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open access

Immigration Benefits: Seventh Report Required by the Haitian Immigration Fairness Act of 1998

Description: Correspondence issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "The Haitian Refugee Immigration Fairness Act (HRIFA) of 1998 authorized certain Haitian nationals and their dependents to apply to adjust their status to legal permanent residence. Section 902(k) of the act requires the Comptroller General to report every six months on the number of Haitian nationals who have applied and been approved to adjust their status to legal permanent residence. The reports are to conta… more
Date: April 18, 2002
Creator: United States. General Accounting Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Paperwork Reduction Act: Changes Needed to Annual Report

Description: Correspondence issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "The Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) prepares an annual report on the implementation of the Paperwork Reduction Act. OIRA's fiscal year 2002 report differed from the agency's previous reports in two important respects. First, the report provided agency-specific information on paperwork burden-hour estimates and violations only for the cabinet department… more
Date: April 29, 2002
Creator: United States. General Accounting Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Architect of the Capitol: Management and Accountability Framework Needed to Lead and Execute Change

Description: A statement of record issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "This testimony discusses management shortcomings at the Architect of the Capitol (AOC) in such areas as strategic planning, organizational alignment, strategic human capital, financial management, and information technology. AOC has demonstrated a commitment to change through ongoing management improvements. It is also revisiting its strategic planning efforts, working with a consultant to implement best… more
Date: April 17, 2002
Creator: United States. General Accounting Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Export Control: Army Guidance on Cooperative Research and Development Agreement Compliance with Export Control Laws and Regulations

Description: Correspondence issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "This report reviews cooperative research and development agreements (CRADA) at the Army Research Laboratory and the Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases to determine whether the laboratories complied with export control laws. GAO found that the Army needs to clarify its guidance on technology transfers to ensure compliance with U.S. export control laws during the management review of potential… more
Date: April 8, 2002
Creator: United States. General Accounting Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Diffuse Security Threats: Technologies for Mail Sanitization Exist, but Challenges Remain

Description: A briefing report issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "The attacks of September 11, 2001, and recent anthrax exposures have heightened long-standing concerns about the proliferation of biological weapons and the United States' ability to quickly respond to such incidents. The United States must identify technologies to protect against biological weapons, such as anthrax, without harming humans. Ionizing radiation has emerged as the leading current technology fo… more
Date: April 23, 2002
Creator: United States. General Accounting Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Information Security: Subcommittee Post-Hearing Questions Concerning the Additional Actions Needed to Implement Reform Legislation

Description: Correspondence issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "This report reviews efforts by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), 24 of the largest federal agencies, and the agencies' inspectors general to implement requirements set forth as part of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2001. GAO discusses (1) OMB's assessment of the top six security weaknesses within federal agencies, (2) information security weaknesses in federal information syste… more
Date: April 16, 2002
Creator: United States. General Accounting Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Response to Questions Relating to H.R. 3717, Federal Deposit Insurance Reform Act of 2002

Description: Correspondence issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "The Federal Deposit Insurance Reform Act of 2002 would change the definition of the reserve ratio for the deposit insurance fund and provide the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) with the flexibility to set the fund's designated reserve ratio within a range. Current law requires FDIC to maintain the deposit insurance fund balances at a reserve ratio of at least 1.25 percent of estimated insurance dep… more
Date: April 16, 2002
Creator: United States. General Accounting Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

National Preparedness: Technologies to Secure Federal Buildings

Description: Testimony issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "The terrorist attacks of September 11 have heightened concerns about the physical security of federal buildings and the need to protect those who work in and visit these facilities. These concerns have been underscored by reports of long-standing vulnerabilities, including weak controls over building access. There are several commercially available security technologies that can be deployed, ranging from turnstiles,… more
Date: April 25, 2002
Creator: United States. General Accounting Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Homeland Security: Responsibility and Accountability for Achieving National Goals

Description: Testimony issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "In the aftermath of the September 11 terrorist attacks, the Administration took several steps to strengthen homeland security, including the creation of an Office of Homeland Security (OHS). The success of a homeland security strategy requires all levels of government and the private sector to communicate and cooperate with one another. The federal government must formulate realistic budget and resource plans to sup… more
Date: April 11, 2002
Creator: United States. General Accounting Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Mortgage Financing: Actuarial Soundness of the Federal Housing Administration's Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund

Description: Testimony issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "The Housing Affordability for America Act of 2002 establishes risk-based capital requirements for the Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund of the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). Through the fund, FHA operates a single-family insurance program that helps millions of Americans buy homes. The Fund's estimated value rose dramatically in 1999, prompting proposals to spend current resources or reduce net cash flows into t… more
Date: April 24, 2002
Creator: United States. General Accounting Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Nuclear Waste: Uncertainties About the Yucca Mountain Repository Project

Description: Testimony issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "As required by law, the Department of Energy (DOE) has been investigating a site at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, to determine its suitability for disposing of highly radioactive wastes in a mined geologic repository. If the site is approved, DOE must apply to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for authorization to construct a repository. If the site is not approved for a license application, or if NRC denies a licen… more
Date: April 18, 2002
Creator: United States. General Accounting Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Social Security Numbers: SSNs Are Widely Used by Government and Could Be Better Protected

Description: Testimony issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "The Social Security numbers (SSN), originally created in 1936 to track workers' earnings and eligibility for Social Security benefits is now used for many other purposes by both government and private sectors. The growth in electronic record keeping and the availability of information over the Internet, combined with the rise in identity theft, have heightened public concern about how their SSNs are being used. Fede… more
Date: April 29, 2002
Creator: United States. General Accounting Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Contract Management: Roles and Responsibilities of the Federal Supply Service and Federal Technology Service

Description: Testimony issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "The General Services Administration's (GSA) Federal Supply Service (FSS) and Federal Technology Service (FTS) help agencies to purchase telephone and computer systems, motor vehicles, travel, and everyday supplies valued at more than $30 billion annually. FSS and FTS take different approaches to filling agency customers' requirements but, in the information technology area, they provide similar goods and services an… more
Date: April 11, 2002
Creator: United States. General Accounting Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Internal Revenue Service: Assessment of Budget Request for Fiscal Year 2003 and Interim Results of 2002 Tax Filing Season

Description: Testimony issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "This testimony discusses the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) fiscal year 2003 budget request for the 2002 tax filing season. GAO found that IRS's plans for hiring and redirecting staff may be optimistic because budgets are prepared so far in advance of the fiscal year involved. IRS assumed (1) labor and nonlabor savings of 2,287 staff years and $157.5 million and (2) additional savings of $38.5 million from better bu… more
Date: April 9, 2002
Creator: United States. General Accounting Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Food Safety: Continued Vigilance Needed to Ensure Safety of School Meals

Description: Testimony issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "The national school lunch and breakfast programs provide inexpensive or free meals to more than 27 million children each day. During the 1990s, nearly 300 outbreaks of foodborne illness at the nation's schools sickened 16,000 students. The rise in the number of school outbreaks mirrors a rise in the number of outbreaks in the overall population, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Beca… more
Date: April 30, 2002
Creator: United States. General Accounting Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Federal Real Property: Views on Real Property Reform Issues

Description: Testimony issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "The Federal Property Asset Management Reform Act of 2002, will enhance federal real and personal property management and bring the policies and business practices of federal agencies into the 21st century. Available data show that the federal government owns hundreds of thousands of properties worldwide, including military installations, office buildings, laboratories, courthouses, embassies, postal facilities, na… more
Date: April 18, 2002
Creator: United States. General Accounting Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Military Personnel: Active Duty Benefits Reflect Changing Demographics, but Continued Focus Is Needed

Description: Testimony issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "Since the advent of the all-volunteer Army in 1973, the number of servicemembers with spouses and children has grown significantly. Although the Department of Defense (DOD) has responded positively to this change, GAO believes that some current family benefits could be strengthened. For example, despite improvements to the quality of military child care centers, DOD needs to further expand child care capacity. Moreo… more
Date: April 11, 2002
Creator: United States. General Accounting Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Drinking Water Infrastructure: Information on Estimated Needs and Financial Assistance

Description: Testimony issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conducts an infrastructure needs assessment every four years to estimate the future capital investment needs of local drinking water systems. In its most recent survey, EPA estimated that nearly $151 billion will be needed during the next 20 years to repair, replace, and upgrade the nation's 55,000 community water systems. The needs assessment survey serves as the basis for … more
Date: April 11, 2002
Creator: United States. General Accounting Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Combating Terrorism: Intergovernmental Cooperation in the Development of a National Strategy to Enhance State and Local Preparedness

Description: Testimony issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "Federal, state, and local governments share responsibility for terrorist attacks. However, local government, including police and fire departments, emergency medical personnel, and public health agencies, is typically the first responder to an incident. The federal government historically has provided leadership, training, and funding assistance. In the aftermath of September 11, for instance, one-quarter of the $40… more
Date: April 2, 2002
Creator: United States. General Accounting Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Education Financial Management: Weak Internal Controls Led to Instances of Fraud and Other Improper Payments

Description: Testimony issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "The Department of Education has a history of financial management problems, including serious internal control weaknesses, that have affected the Department's ability to provide reliable financial information on its operations. GAO found that significant internal control weaknesses in payment processes and poor physical control over its computer assets led to fraud, improper payments, and lost assets. GAO also ident… more
Date: April 10, 2002
Creator: United States. General Accounting Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Paperwork Reduction Act: Burden Increases and Violations Persist

Description: Testimony issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "This testimony discusses the implementation of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 and information collection authorizations from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) that either expired or were otherwise inconsistent with the act. GAO found that federal paperwork rose by 290 million burden hours during fiscal year 2001--the largest one-year increase since the act was amended and recodified in 1995. This occurr… more
Date: April 11, 2002
Creator: United States. General Accounting Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Internal Revenue Service: Enhanced Efforts to Combat Abusive Tax Schemes--Challenges Remain

Description: Testimony issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "Estimating the extent of abusive tax schemes used by individual taxpayers is difficult because they are often hidden. Nevertheless, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) believes that the number and dollar consequences of these schemes has grown recently. IRS estimates that 740,000 taxpayers used abusive schemes in tax year 2000. IRS caught $5 billion in improper tax avoidance or tax credit and refund claims, but estim… more
Date: April 11, 2002
Creator: United States. General Accounting Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Welfare Reform: DOT Has Made Progress in Implementing the Job Access Program but Has Not Evaluated the Impact

Description: Testimony issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "The Department of Transportation's (DOT) Job Access and Reverse Commute (Job Access) Program, has presented implementation challenges for the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). In November 1999, DOT's process for selecting Job Access grantees was inconsistent and the basis for some selections was unclear. In response, DOT took steps to improve its process for selecting grantees by developing a standard format for… more
Date: April 17, 2002
Creator: United States. General Accounting Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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