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open access

527 Organizations: Reporting Requirements Imposed on Political Organizations after the Enactment of P.L. 106-230

Description: On July 1, 2000, President Clinton signed H.R. 4762, P.L. 106-230. The law amended the Internal Revenue Code [IRC] to require political organizations described in IRC § 527 to disclose their political activities, if they were not already required to do so by the Federal Election Campaign Act [FECA]. This report summarizes the three major changes made by the law and some of the major responses to the legislation. First, all 527 organizations which expect to have over $25,000 in gross receipts du… more
Date: March 19, 2001
Creator: Morris, Marie B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

18th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference Summary of Technology and Power Plans

Description: There were 90 papers presented at the Conference in the category of Technology and Power Plants accounting for about 25% of the total number of contributions. As was the case at the previous meeting, a large number of papers dealt with the ITER-Engineering Design Activity (EDA) and ITER technology R&D. In the author's opinion, the rapid progress made during the ITER EDA extension on the completion of the new ITER-FEAT design and its physics and technology R&D validation stands out as th… more
Date: March 9, 2001
Creator: Milora, S. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Ab initio Calculation of Thermodynamic Data for Oxygenated Hydrocarbon Fuels and Radial Breakdown Species: R(OMe)n

Description: There has long been interest in the use of oxygenated hydrocarbon additives to conventional fuels. These oxygenates have been shown to reduce soot emissions in diesel engines and CO emissions in spark-ignition engines; and often allow diesel operation with decreased NO{sub x}. The current widely used additive, MTBE is targeted for elimination as a gasoline additive due to its damaging effects on the environment. This creates a need for alternative oxygenated additives; and more importantly, amp… more
Date: March 23, 2001
Creator: Kubota, A; Pitz, W J; Westbrook, C K; Bozzelli, J & Glaude, P-A
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Ab-Initio No-Core Shell Model

Description: We discuss the no-core shell model approach, an ab initio method with effective Hamiltonians derived from realistic nucleon-nucleon (NN) potentials as a function of the finite harmonic-oscillator (HO) basis space. We present results for three and four nucleon systems in model spaces that include up to 50{Dirac_h}{Omega} and 18{bar h}{Omega} HO excitations, respectively. For these light systems we are in agreement with results obtained by other exact methods. Also, we calculate the properties of… more
Date: March 2, 2001
Creator: Barrett, B R; Navratil, P; Vary, J P & Ormand, W E
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Absorption of Bound States in Hot, Dense Matter

Description: Preliminary experiments using a long pulse laser generated X-ray source to back-light a short pulse laser heated thin foil have been performed at the Laboratoire pour l'Utilisation des Lasers Intenses (LULI) at Ecole Polytechnique in France. In this experiment, a 2 J, 300 ps, 532 nm laser was used to create the X-ray back-lighter. The primary diagnostic was a von Hamos spectrograph coupled to a 500 fs X-ray streak camera (TREX-VHS) developed at LLNL. This diagnostic combines high collection eff… more
Date: March 6, 2001
Creator: Shepherd, R.; Audebert, P.; Chenais-Popovics, C.; Geindre, J. P.; Fajardo, M.; Iglesias, C. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Abstracts of Reports and Testimony: Fiscal Year 2000

Description: A letter report issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "The U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) is an independent, nonpartisan agency in the legislative branch. GAO provides Congress with the best information available to help members make informed oversight, policy, and funding decisions. GAO meets Congress' information needs by (1) evaluating how government programs and policies are working, (2) auditing agency operations to determine whether federal funds are b… more
Date: March 1, 2001
Creator: United States. General Accounting Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: This report describes a DOE Accelerated Site Technology Deployment project being conducted at Brookhaven National Laboratory to deploy innovative, radiological, in situ analytical techniques. The technologies are being deployed in support of efforts to characterize the Brookhaven Graphite Research Reactor (BGRR) facility, which is currently undergoing decontamination and decommissioning. This report focuses on the deployment of the Canberra Industries In Situ Object Counting System (ISOCS) and … more
Date: March 1, 2001
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Accessing the Inaccessible: The Case for Opening up Russia's Closed Cities

Description: The selling of weapons-related nuclear knowledge by Russian scientists for economic gain constitutes a threat to US national security. Some estimate that the number of Russian scientists seeking permanent employment abroad constitute five to ten percent of all researchers who have left the field of science. And, there is concern that those who have left are ''the better minds.'' Moreover, the issue of brain drain concerns not only those who move abroad permanently, but those who still reside in… more
Date: March 21, 2001
Creator: Ball, D Y
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Across-the-Board Tax Cuts: Economic Issues

Description: This report examines economic issues relating to across-the-board tax cuts, focusing primarily on distributional issues. The report is divided into four sections. The first section provides a general overview of the tax system. The next discusses recent proposals relating to across-the-board tax cuts. The third section discusses methods of evaluating alternative types of across-the-board tax cuts. The final section briefly discusses issues of efficiency, simplicity, and stabilization policy.
Date: March 30, 2001
Creator: Gravelle, Jane G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Activation of the Mercury Laser: A Diode-Pumped Solid-State Laser Driver for Inertial Fusion

Description: Initial measurements are reported for the Mercury laser system, a scalable driver for rep-rated high energy density physics research. The performance goals include 10% electrical efficiency at 10 Hz and 100 J with a 2-10 ns pulse length. This laser is an angularly multiplexed 4-pass gas-cooled amplifier system based on image relaying to minimize wavefront distortion and optical damage risk at the 10 Hz operating point. The efficiency requirements are fulfilled using diode laser pumping of ytter… more
Date: March 7, 2001
Creator: Bayramian, A. J.; Bibeau, C.; Beach, R. J.; Chanteloup, J. C.; Ebbers, C. A.; Kanz, K. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Active Control of Magnetically Levitated Bearings

Description: This report summarizes experimental and test results from a two year LDRD project entitled Real Time Error Correction Using Electromagnetic Bearing Spindles. This project was designed to explore various control schemes for levitating magnetic bearings with the goal of obtaining high precision location of the spindle and exceptionally high rotational speeds. As part of this work, several adaptive control schemes were devised, analyzed, and implemented on an experimental magnetic bearing system. … more
Date: March 1, 2001
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Adaptive Management Plan for Sensitive Plant Species on the Nevada Test Site

Description: The Nevada Test Site supports numerous plant species considered sensitive because of their past or present status under the Endangered Species Act and with federal and state agencies. In 1998, the U.S. Department of Energy, Nevada Operation Office (DOE/NV) prepared a Resource Management Plan which commits to protects and conserve these sensitive plant species and to minimize accumulative impacts to them. This document presents the procedures of a long-term adaptive management plan which is mean… more
Date: March 2001
Creator: Wills, C. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Adding static printing capabilities to the EUV phase-shifting point diffraction interferometer

Description: While interferometry is routinely used for the characterization and alignment of lithographic optics, the ultimate performance metric for these optics is printing in photoresist. Direct comparison of imaging and wavefront performance is also useful for verifying and improving the predictive power of wavefront metrology under actual printing conditions. To address these issues, static, small-field printing capabilities are being added to the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) phase-shifting point diffrac… more
Date: March 1, 2001
Creator: Naulleau, Patrick; Goldberg, Kenneth A.; Anderson, Erik H.; Batson, Phillip; Denham, Paul; Jackson, Keith et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced Emissions Control Development Program

Description: The primary objective of the Advanced Emissions Control Development Program (AECDP) is to develop practical, cost-effective strategies for reducing the emissions of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs, or air toxics) from coal-fired boilers. This objective is being met by identifying ways to effectively control air toxic emissions through the use of conventional flue gas cleanup equipment such as electrostatic precipitators (ESPs), fabric filters (fabric filters), and wet flue gas desulfurization (w… more
Date: March 31, 2001
Creator: Farthing, G. A.; Amrhein, G. T.; Kudlac, G. A.; Yurchison, D. A.; McDonald, D. K. & Milobowski, M. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced Experimental Analysis of Controls on Microbial Fe(III) Oxide Reduction - Final Report - 09/16/1996 - 03/16/2001

Description: Considering the broad influence that microbial Fe(III) oxide reduction can have on subsurface metal/organic contaminant biogeochemistry, understanding the mechanisms that control this process is critical for predicting the behavior and fate of these contaminants in anaerobic subsurface environments. Knowledge of the factors that influence the rates of growth and activity of Fe(III) oxide-reducing bacteria is critical for predicting (i.e., modeling) the long-term influence of these organisms on … more
Date: March 16, 2001
Creator: Roden, Eric E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced Technology Vehicle Program of the Maryland Department of Transportation and Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments

Description: A multi-year Clean Alternative program is designed to integrate low-emission advanced technology vehicles into high mileage/high-fuel-use public and private fleets, which are major contributors to high pollution levels. The primary goal of the program is reduced emissions of nitrogen oxides (NO{sub x}) from on-road vehicles in the Maryland counties surrounding Washington, DC. The program is targeted at fleets operating in Calvert, Charles, Frederick, Montgomery and Prince George's counties. Eli… more
Date: March 31, 2001
Creator: Freudberg, Stuart A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced Worker Protection System: Final Report

Description: From 1993 to 2000, OSS worked under a cost share contract from the Department of Energy (DOE) to develop an Advanced Worker Protection System (AWPS). The AWPS is a protective ensemble that provides the user with both breathing air and cooling for a NIOSH-rated duration of two hours. The ensemble consists of a liquid air based backpack, a Liquid Cooling Garment (LCG), and an outer protective garment. The AWPS project was divided into two phases. During Phase 1, OSS developed and tested a full-sc… more
Date: March 16, 2001
Creator: Hedgehock, Judson
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advances in understanding paternally transmitted Chromosomal Abnormalities

Description: Multicolor FISH has been adapted for detecting the major types of chromosomal abnormalities in human sperm including aneuploidies for clinically-relevant chromosomes, chromosomal aberrations including breaks and rearrangements, and other numerical abnormalities. The various sperm FISH assays have been used to evaluate healthy men, men of advanced age, and men who have received mutagenic cancer therapy. The mouse has also been used as a model to investigate the mechanism of paternally transmitte… more
Date: March 1, 2001
Creator: Marchetti, F; Sloter, E & Wyrobek, A J
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Agent Concept for Intelligent Distributed Coordination in the Electric Power Grid

Description: Intelligent agents and multi-agent systems promise to take information management for real-time control of the power grid to a new level. This report presents our concept for intelligent agents to mediate and coordinate communications between Control Areas and Security Coordinators for real-time control of the power grid. An appendix describes the organizations and publications that deal with agent technologies.
Date: March 1, 2001
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aging in large CDF tracking chambers

Description: The experience of the Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF) with aging in the large axial drift chamber responsible for tracking in the central region is presented. Premature aging in the Run 1 chamber was observed after only 0.02 C/cm. After cleaning much of the gas system and making modifications to reduce aerosols from the alcohol bubbler, the observed aging rate fell dramatically in test chambers. Considerable effort has been made to better understand the factors that affect aging since the r… more
Date: March 19, 2001
Creator: al., M. Binkley et
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Agricultural Trade: Impacts of the Andean Trade Preference Act on Asparagus Producers and Consumers

Description: A letter report issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "U.S. asparagus imports increased in the 1990s and now comprise nearly one-half of the asparagus consumed in the United States. Peru is the second largest source of imported asparagus and benefits from duty-free treatment under the Andean Trade Preference Act (ATPA). ATPA is estimated to have displaced between two and eight percent of the value of domestic production from what it would have been without the act… more
Date: March 15, 2001
Creator: United States. General Accounting Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Agriculture and China's Accession to the World Trade Organization

Description: The prospect of future growth in demand for agricultural products makes China’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) an important issue for the U.S. agricultural sector. Most agricultural interest groups strongly support China’s entry into the WTO, because they think it will increase U.S. agricultural exports and enhance farm income. In the 107th Congress, attention is focused on China’s final WTO accession negotiations where differences over agriculture have become an issue.
Date: March 13, 2001
Creator: Hanrahan, Charles E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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