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open access

Advanced Oil Recovery Technologies for Improved Recovery From Slope Basin Clastic Reservoirs, Nash Draw Brushy Canyon Pool, Eddy County, Nm

Description: The overall objective of this project is to demonstrate that a development program based on advanced reservoir management methods can significantly improve oil recovery at the Nash Draw Pool (NDP). The plan includes developing a control area using standard reservoir management techniques and comparing its performance to an area developed using advanced reservoir management methods. Specific goals are (1) to demonstrate that an advanced development drilling and pressure maintenance program can s… more
Date: December 31, 2002
Creator: Murphy, Mark B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: The Calla Energy Biomass Project, to be located in Estill County, Kentucky is to be conducted in two phases. The objective of Phase I is to evaluate the technical and economic feasibility of cofiring biomass-based gasification fuel-gas in a power generation boiler. Waste coal fines are to be evaluated as the cofired fuel. The project is based on the use of commercially available technology for feeding and gas cleanup that would be suitable for deployment in municipal, large industrial and utili… more
Date: December 31, 2002
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: SRD tested a number of different length cavities during this past quarter. Continuous transmission was observed with cavity lengths from 65 to 12 cm. The 65 cm cavity was replaced with a 39 cm cavity for work performed during this quarter. Flue gas components were tested for background absorptions and any interference with the determination of accurate mercury concentrations. Sulfur dioxide was found to absorb fairly strongly in the region of the mercury transition, but the Cavity Ring-Down (CR… more
Date: December 31, 2002
Creator: Carter, Christopher C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Characterization of In-SITU Stress and Permeability in Fractured Reservoirs

Description: We have extended a three-dimensional finite difference elastic wave propagation model previously developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Earth Resources Laboratory (ERL) for modeling and analyzing the effect of fractures on seismic waves. The code has been translated into C language and parallelized [using message passing interface (MPI)] to allow for larger models to be run on Linux PC computer clusters. We have also obtained another 3-D code from Lawrence Berkeley Laborat… more
Date: December 31, 2002
Creator: Burns, Daniel R. & Toksoz, M. Nafi
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

China-U.S. Relations

Description: This report discusses the background information and most recent development in U.S.-China relations since mid-1996. Since the early 1990s, U.S.-China relations have followed an uneven course, with modest improvements overshadowed by various recurring difficulties and setbacks. Longstanding bilateral difficulties have included U.S. problems with the PRC’s worsening human rights record, growing tensions over the PRC’s southern military build-up opposite Taiwan and Taiwan’s political status, and … more
Date: December 31, 2002
Creator: Dumbaugh, Kerry
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Congressional Budget Actions in 2002

Description: During the second session of the 107th Congress, the House and Senate will consider many different budgetary measures. Most of these measures will pertain to FY2003 (which will begin on October 1, 2002) and beyond, but some may make adjustments to the budget for FY2002. As the congressional session progresses, this issue brief will describe House and Senate action on major budgetary legislation within the framework of the congressional budget process and other procedural requirements.
Date: December 31, 2002
Creator: Heniff, Bill, Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Creep Resistant Zinc Alloy

Description: This report covers the development of Hot Chamber Die Castable Zinc Alloys with High Creep Strengths. This project commenced in 2000, with the primary objective of developing a hot chamber zinc die-casting alloy, capable of satisfactory service at 140 C. The core objectives of the development program were to: (1) fill in missing alloy data areas and develop a more complete empirical model of the influence of alloy composition on creep strength and other selected properties, and (2) based on the… more
Date: December 31, 2002
Creator: Goodwin, Frank E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: The objectives of this report period were to continue and complete testing of the Gas Generator hardware, to complete and submit a Draft Final Report, and after incorporation of adjustments required, to then submit the Final Report. Focus during this report period was initially on testing the Gas Generator. While conducting scheduled full power tests of the Gas Generator at the facilities of the testing sub-contractor, National Testing Services [NTS], in Santa Clarita CA, anomalies in the perfo… more
Date: December 31, 2002
Creator: Doyle, Stephen E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development of OTM Syngas Process and Testing of Syngas Derived Ultra-clean Fuels in Diesel Engines and Fuel Cells

Description: This topical report summarizes work accomplished for the Program from November 1, 2001 to December 31, 2002 in the following task areas: Task 1: Materials Development; Task 2: Composite Development; Task 4: Reactor Design and Process Optimization; Task 8: Fuels and Engine Testing; 8.1 International Diesel Engine Program; 8.2 Nuvera Fuel Cell Program; and Task 10: Program Management. Major progress has been made towards developing high temperature, high performance, robust, oxygen transport elem… more
Date: December 31, 2002
Creator: Robinson, E. T.; Meagher, James P.; Apte, Prasad; Gui, Xingun; Bulicz, Tytus R.; Aasland, Siv et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development of Reservoir Characterization Techniques and Production Models for Exploiting Naturally Fractured Reservoirs: Final Technical Report

Description: For many years, geoscientists and engineers have undertaken research to characterize naturally fractured reservoirs. Geoscientists have focused on understanding the process of fracturing and the subsequent measurement and description of fracture characteristics. Engineers have concentrated on the fluid flow behavior in the fracture-porous media system and the development of models to predict the hydrocarbon production from these complex systems. This research attempts to integrate these two com… more
Date: December 31, 2002
Creator: Wiggins, Michael L.; Brown, Raymon L.; Civan, Faruk & Hughes, Richard G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: A software design review meeting was conducted (Task 2.0). A CFD Viewer was developed, to allow the process analyst to view CFD results from the process simulator (Task 2.14). Work on developing a CO wrapper for the INDVU code was continued (Task 2.15). The model-edit GUI was modified to allow the user to specify a solution strategy. Enhancements were made to the solution strategy implementation (Task 2.16). Testing of the integrated software was continued and several bug fixes and enhancements… more
Date: December 31, 2002
Creator: Madhava Syamlal, Ph.D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

DOE Matching Grant Program

Description: Funding used to support a portion of the Nuclear Engineering Educational Activities. Upgrade of teaching labs, student support to attend professional conferences, salary support for graduate students. The US Department of Energy (DOE) has funded Purdue University School of Nuclear Engineering during the period of five academic years covered in this report starting in the academic year 1996-97 and ending in the academic year 2000-2001. The total amount of funding for the grant received from DOE … more
Date: December 31, 2002
Creator: Tsoukalas, L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Federal Employees' Health Plans: Premium Growth and OPM's Role in Negotiating Benefits

Description: A letter report issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "Federal employees' health insurance premiums have increased at double-digit rates for 3 consecutive years. GAO was asked to examine how the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program's (FEHBP) premium trends compared to those of other large purchasers of employer-sponsored health insurance, factors contributing to FEHBP's premium growth, and steps the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) takes to help contain p… more
Date: December 31, 2002
Creator: United States. General Accounting Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Federal Student Aid: Progress in Integrating Pell Grant and Direct Loan Systems and Processes, but Critical Work Remains

Description: A letter report issued by the General Accounting Office with an abstract that begins "To address system problems and other long-standing management weaknesses, in 1998, the Congress created a discrete unit within the Department of Education, the Office of Federal Student Aid (FSA). This office subsequently adopted a new approach to systems integration using middleware (a type of software that can allow an application to access data residing in different databases) and Extensible Markup Language… more
Date: December 31, 2002
Creator: United States. General Accounting Office.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final Technical Progress Report

Description: Michigan Technological University has demonstrated major inroads in establishing the viability of utilizing aluminum smelting by-product waste materials in lightweight concrete product applications. The research identified key elements of producing various forms of lightweight concrete products through utilizing various procedures and mixture components with the by-product materials. A process was developed through pilot plant testing that results in additional aluminum recovery at finer sizes,… more
Date: December 31, 2002
Creator: Hwang, J. Y. & Greenlund, R. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fundamental Thermal Fluid Physics of High Temperature Flows in Advanced Reactor Systems - Nuclear Energy Research Initiative Program Interoffice Work Order (IWO) MSF99-0254 Final Report for Period 1 August 1999 to 31 December 2002

Description: The ultimate goal of the study is the improvement of predictive methods for safety analyses and design of advanced reactors for higher efficiency and enhanced safety and for deployable reactors for electrical power generation, process heat utilization and hydrogen generation. While key applications would be advanced gas-cooled reactors (AGCRs) using the closed Brayton cycle (CBC) for higher efficiency (such as the proposed Gas Turbine - Modular Helium Reactor (GT-MHR) of General Atomics [Neylan… more
Date: December 31, 2002
Creator: McEligot, D.M.; Condie, K.G.; Foust, T.D.; McCreery, G.E.; Pink, R.J.; Stacey, D.E. (INEEL) et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

High Resolution Prediction of Gas Injection Process Performance for Heterogeneous Reservoirs Quarterly Report

Description: This report outlines progress in the first quarter of the third year of the DOE project ''High Resolution Prediction of Gas Injection Process Performance for Heterogeneous Reservoirs''. In this report we present an application of compositional streamline simulation in modeling enhanced condensate recovery via gas injection. These processes are inherently compositional and detailed compositional fluid descriptions must be use to represent the flow behavior accurately. Compositional streamline si… more
Date: December 31, 2002
Creator: Franklin M. Orr, Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

In-Situ Sampling and Characterization of Naturally Occurring Marine Methane Hydrate Using the D/V JOIDES Resolution

Description: The primary accomplishments of the JOI Cooperative Agreement with DOE/NETL in this quarter were (1) the preliminary postcruise evaluation of the tools and measurement systems that were used during ODP Leg 204 to study hydrate deposits on Hydrate Ridge, offshore Oregon from July through September 2002; and (2) the preliminary study of the hydrate-bearing core samples preserved in pressure vessels and in liquid nitrogen cryofreezers, which are now stored at the ODP Gulf Coast Repository in Colleg… more
Date: December 31, 2002
Creator: Rack, Frank; Storms, Michael; Schroeder, Derryl; Dugan, Brandon; Schultheiss, Peter & Party, ODP Leg 204 Shipboard Scientific
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: The building industry faces the challenge of reducing energy use while simultaneously improving construction methods and marketability. This paper describes the first phase of a project to address these concerns by designing an Integrated Window Wall System (IWWS) that can be commercialized. This work builds on previous research conducted during the 1990's by Lawrence Berkeley national Laboratories (LBNL). During this phase, the objective was to identify appropriate technologies, problems and i… more
Date: December 31, 2002
Creator: Michael Arney, Ph.D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory environmental monitoring report, calendar year 2001

Description: The results of the effluent and environmental monitoring programs at the three Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory (KAPL) Sites are summarized and assessed in this report. Operations at the Knolls and Kesselring Sites and Site closure activities at the S1C Site (also known as the KAPL Windsor Site) continue to have no adverse effect on human health and the quality of the environment. The effluent and environmental monitoring programs conducted by KAPL at the Knolls and Kesselring Sites are designed … more
Date: December 31, 2002
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program Activities for fy2002.

Description: Brookhaven National (BNL) Laboratory is a multidisciplinary laboratory that carries out basic and applied research in the physical, biomedical, and environmental sciences, and in selected energy technologies. It is managed by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC, under contract with the U. S. Department of Energy. BNL's total annual budget has averaged about $450 million. There are about 3,000 employees, and another 4,500 guest scientists and students who come each year to use the Laboratory's fa… more
Date: December 31, 2002
Creator: Fox, K. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Mechanical Properties - Structure Correlation for Commercial Specification of Cast Particulate Metal Matrix Composites

Description: In this research, the effects of casting foundry, testing laboratory, surface conditions, and casting processes on the mechanical properties of A359-SiC composites were identified. To observe the effects, A359-SiC composites with 20 and 305 SiC particles were cast at three different foundries and tested at three different laboratories. The composites were cast in sand and permanent molds and tested as-cast and machined conditions. To identify the effect of the volume fraction and distribution o… more
Date: December 31, 2002
Creator: Rohatgi, Pradeep
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Military Draft and a Possible War with Iraq

Description: This report analyzes the possible scenarios under which the resumption of a draft might be militarily necessary, describes some of the social rationales for and against resuming the draft that have been cited (independent of military requirements), and itemizes the current status of the draft and action required for its reinstatement.
Date: December 31, 2002
Creator: Goldich, Robert L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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