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Search Results

Primary view of 2004 research briefs :Materials and Process Sciences Center.
Cieslak, Michael J.
January 1, 2004
Primary view of Adaptive Management and Planning Models for Cultural Resources in Oil & Gas Fields in New Mexico and Wyoming, Semi-Annual Progress Report: July 1 - December 31, 2003
Robinson, Peggy
January 1, 2004
Nehrozoglu, A.
January 1, 2004
Primary view of Advanced Heat Exchangers Using Tunable Nanoscale-Molecular Assembly
Kim, Kwang J.; Bell, Thomas W.; Vemuri, Srinivas & Govindaraju, Sailaja
January 2004
Primary view of Advanced Hot Section Materials and Coatings Test Rig
Reome, Scott & Davies, Dan
January 2004
Primary view of Advanced, Low/Zero Emission Boiler Design and Operation
Chatel-Pelage, Fabienne
January 2004
Primary view of Analysis of Current Field Data
Romano, Michael A.
January 2004
Primary view of Analysis of Devonian Black Shales in Kentucky for Potential Carbon Dioxide Sequestration and Enhanced Natural Gas Production Quarterly Report: October-December 2003
Nuttall, Brandon C.
January 2004
Primary view of Analysis of KEK-ATF optics and coupling using orbit response matrix analysis
Wolski, A.; Nelson, J.; Ross, M.; Woodley, M. & Mishra, S.
January 1, 2004
Primary view of Application of multidisciplinary analysis to gene expression.
Wang, Xuefel (University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM); Kang, Huining (University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM); Fields, Chris (New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM); Cowie, Jim R. (New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM); Davidson, George S.; Haaland, David Michael et al.
January 1, 2004
Primary view of Assessment of Low Cost Novel Sorbents for Coal-Fired Power Plant Mercury Control
Ley, Trevor
January 2004
Primary view of Beam Profile Measurements and PIN Diode Calibration Using the RHIC Collimators
R., Flillerlll & Drees, A.
January 1, 2004
Primary view of Benefit Analysis for the Section 112 Utility Rule
United States. Environmental Protection Agency.
January 2004
Primary view of Biohazardous waste management plan.
Lane, Todd W.
January 1, 2004
Primary view of A biological model for controlling interface growth and morphology.
Hoyt, Jeffrey John & Holm, Elizabeth Ann
January 1, 2004
Primary view of Biomass Power and Conventional Fossil Systems with and without CO2 Sequestration -- Comparing the Energy Balance, Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Economics
Spath, P. L. & Mann, M. K.
January 2004
Primary view of Carbon Sequestration in Reclaimed Mined Soils of Ohio Quarterly Report
Shukla, M. K. & Lal, R.
January 2004
Primary view of Chief Joseph Kokanee Enhancement Project; Strobe Light Deterrent Efficacy Test and Fish Behavior Determination at the Grand Coulee Dam Third Powerplant Forebay, 2003-2004 Annual Report.
Simmons, M.; McKinstry, C. & Cook, C.
January 1, 2004
Primary view of Chinook Salmon Adult Abundance Monitoring; Hydroacoustic Assessment of Chinook Salmon Escapement to the Secesh River, Idaho, 2002-2004 Final Report.
Johnson, R.; McKinstry, C. & Mueller, R.
January 1, 2004
Primary view of Closure Report for Corrective Action Unit 358: Areas 18, 19, 20 Cellars/Mud Pits, Nevada Test Site, Nevada
United States. National Nuclear Security Administration. Nevada Site Office.
January 1, 2004
Primary view of CO2 Hydrate Process for Gas Separation, Quarterly Report: July - September 2003
Deppe, G.; Currier, R. & Spencer, D.
January 1, 2004
Primary view of Commercial Demonstration of the Manufactured Aggregate Processing Technology Utilizing Spray Dryer Ash
Scandrol, Roy
January 2004
Primary view of Communication patterns and allocation strategies.
Leung, Vitus Joseph; Mache, Jens Wolfgang & Bunde, David P.
January 1, 2004
Primary view of Computational and experimental techniques for coupled acoustic/structure interactions.
Sumali, Anton Hartono; Pierson, Kendall Hugh; Walsh, Timothy Francis; Dohner, Jeffrey Lynn; Reese, Garth M. & Day, David Minot
January 1, 2004
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