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Search Results

Primary view of Comparative assessment of energy-economy interactions
Goettle, R.J. IV; Hudson, E.A. & Lukachinski, J.
December 1, 1978
Primary view of Geothermal Materials Development, Annual Report FY 1991
Kukacka, L. E.
December 1, 1991
Primary view of Selected constituents in the smoke of domestic low tar cigarettes
Griest, W. H.; Quincy, R. B. & Guerin, M. R.
December 1, 1977
Primary view of Technician support for operation and maintenance of large fusion experiments: the tandem mirror experiment upgrade (TMX-U) approach
Mattson, G.E.
December 1, 1983
Primary view of Evaluation of an all-glass, evacuated, tubular, nonfocusing, nontracking solar collector array. First annual progress report, July 1, 1976--August 31, 1977
Moan, K L
December 1, 1977
Primary view of Computer simulation of coal preparation plants. Part 2. User's manual. Final report
Gottfried, B. S. & Tierney, J. W.
December 1, 1985
Primary view of An Evaluation of liquid metal leak detection methods for the Clinch River Breeder Reactor Plant
Morris, C. J. & Doctor, S. R.
December 1, 1977
Primary view of Tritium half-life
Rudy, C. R. & Jordan, K. C.
December 22, 1977
Primary view of Management of radioactive waste gases from the nuclear fuel cycle. Volume I. Comparison of alternatives
Evans, A. G.; Prout, W. E.; Buckner, J. T. & Buckner, M. R.
December 1, 1980
Primary view of Basic aspects of radiation action on microorganisms. Final report for the period ending October 31, 1977. [Radioresistance of micrococcus luteus]
Pollard, E.C.
December 1, 1977
Primary view of Review of recent measurements of charmed particle lifetimes using emulsions
Voyvodic, L.
December 1, 1979
Primary view of Procedure for developing biological input for the design, location, or modification of water-intake structures
Neitzel, D. A. & McKenzie, D. H.
December 1, 1981
Primary view of Computer program SCAP-BR for gamma-ray streaming through multi-legged ducts
Byoun, T. Y.; Babel, P. J. & Dajani, A. T.
December 8, 1977
Primary view of Industrial Fuel Gas Demonstration-Plant Program. Pretreatment unit options (Deliverable No. 41)
unknown creator
December 1, 1978
Primary view of Results of the radiological survey at 17 John Street, Lodi, New Jersey
Foley, R.D. & Floyd, L.M.
December 1, 1989
Primary view of Staff rosters for 1979: environmental programs
unknown creator
December 1, 1979
Primary view of LLL total flow geothermal program: summary of two-phase nozzle tests for scale control and materials performance
Tardiff, G.E. (ed.)
December 1, 1977
Primary view of Catalytic steam gasification of bagasse for the production of methanol
Baker, E.G. & Brown, M.D.
December 1, 1983
Primary view of Transverse spin observables in chromodynamics
Sivers, D.
December 1, 1989
Primary view of Enhancing the use of coals by gas reburning-sorbent injection
unknown creator
December 22, 1988
Primary view of Prevention of biofouling on heat transfer surfaces of ocean thermal energy converters. Progress report, May 1, 1975--November 30, 1975
Ostrozynski, R.L. & Jones, P.E.
December 1, 1975
Primary view of Biological Effects of Blast. Technical Progress Report
White, C. S.
December 1, 1961
Primary view of Habitat Evaluation and Monitoring in the Columbia River Basin, Final Report.
Everson, Larry B.; Campbell, Charles J.; Craven, Richard E. & Welsh, Thomas L.
December 1, 1986
Primary view of Effects of energy constraints on transportation systems. [Twenty-six papers]
Mittal, R. K.
December 1, 1977
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