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open access

Flame Movement and Pressure Development in an Engine Cylinder

Description: "This investigation describes a visual method for making stroboscopic observations, through a large number of small windows, of the spread of flame throughout the combustion chamber of a gasoline engine. Data, secured by this method on a small engine burning gaseous fuels, are given to show the effects of mixture ratio, spark advance, engine speed, charge density, degree of dilution, compression ratio, and fuel composition on flame movement in the cylinder. Partial indicator diagrams showing pr… more
Date: May 1, 1931
Creator: Marvin, Charles F., Jr. & Best, Robert D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: No Description Available.
Date: May 1, 1943
Creator: Brimm, E.O.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An experimental investigation of rectangular exhaust-gas ejectors applicable for engine cooling

Description: "An experimental investigation of rectangular exhaust-gas ejector pumps was conducted to provide data that would serve as a guide to the design of ejector applications for aircraft engines with marginal cooling. The pumping characteristics of rectangular ejectors actuated by the exhaust of a single-cylinder aircraft engine were determined for a range of ejector mixing-section area from 20 to 50 square inches, over-all length from 12 to 42 inches, aspect ratio from 1 to 5, diffusing exit area fr… more
Date: May 1, 1944
Creator: Manganiello, Eugene J. & Bogatsky, Donald
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hanford Engineer Works technical manual

Description: The uranium metal, as discharged from the piles in the 100 Areas, contains the alpha emitting product, plutonium, in concentration in the neighborhood of 150--250 grams per metric ton, along with similar amounts of beta and gamma fission elements. It is the purpose of the Separations Plant to effect the separation of this product from the uranium metal and fission elements, and to prepare a concentrated, relatively pure solution of plutonium nitrate as the final product of the Hanford Plant. Th… more
Date: May 1, 1944
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Cooling of Gas Turbines 6 - Computed Temperature Distribution Through Cross Section of Water-Cooled Turbine Blade

Description: "A theoretical analysis of the cross-sectional temperature distribution of a water-cooled turbine blade was made using the relaxation method to solve the differential equation derived from the analysis. The analysis was applied to specific turbine blade and the studies icluded investigations of the accuracy of simple methods to determine the temperature distribution along the mean line of the rear part of the blade, of the possible effect of varying the perimetric distribution of the hot gas-to… more
Date: May 1, 1947
Creator: Livingood, John N. B. & Sams, Eldon W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Process Monitor Analysis Victoreen Model 350

Description: Abstract: An analysis of the improved Model Number 350 Process Monitor was made so that it could be determined if this instrument would fulfill the need for gamma radiation detection instruments in the production buildings of Y-12. The results of these tests indicated the possibility of marked improvement in the monitor characteristics with minor redesigns. After these improvements have been made, this instrument will be a satisfactory monitor for this area.
Date: May 1, 1947
Creator: Harter, J. A. & Olson, E. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Events of importance for week ending May 26, 1948

Description: Operation of the 100F pile is reported on. Ongoing construction is described; detailing population and occupancy. Visitors and the Schenectady report are discussed. A copy of the June 4 letter from Carleton Shugg to Carrol L. Wilson pertaining to flooding of the Columbia and Yakima rivers is included.
Date: May 1, 1948
Creator: Shugg, C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Monthly Progress Report No. 60 for April 1948

Description: This report gives a short summary of each of the following programs: (1) 184-inch Cyclotron Program; (2) 60-inch Cyclotron Program; (3) Synchrotron Program; (4) Linear Accelerator Program; (5) Experimental Physics; (6) Theoretical Physics; (7) Chemistry; (8) Medical Physics; and (9) Health Physics and Chemistry.
Date: May 1, 1948
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Exploratory Scavenging Studies for the Decontamination of Redox Solutions

Description: From introduction: "This report is concerned with exploratory experiments designed to studies the efficiency of a number of scavengers for zirconium and niobium adsorption and to provide preliminary information on the best conditions to employ on the most satisfactory of those scavengers studied, namely Super Filtrol FO. The data in this report include data obtained through October, 1949, and are by no means considered to be final. The investigation is currently being actively continued."
Date: May 1, 1950
Creator: Roake, W. E. & Lowe, C. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Free-flight investigation at transonic and supersonic speeds of the rolling effectiveness of a partial-span aileron on an inversely tapered sweptback wing

Description: Report presenting an investigation of the rolling effectiveness at transonic and supersonic speeds of an inversely tapered sweptback wing with a 10-percent-thick cambered airfoil section and outboard partial-span controls made by means of rocket-propelled test vehicles.
Date: May 1, 1950
Creator: Strass, H. Kurt; Fields, E. M. & Schult, E. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analyses required for the slag and crucible recovery program

Description: This summary from the analytical research section, May 1, 1951, briefly describes the analytical method to be utilized in the recovery of plutonium from crucibles program.
Date: May 1, 1951
Creator: Groot, C. & Hill, O.F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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