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open access

Active system area networks for data intensive computations. Final report

Description: The goal of the Active System Area Networks (ASAN) project is to develop hardware and software technologies for the implementation of active system area networks (ASANs). The use of the term ''active'' refers to the ability of the network interfaces to perform application-specific as well as system level computations in addition to their traditional role of data transfer. This project adopts the view that the network infrastructure should be an active computational entity capable of supporting … more
Date: April 1, 2002
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: The activities of the Advanced Gas Turbine Systems Research (AGTSR) program for this reporting period are described in this quarterly report. The report is divided into discussions of Membership, Administration, Technology Transfer (Workshop/Education), Research and Miscellaneous Related Activity. Items worthy of note are presented in extended bullet format following the appropriate heading.
Date: April 1, 2002
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: OAK A271 ADVANCED HIGH PERFORMANCE SOLID WALL BLANKET CONCEPTS. First wall and blanket (FW/blanket) design is a crucial element in the performance and acceptance of a fusion power plant. High temperature structural and breeding materials are needed for high thermal performance. A suitable combination of structural design with the selected materials is necessary for D-T fuel sufficiency. Whenever possible, low afterheat, low chemical reactivity and low activation materials are desired to achieve… more
Date: April 1, 2002
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: Power generators are concerned with the maintenance costs associated with the advanced turbines that they are purchasing. Since these machines do not have fully established operation and maintenance (O&M) track records, power generators face financial risk due to uncertain future maintenance costs. This risk is of particular concern, as the electricity industry transitions to a competitive business environment in which unexpected O&M costs cannot be passed through to consumers. These co… more
Date: April 1, 2002
Creator: Angello, Leonard
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced Stripper Gas Produced Water Remediation, Quarterly Technical Report: January-March 2002

Description: Natural gas and oil production from stripper wells also produces water contaminated with hydrocarbons, and in most locations, salts and trace elements. The hydrocarbons are not generally present in concentrations that allow the operator to economically recover these liquids. Produced liquids, (Stripper Gas Water) which are predominantly water, present the operator with two options; purify the water to acceptable levels of contaminates, or pay for the disposal of the water. The project scope inv… more
Date: April 2002
Creator: Bonner, Harry & Malmquist, Roger
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced Technologies for Stripper Gas Well Enhancement

Description: As part of Task 1 in Advanced Technologies for Stripper Gas Well Enhancement, Schlumberger--Holditch Reservoir Technologies (H-RT) joined with two Appalachian Basin producers, Great Lakes Energy Partners, LLC, and Belden and Blake Corporation to develop methodologies for identification and enhancement of stripper wells with economic upside potential. These industry partners previously provided us with data for more than 700 wells in northwestern Pennsylvania. Phase 1 goals of this project are t… more
Date: April 1, 2002
Creator: Boyer, Charles M., II & P.G., Ronald J. MacDonald
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aerial Measuring System Sensor Modeling

Description: This project deals with the modeling the Aerial Measuring System (AMS) fixed-wing and rotary-wing sensor systems, which are critical U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Consequence Management assets. The fixed-wing system is critical in detecting lost or stolen radiography or medical sources, or mixed fission products as from a commercial power plant release at high flying altitudes. The helicopter is typically used at lower altitudes to determine ground … more
Date: April 1, 2002
Creator: Detwiler, R. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Affect of the Hydrogen to Heavy Metal Ratio (H/HM) on Reactivity and Discharge Isotopics of Homogeneous Thoria-Urania Fuel

Description: Calculations were performed using MOCUP, which includes the use of MCNP for neutron transport and ORIGEN for depletion. The MOCUP calculations were done using a unit cell (pin cell) model, where the ThO2 varied from 65-75wt% and the UO2 varied from 25-35wt%. The fission products and actinides being tracked in the calculations account for >97% of the parasitic captures in the fuel. The fuel pin was surrounded by four reflecting planes, where typical parameters were used for a 17x17 PWR assembly.… more
Date: April 1, 2002
Creator: Weaver, Kevan Dean & Herring, James Stephen
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The ARM Southern Great Plains Central Facility Best Estimate Radiative Flux CD

Description: The BEFlux VAP directly compares data from the three Normal Incidence Perheliometers, shaded pyranometers, and shaded pyrgeometers at the SGP CF. Extensive analysis with several years of data has produced limits of typical ranges of agreement when these instruments are performing as expected. These limits are used to screen the data, and then the average is taken of the two that agree best, given that at least two instruments agree to within the established limits. This is done for the downwell… more
Date: April 1, 2002
Creator: Long, CN
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Assembly of LIGA using Electric Fields

Description: The goal of this project was to develop a device that uses electric fields to grasp and possibly levitate LIGA parts. This non-contact form of grasping would solve many of the problems associated with grasping parts that are only a few microns in dimensions. Scaling laws show that for parts this size, electrostatic and electromagnetic forces are dominant over gravitational forces. This is why micro-parts often stick to mechanical tweezers. If these forces can be controlled under feedback contro… more
Date: April 1, 2002
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Assessment of Natural Gas Splitting with a Concentrating Solar Reactor for Hydrogen Production

Description: Hydrogen production via thermal decomposition of methane using a solar reactor is analyzed for two different applications: (1) for a fueling station and (2) for power production. For the fueling station, the selling price of hydrogen is controlled by the high cost of hydrogen storage and compression, combined with storage limitations of the system, which prevents maximum hydrogen production. Two alternate scenarios to lower the hydrogen production cost are evaluated: (1) sending the hydrogen di… more
Date: April 1, 2002
Creator: Spath, P. L. & Amos, W. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Basic Engineering Research for D and D of R Reactor Storage Pond Sludge: Electrokinetics, Carbon Dioxide Extraction, and Supercritical Water Oxidation

Description: Large quantities of mixed low level waste (MLLW) that fall under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) exist and will continue to be generated during D and D operations at DOE sites across the country. The standard process for destruction of MLLW is incineration, which has an uncertain future. The extraction and destruction of PCBs from MLLW was the subject of this research Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE) with carbon dioxide with 5% ethanol as cosolvent and Supercritical Waster Oxidation… more
Date: April 1, 2002
Creator: Matthews, Michael A.; Bruce, David A.; Davis, Thomas A.; Thies, Mark C.; Weidner, John W. & White, Ralph E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: Designs for advanced integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) power systems call for desulfurization of carbonaceous fuel-derived synthesis gas (syngas) using regenerable sorbents at high-temperature, high pressure (HTHP) conditions. Regeneration of the sulfided sorbent using an oxygen-containing gas stream or air results in a sulfur dioxide (SO{sub 2})-containing offgas at HTHP conditions. The patented Direct Sulfur Recovery Process (DSRP) developed by RTI with support from the National E… more
Date: April 1, 2002
Creator: Gangwal, S.K. & Portzer, J.W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Biochemical and Molecular Inhibition of Plastidial Carbonic Anhydrase Reduces the Incorporation of Acetate into Lipids in Cotton Embryos and Tobacco Cell Suspensions and Leaves

Description: Article on biochemical and molecular inhibition of plastidial carbonic anhydrase reducing the incorporation of acetate into lipids in cotton embryos and tobacco cell suspensions and leaves.
Date: April 2002
Creator: Hoang, Chau V. & Chapman, Kent D.
Partner: UNT College of Arts and Sciences
open access

Building a Better Lessons Learned Program - White Paper

Description: Lessons learned are more in vogue today than at any time in our history. You can’t tune into a news broadcast without hearing a reference to the concept – and for good reason. People are finally accepting the idea that they may be able to benefit from the experiences of others. Corporations, government departments, and even the military are actively using lessons learned information to help them to achieve their varied goals. The Department of Energy is one of the government departments that ha… more
Date: April 1, 2002
Creator: Miller, Charles Frederick
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Buildings for the 21st Century, Spring 2002

Description: The Buildings for the 21st Century newsletter is produced by the Office of Building Technology, State and Community Programs and contains information on building programs, events, products, and initiatives, with a focus on energy efficiency and renewable energy. The spring issue contains information on a series of high-performance building brochures, the State Energy Program, a new modular and manufactured home, a new buildings database, solid-state ceramic lighting, weatherization, simplified … more
Date: April 1, 2002
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

["Bush to name conservative, gays to AIDS panel" article, April 1, 2002]

Description: An article, written by Lou Chibbaro Jr. for the Washington Blade, about the new group of advisors who will be tackling the HIV/AIDS issue with President George W. Bush. The article lists out the new members and also points to supporters and raises concerns that some have over what the group's outcome will be.
Date: April 1, 2002
Creator: Chibbaro, Lou, Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

Captive Rearing Program for Salmon River Chinook Salmon, 2000 Project Progress Report.

Description: During 2000, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) continued to develop techniques to rear chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha to sexual maturity in captivity and to monitor their reproductive performance under natural conditions. Eyed-eggs were collected to establish captive cohorts from three study streams and included 503 eyed-eggs from East Fork Salmon River (EFSR), 250 from the Yankee Fork Salmon River, and 304 from the West Fork Yankee Fork Salmon River (WFYF). After collection… more
Date: April 1, 2002
Creator: Venditti, David A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: The objective of this project is to develop a simple, inexpensive process to separate CO{sub 2} as an essentially pure stream from a fossil fuel combustion system using a regenerable, sodium-based sorbent. The sorbents being investigated in this project are primarily alkali carbonates, and particularly sodium carbonate and potassium carbonate, which are converted to bicarbonates, through reaction with carbon dioxide and water vapor. Bicarbonates are regenerated to carbonates when heated, produc… more
Date: April 1, 2002
Creator: Green, David A.; Turk, Brian S.; Gupta, Raghubir P.; McMichael, William J.; Harrison, Douglas P. & Liang, Ya
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Characterization of Coal Combustion by-Products for the Re-Evolution of Mercury Into Ecosystems

Description: EPA and state environmental agencies are suggesting that mercury (Hg) in coal combustion by-products is re-emitted into local ecosystems by additional processing to final products (i.e., wallboard, etc.), by dissolution into groundwater, or by reactions with anaerobic bacteria. This perception may limit the opportunities to use coal combustion by-products in recycle/reuse applications. In this program, CONSOL Energy is conducting a comprehensive sampling and analytical program to address this c… more
Date: April 1, 2002
Creator: Schwalb, A.M.; Withum, J.A. & Statnick, R.M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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