A 1.8 Mev K+ injector for the high current beam transport experiment fusion
For the High Current Beam Transport Experiment (HCX) at LBNL, an injector is required to deliver up to 1.8 MV of 0.6 A K{sup +} beam with an emittance of {approx}1 p-mm-mrad. We have successfully operated a 10-cm diameter surface ionization source together with an electrostatic quadrupole (ESQ) accelerator to meet these requirements. The pulse length is {approx}4 {micro}s, firing at once every 10-15 seconds. By optimizing the extraction diode and the ESQ voltages, we have obtained an output bea…
May 20, 2002
Kwan, J. W.; Bieniosek, F. M.; Henestroza, E.; Prost, L. & Seidl, P.
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