc behing the figure with painted motifs in green, blue and white colors. There is visible clothing worn by christ and textures are visible on the dark blue cloth worn over inside layer of clothing. Book has geen, yellow, red and white color motifs. Other than this there are two small circular discs on the plate with written te… more
Date: 0100~
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

Two Cats

Description: The image depicts two cats, one black and one white. They face each other and the composition creates an 8 shape with drawing strokes that are expressive and energetic.
Date: unknown
Creator: Marc, Franz
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

Head of a Woman

Description: The drawing depicts the frontal view of a woman. The face is more complete and embellished with color while the rest of the drawing consists of only a few expressive lines.
Date: unknown
Creator: Klimt, Gustav
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design


Description: This is a footed metal cup made of quartz, enamel and gilded silver. Base of the cup is made of metal with round design frames. Frames have human figures drawn inside them. The top part of the cup has a border with same design motif. There are gems embedded on the top border that are black in color. The encircled human figures are surrounded by white beads. There are rombus embedded red stones on the belt as well. There is red enamel in the middle part of the metal cup. There are circular discs… more
Date: 1100~
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design
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