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open access

House Committee Funding Requests and Authorizations, 104th-113th Congresses

Description: This report describes the House Committee funding process provides tables for each of the Congresses from the 104th through the 113th containing committee funding requests and authorizations as adopted pursuant to primary expense authorizations.
Date: February 3, 2015
Creator: Glassman, Matthew E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Intelligence Issues for Congress

Description: This report gives an overview of current intelligence issues of interest to the 112th Congress. It includes background and analysis including most recent development, ongoing Congressional concerns, specific issues for the 112th Congress, and a summary of related legislation from the 109th through the 112th Congresses.
Date: January 22, 2010
Creator: Best, Richard A., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Senate Committee Party Ratios: 94th - 111th Congresses

Description: This report provides an overview of Senate standing committee sizes and ratios for the 94th Congress through the 111th Congress. Also included are data on permanent select committees with legislative jurisdiction. A table for each Congress shows the party division in the Senate, total number of seats on each committee, number of seats assigned to the majority and minority parties, and, where present, number of seats assigned to independents. The tables also provide the number of majority-minori… more
Date: November 23, 2010
Creator: Tong, Lorraine H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Senate Committee Party Ratios: 94th - 110th Congresses

Description: This report provides an overview of Senate standing committee sizes and ratios for the 94th and 110th Congresses. Also included are data on permanent select committees with legislative jurisdiction. A table for each Congress shows the party division in the Senate, total number of seats on each committee, number of seats assigned to the majority and minority parties, and, where present, number of seats assigned to independents. The tables also provide the number of majority-minority caucus seat … more
Date: November 18, 2008
Creator: Tong, Lorraine H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

House Committee Party Ratios: 98th-111th Congresses

Description: This report provides statistical information on and selected analyses of the House committee party ratios for 14 Congresses, covering the period from the 98th through the 111th Congresses (1983-2011). This report also discusses trends and compares party ratios in selected Congresses. Possible reforms to the apportionment of committee seats are also examined.
Date: November 4, 2010
Creator: Tong, Lorraine H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR): Votes and Legislative Actions, 95th Congress to 110th Congress

Description: This report provides a summary of legislative attempts to address issues of energy development and preservation in the Refuge from the 95th Congress through the 110th Congress, with emphasis on the 108th through 110th Congresses.
Date: September 2, 2008
Creator: Corn, M. L. & Roberts, Beth A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Lame Duck Sessions of Congress, 1935-2010 (74th-111th Congresses)

Description: This report discusses how lame duck sessions occur, and the background of the lame duck sessions between 1940 and 2010. A “lame duck” session of Congress occurs whenever one Congress meets after its successor is elected, but before the term of the current Congress ends.
Date: August 30, 2011
Creator: Beth, Richard S. & Tollestrup, Jessica
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fishery, Aquaculture, and Marine Mammal Legislation in the 109th Congress

Description: Fish and marine mammals are important resources in open ocean and nearshore coastal areas. Many laws and regulations guide the management of these resources by federal agencies. This report contains information on commercial and sport fisheries, aquaculture, and marine mammals and issues related to the 109th Congress.
Date: March 16, 2006
Creator: Buck, Eugene H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Air Quality: Multi-Pollutant Legislation in the 109th Congress

Description: This report discusses air pollutants (petroleum, natural gas, and coal), which account for about two-thirds of U.S. electricity generation. These gases include several pollutants that directly pose risks to human health and welfare. The report also discusses the utilities that are subject to an array of environmental regulations.
Date: March 25, 2005
Creator: Parker, Larry & Blodgett, John E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Endangered Species Act (ESA) in the 109th Congress: Conflicting Values and Difficult Choices

Description: This report identifies additional bills that have been introduced in the 109th Congress to address specific concerns related to how the Endangered Species Act (ESA is implemented and how endangered species are managed, and will be updated periodically to reflect legislative action.
Date: October 27, 2006
Creator: Buck, Eugene H.; Corn, M. Lynne; Sheikh, Pervaze A. & Meltz, Robert
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA): Reauthorization of Job Training Programs in the 109th Congress

Description: This report discusses the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA), P.L. 105-220, which is the nation’s chief job training legislation, authorizes several job training programs, including Youth, Adult, and Dislocated Worker Activities; and Job Corps.
Date: August 2, 2006
Creator: Lordeman, Ann
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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