Search Results

[7 people sitting under a stripped tent by a wooden deck: Lone Star Ride 2003 event photo]

Description: Photograph of seven people sitting around a picnic table under a striped tent. The people are gathered around a picnic table with various drinks. A table in the sun outside the tent has stacks of papers and brochures laid out to be taken. In the vicinity, a wooden deck with people gathered on the stairs can be seen hung with a large white LSR banner.
Date: 2003
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[11 people seated around a restaurant table: Lone Star Ride 2003 event photo]

Description: Photograph of eleven people seated at a long table in a dim restaurant next to the bar. The table is scattered with menus, silverware, beverage glasses, and a stack of LSR information pamphlets. The shot was taken from the head of the table looking down the center showing each person with a nametag and some with their eyes closed.
Date: 2003
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[11 people standing behind a table: Lone Star Ride 2003 event photo]

Description: Photograph of eleven people gathered together for a group photo behind a restaurant table. The front row of the group all wear name tags that read from left to right with Melanie, Andrews, Chelsie, Laurie, and on the back row standing on a chair a woman labeled Tess. A stack of LSR pamphlets stands in the center of the table surrounded by empty glass beverage cups.
Date: 2003
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

24-Channel Geophone Array for Horizontal or Vertical Boreholes Quarterly Technical Report: July-September 2002

Description: This report describes the technical progress on a project to design and construct a multichannel geophone array that improves tomographic imaging capabilities in both surface and underground mines. Especially important in the design of the array is sensor placement. One issue related to sensor placement is addressed in this report: the method for clamping the sensor once it is emplaced in the borehole. If the sensors (geophones) are not adequately coupled to the surrounding rock mass, the resul… more
Date: January 2003
Creator: Westman, Erik C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

48 13 N, 16 200

Description: Recording of Tae Hong Park's 48 13 N, 16 200. This is a work for electronics that includes ambient sounds and spoken German language.
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 2003
Duration: 14 minutes 52 seconds
Creator: Park, Tae Hong, 1969-
Partner: UNT Music Library
open access

A 50 kV solid state multipulse kicker modulator

Description: Performance requirements, design concepts, and test results for a prototype multipulse kicker modulator based on solid-state switches and a voltage-adding transformer topology are described. Tape-wound cores are stacked to form the transformer primary windings and a cylindrical pipe that passes through the circular inner diameters of the cores serves as the secondary winding of the step-up transformer. Boards containing MOSFET switches, trigger circuitry, and energy-storage capacitors plug into… more
Date: January 1, 2003
Creator: Walstrom, P. L. (Peter L.) & Cook, E. G. (Edward G.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

59 Winds

Description: Recording of Apostolos Loufopoulos' and Myrto Korkokiou's 59 Winds. This work was created as an experimentation of the element 'wind', one of the most important features in flute playing. In this work the sensation of wind is developed through the use of wind-based flute sounds.
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 2003
Duration: 16 minutes 07 seconds
Creator: Loufopoulos, Apostolos, 1974- & Korkokiou, Myrto
Partner: UNT Music Library
open access

488-D Ash Basin Vegetative Cover Treatibility Study

Description: The 488-D Ash Basin is an unlined containment basin that received ash and coal reject material from the operation of a powerhouse at the USDOE's Savannah River Site, SC. They pyretic nature of the coal rejects has resulted in the formation of acidic drainage (AD), which has contributed to groundwater deterioration and threatens biota in down gradient wetlands. Establishment of a vegetative cover was examined as a remedial alternative for reducing AD generation within this system by enhanced uti… more
Date: January 1, 2003
Creator: Barton, Christopher; Marx, Don; Blake, John; Adriano, Domy; Koo, Bon-Jun & Czapka, Stephen
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

[3rd floor wall sconce at Chilton Hall, 1]

Description: Photograph of a wall sconce on the third floor of Chilton Hall at the University of North Texas. The fixture is attached to a wall on the right side of the photograph and contains a green lightbulb. The first, second, and third floors of Chilton Hall can be seen in the background.
Date: 2003/2005
Creator: University of North Texas. Center for Media Production.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[3rd floor wall sconce at Chilton Hall, 2]

Description: Photograph of a wall sconce on the third floor of Chilton Hall at the University of North Texas. The fixture is attached to a wall on the left side of the photograph and contains a green lightbulb. Stairway railings can be seen in the background.
Date: 2003/2005
Creator: University of North Texas. Center for Media Production.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[3rd floor wall sconces at Chilton Hall]

Description: Photograph of two wall sconces on the third floor of Chilton Hall at the University of North Texas. The fixtures can be seen on either side of a doorway in the center of the photograph, displaying green lightbulbs. Stairway railings can be seen in the foreground in the bottom half of the photograph.
Date: 2003/2005
Creator: University of North Texas. Center for Media Production.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

Accident Conditions versus Regulatory Test for NRC-Approved UF6 Packages

Description: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) approves new package designs for shipping fissile quantities of UF{sub 6}. Currently there are three packages approved by the NRC for domestic shipments of fissile quantities of UF{sub 6}: NCI-21PF-1; UX-30; and ESP30X. For approval by the NRC, packages must be subjected to a sequence of physical tests to simulate transportation accident conditions as described in 10 CFR Part 71. The primary objective of this project was to relate the conditions experienc… more
Date: January 2003
Creator: Mills, G. Scott; Ammerman, Douglas J. & Lopez, Carlos
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

[Actor 1 applies stage makeup]

Description: Photograph of a student applying stage makeup before a performance. The individual can be seen sitting in front of a mirror, facing to the right of the camera. He is applying eye makeup with a brush. A woman is sitting next to him, gesturing with both hands and appears to be speaking. Other students can be seen applying makeup in the reflection of the mirror.
Date: 2003~
Creator: University of North Texas. Center for Media Production.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Actor 1 applies stage makeup, closeup]

Description: Photograph of a student applying stage makeup before a performance. The young man can be seen sitting in front of a mirror, facing to the right of the camera. He is applying eye makeup with a brush. Another individual's hand is visible in the foreground on the left side of the photograph, holding a makeup brush. Other students can be seen applying makeup in the reflection of the mirror.
Date: 2003~
Creator: University of North Texas. Center for Media Production.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Actor 2 applies stage makeup]

Description: Photograph of a student applying stage makeup before a performance. The young woman is visible in the reflection of a mirror, applying makeup to her forehead with a brush. Other students can be seen applying makeup in the background.
Date: 2003~
Creator: University of North Texas. Center for Media Production.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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