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open access

SM-1 Research and Development Program, Activity Buildup Program Task 1 : final report February 1958 to June 1959

Description: Abstract: The results of activity buildup studies in the SM-1 (APPR-1) performed from February 1958 to January 1959 are reported. Data are presented on the extent, nature, and mechanism of the buildup of long-lived gamma emitting nuclides in the reactor primary system. Mathematical equations to describe the activity buildup are derived. Radiation levels after reactor shutdown are presented, as well as the predicted radiation levels at the end of core life.
Date: August 10, 1959
Creator: Brown, William S.; Bergen, C. Richard.; Bergmann, Carl A.; Chupak, Julius.; Fitzsimmons, Susanne R. & Grant, Louis G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

SM-2 Fuel Element Welding Development : Task 5.0

Description: Abstract: Development of welding processes for stainless steel fuel elements, previously initiated by Alco Products, was continued in Task 5. Three objectives were accomplished; (1) development of a suitable reference welding process, (2) evaluation by out-of-pile tests of the structural integrity of reference welded fuel elements, and (3) preparation of specifications and fabrication procedures for the reference welding process.
Date: August 11, 1960
Creator: Harris, R. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Determining the "State of Charge" of Nickel-Cadmium Batteries by Farad Capacitance Measurements

Description: From abstract: "A rapid simple method has been developed for determining state of charge of the widely used nickel-cadium rechargeable battery. The method described is based on the experimentally verified relationship between farad capacitance and state of charge."
Date: August 1968
Creator: Latner, Norman
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Life Tests of Tungsten and Tantalum Filaments in Ion Gauges

Description: Results of an investigation carried on for the following purposes: (1) To determine the relative life of filaments when operated at low emission (low temperatures) as compared to those operated at high emission values. (2) To determine the nature of the dependence of life upon the initial diameter of the filament. (3) To determine the effect of varying concentrations of water vapor and air upon the life of the filaments. (4) To determine the relative life characteristics of tantalum as compare… more
Date: August 9, 1949
Creator: Bush, W. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Boiling Homogeneous Reactor for Power and U233 Production: Reactor Design and Feasibility Problem

Description: Summary report of the study, research, problems and solutions developed in the final ten-weeks period of the school term for a group of men representing various scientific and engineering fields.
Date: August 1954
Creator: Zeitlin, H. R.; Bertini, H. W.; Bourgeois, W. F.; Calvin, J. N.; Engel, J. R.; Farbman, G. H. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Radiation Damage in Boron Carbide

Description: From introduction: "Report describing the study of radiation damage in boron carbide with an integrated thermal neutron flux of 3x10^20 neutrons/cm² in the Materials Testing Reactor (MTR)."
Date: August 18, 1953
Creator: Tucker, Charles W., Jr. & Senio, Peter
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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