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open access

Electronic Data Processing an Application to Nuclear Materials Management

Description: Abstract: This report is concerned with the application of an electronic data processing system to the unique combination of scientific and commercial data processing requirement of nuclear materials management. The organization and flow of data from the plant through the data processing equipment to the final report is the principle topic of the report. Included in the discussion, however, are topics concerned with the impact of conversion to electronic data processing on personnel, material… more
Date: 1963
Creator: Hudson, J. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Approximate Models for Distributed-Parameter Heat-Transfer Systems

Description: Summary: The use of dimensionless-parameter frequency response diagrams to determine accuracies of lumped-parameter approximations is demonstrated by two examples: calculation of the heat flux at the surface of a semi-infinite solid due to temperature fluctuations of an adjacent fluid; and the response of a counterflow heat exchanger to inlet fluid temperature perturbations. Dimensionless system parameters make it possible to use general-purpose plots to find the error in particular approxima… more
Date: August 20, 1963
Creator: Ball, S. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Planar Dynode Multipliers for High-Speed Counting

Description: Technical report discussing a new high-speed electron multiplier using a planar dynode configuration. This multiplier has a total transit time significantly shorter than available in conventional structures of equivalent gain. It also features rise-times generally less than three nanoseconds while providing the large sensitive area of an unfocused configuration. Two basic types of planar dynodes are employed: transmission secondary emission thin films as the early multiplier stages and silver… more
Date: February 26, 1964
Creator: Sapp, W. W. & Sternglass, Ernest J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Facility for the Production of Pu238

Description: Abstract: A pilot plant facility for recovering Pu238 and unconverted neptunium from irradiated neptunium target elements was operated for 17 months at the Savannah River Laboratory. The process required that the irradiated target elements be dissolved and the solution be processed through three anion exchange cycles for removal of undesirable fission products and cations, recovery of unconverted neptunium, and concentration of Pu238 solution. The process equipment was enclosed in three stain… more
Date: September 1963
Creator: Tetzlaff, R. N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development of Fueled Graphite Containing Pyrolytic-Carbon Coated Carbide Particles for Nonpurged, Gas-Cooled Reactor Systems

Description: Abstract: Progress is reported in several areas of development of fueled graphite containing coated particles for nonurged gas-cooled reactor systems. The sol-gel process has been modified for making spherical particles of both thorium-uranium carbide and thorium-uranium oxide suitable for coating. Equipment has been assembled and methods have been developed for deposition of pyrolytic-carbon coating under well-controlled conditions. Damage to coated particles during fabrication into a graphi… more
Date: November 1963
Creator: Carlsen, F. L., Jr.; Bomar, E. S. & Harms, W. O.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Recent Developments in the Physics and Safety of Large Fast Power Reactors

Description: Technical report discussing three principal areas: (1) some recent cross section measurements and their effect on fast reactor calculations; (2) the question of Doppler and sodium void reactivity effects in large fast power reactors and the conflicts inherent in simultaneous optimization of performance, breeding, and safety characteristics; (3) the matter of hybrid fuel cycles.
Date: November 1963
Creator: Okrent, David
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

ML-1 Power Determination

Description: The ML-1 is a nuclearly heated, electrical power producing plant being developed for the U. S. atomic Energy commission and the U. S. Army by Aeroject-General Nucleonics. The power plant is a compact, water-moderated, gas-cooled, nuclear reactor, coupled in a single closed cycle to a gas driven turbine-compressor set and alternator. The plant is designed to produce power up to 500 Kw electrical,using 3 Mw thermal supplied by the reactor. It will operate 10,000 hours without refueling and hav… more
Date: October 23, 1963
Creator: Lightle, Robert E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Elastic Scattering of Atoms and Molecules in the Thermal Energy Range

Description: Abstract: the goal of research on elastic scattering of atomic (or molecular) beams is the elucidation of the interaction potential V(r). the present discussion is confined to thermal energy collisions ([less than]1 ev), sensitive primarily to the attractive part of the potential. Studies of the velocity dependence of the differential and total elastic scattering cross sections have yielded information as follows: (1) The functional form of the long-range attraction : V[tilde]-C/r6, from differ… more
Date: 1963
Creator: Bernstein, Richard B. (Richard Barry), 1923-1990
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Diffusion of Fast Neutrons

Description: From American Nuclear Society Meeting, New York, Nov. 1963. The use of the asymptotic solution to the one-velocity transport equation is considered. The angular distribution for fast neutron elastic scattering by heavy elements is discussed. An exponential angular distribution on is assumed to simplify the decay length calculation. The diffusion length of 1 to 15 Mev neutrons in iron is calculated, as well as the vector flux angular dependence. The asymptotic solution for an arbitrary angular d… more
Date: November 1963
Creator: Francis, N. C.; Brooks, E. J. & Watson, R. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reactions in Tracks of High Energy Particles

Description: Abstract. An a priori calculation of the radiolysis of oxygen gas in the pressure ; range 10-3 to 100 atm has been made. In the low background region (1- 100 atm) all track effects have been considered. The calculated G(O3) values seem to be in reasonable agreement with experiment if only one excited oxygen molecule is initially formed per ion pair. Effects of pressure, LET and dose rate have been discussed. The radiation-induced chain decomposition of O3 has not been considered.
Date: June 4, 1963
Creator: Fueki, Kenji & Magee, John L., 1914-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Talk on NMR Applied to Polymer Research Given at the Eastern Analytical Symposium - November 14, 1962

Description: The nature and types of internal molecular and thermal motions that polymer chains and polymer segments undergo have a great bearing on the physical behavior of polymeric solids. A relatively new tool is now available that permits us to observe and study internal thermally-induced motions directly at the atomic or molecular level rather than from macroscopic observations. this tool is nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. This talk discusses (1) the nature of nuclear magnetic resonance, (… more
Date: November 14, 1962
Creator: Sauer, John A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Thin Film Measurements by X-Ray Emission Spectrography

Description: When a beam of X-rays penetrates through a layer of material, the intensity of the beam is reduced by absorption. some of the energy that has been absorbed may be re-emitted as X-ray quanta, by the atoms that absorbed it, at a wavelength characteristic of the emitting atom but longer than the quantum absorbed. Four methods of measuring thin films that use X-ray emission apparatus have been described, each of which is useful over a limited range of thickness, and for certain kinds of samples.
Date: 1963
Creator: Zemany, P. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

[Delta]I = 1/2 Rule for Non-Leptonic Strangeness-Changing Decay Processes

Description: Gell-Mann and Pais were the first to suggest that the non-leptonic decay processes of strange particles may be subject to an isospin selection rule, allowing only those decay transitions which involve a change [delta]I = 1/2 in to total isopin of the system. At present, however, there is really no theoretical framework for the description of weak interactions into which this selection rule fits in a natural and compelling way. The report includes sections on the 91) decay processes of the [care… more
Date: December 2, 1963
Creator: Dalitz, R. H. (Richard Henry), 1925-2006.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Operational Physics Data from the HWCTR

Description: The Heavy Water Components Test Reactor (HWCTR) was built for the Atomic Energy Commission by the Du Pont Company to satisfy a need for fuel testing in the AEC's Heavy Water Power Reactor Program. The reactor was designed to provide a realistic test environment for full size fuel candidates. The report contains sections on (1) the containment building, (2) vertical cross section of the reactor vessel, (3) core layout, (4) low power physics tests and comparison with calculations, (5) rod worth… more
Date: September 20, 1963
Creator: Rusche, Benard Clements, 1931-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fuel Failure Detection in the Heavy Water Components Test Reactor

Description: The Heavy Water Components Test Reactor (HWCTR) is a pressurized reactor, cooled and moderated with D2O, and has the capability of testing fuel assemblies under operating conditions of coolant flow, temperate, and pressure that are typical of those proposed for modern power reactors. The report contains (1) description of the four systems used for failed element detection, (2) discussion of the laboratory analyses of water samples used a as backup for the fuel failure instruments, (3) descript… more
Date: September 20, 1963
Creator: Kiger, E. O.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Control of the Dissolved Gases in the Moderator of the HWCTR

Description: The Heavy Water Components Test Reactor (HWCTR) is used to test prototype fuel elements for power reactors that are moderated with heavy water and fueled with natural or slightly enriched uranium. During the initial critical experiments in the HWCTR, it was observed that there were unexpected variations in nuclear reactivity. Investigations revealed that this effect was due to bubble of helium gas appearing and disappearing in the moderator. An examination of the expected operating conditions… more
Date: September 20, 1963
Creator: Arnett, L. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Operating and Safety Problems in a Research Reactor

Description: Abstract. The purpose of this paper is to present, in the light of 20 years of reactor-operation experience at ORNL, what is being done in preparation for operation of the HFIR (High Flux Isotope Reactor). This paper considers only the areas of staffing and training; development of operating and maintenance procedures; preoperational testing of water systems; and testing of remote handling tools. The preparatory work in other areas such as the hydraulic tests, neutron tests, etc., is not cover… more
Date: October 23, 1963
Creator: McCord, R. V.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Staffing Experience for Operation of the Plutonium Recycle Test Reactor

Description: The Plutonium Recycle Test Reactor is a research and development tool supporting the Plutonium Recycle Program and the research activities at Hanford. The present organization directly associated with the PRTR is composed of Operating, Technical Assistance, Maintenance, and Engineering Groups. Liaison with research groups utilizing PRTR facilities is accomplished through the Technical Assistance Group. the other three groups serve the PRTR in the manner suggest by the group name. This paper … more
Date: September 23, 1963
Creator: Koberg, D. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Education, Experience, Training, and Certification of Reactor Operators at AEC-Owned Reactors

Description: Results of a questionnaire survey are presented on reactor supervisor and operator education, experience, and training, and on certification procedures by reactor category. The questionnaires were obtained from 362 supervisors, 393 operators, 44 supervisor trainees, and 139 operator trainees.
Date: October 31, 1964
Creator: Wilgus, Walter S.; McCool, Whittie J. & Biles, Martin B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Selection of Personnel for Reactor Operator Training

Description: Over the past six years, the hiring practices of the Reactor Operations Division of Argonne National Laboratory have been conducted to determine the highest level of personnel who would be willing to remain in the position of reactor operator. We have discontinued the hiring of personnel who have a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution or who are close to receiving such a degree. We now hire men from three general categories: (1) graduates from two-year technical institutes, (2) men… more
Date: October 23, 1963
Creator: Martens, Frederick H. (Frederick Hilbert), 1921-2012.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Operational Control Rod Reactivity Worths From Observed Heat Generation Rates

Description: Introduction. The reactivity difference associated with a reactor change can be simply related to the coincident changes in the neutron loss and generation rates. Unfortunately, in many instances these rates are difficult to measure directly during high-level operation; thus relativity values are normally found by other methods such as buckling calculations or low-level rising period measurements. However, with certain applicable control rod systems, it may be feasible to use heat generation… more
Date: October 1963
Creator: Fredsall, J. R. & Bowers, C. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A System for Measurement of Wall Thickness of Corroded Aluminum Reactor Process Tubes

Description: A sector gauge was developed for routine measurement and recording of wall thicknesses between the ribs and at the top of installed aluminum reactor power tubes. The basic criteria selected for the device were that it would measure and record wall thickness over the length of the tube with an accuracy of plus or minus 2 mils at an average rate of 3 min per tube. An eddy-current measuring system was used in the device.
Date: October 1963
Creator: Dulin, Ralph V.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Design Review and Safety Analysis of Experiments in ORNL Research Reactors

Description: Since 1943 when the oak Ridge Graphite Reactor was put into operation, literally thousands of individual irradiation have been performed in this reactor and in other ORNL research reactors. Over the years there have been many minor incidents caused by experiments. Such incidents have provided a basis cor continued improvement in experiment design review and safety-analysis procedures. The reports lists the Design Review and Safety Analysis (1) objectives, (2) principles and rules of design, a… more
Date: October 1963
Creator: Stanford, L. E. & Costner, R. A., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Training of Consumers Public Power District Personnel for the Operation of the Hallam Nuclear Power Facility

Description: Training of Consumers Public Power District (CPPD) operating personnel for the Hallam Nuclear Power Facility (HNPF) was carried out under two formalized training programs. Both programs were organized and directed by Atomics International (AI). The first program was conducted in 1960 while he HNPF was under construction. The second program was begun in September 1961, prior to the initial HNPF dry critical loading experiment, and was completed in February 1963. The conventional portion of S… more
Date: October 1963
Creator: Loomis, J. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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