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Upper Atmosphere Monitoring Program. Progress Report No. 6 Covering period November 1, 1958 to January 31, 1959. Report No. 1903

Description: Programs of research into the physical parameters involved in the collection of airborne radioactive particles and the development, fabrication, and calibration of balloon-borne particle sampling equipment to implement the precise determination of stratospheric particle concentration and particle size distribution are reported. A two-stage rectangular jet impactor which collects airborne particles by impingement on a flat plate and is designed to obtain data on size distribution was fabricated.… more
Date: May 1, 1959
Creator: Baumstark, J;; Torgeson, L;; Stern, S;; Schekman, A; & Zeller, W
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Theory of the Thermal Breakaway of a Pinned Dislocation Line with Application to Damping Phenomena

Description: An investigation is made of the model of a pinned dislocation line under stress. The model used is that originally given by Koehler and later employed by Granato and Lücke in their theory of mechanical damping due to dislocations. By taking into account thermal fluctuations the probability of the thermal unpinning (breakaway) of such a dislocation line is calculated. The effect of the breakaway on the decrement and apparent modulus change felt by a stress wave traveling though a solid is also c… more
Date: May 1, 1958
Creator: Teutonico, Louis J.; Granato, Andrew V. & Lücke, Kurt
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Survey of Non-Fuel-Bearing Materials for the Marine Gas-Cooled Reactor

Description: Results of an initial examination of non-fuel-bearing materials for the Marine Gas Cooled Reactor are presented. Areas given specific attention include structural and cladding materials and graphite moderator. Other areas not included because of classification include zirconium hydride moderator and control materials. In each report section, available pertinent information is summarized and a plan for future work is given.
Date: May 1, 1958
Creator: Bokros, J. C.; Dijkstra, L; & Merten, U.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Progress Report No. 54 for the Period through April 30, 1959

Description: This is the fifty-fourth progress report of the Laboratory for Nuclear Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Progress reported covers the period for Physics and Chemistry through April 30,1959. Progress is reported on: (1) Chemistry of the fission elements group, (2) Nuclear chemistry (inorganic) group, (3) Nuclear chemistry (organic) group, (4) Cosmic ray group, (5) High energy accelerator physics group, (6) Bubble chamber group, (7) Liner acceleratory group, (8) Rockefeller ge… more
Date: May 1, 1959
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Eurochemic Assistance: Monthly Progress Report for Chemical Development Section B, January, 1959 (Sections 1.0, except 1.42, and 2.0)

Description: In order to make rational predictions of the operating characteristics of uranium anion exchange contactors, an understanding of the mechanism and kinetics of the exchange is necessary. Toward this objective an effort is being made to determine the equilibrium sorption isotherms and rates of sorption of uranium on the anion exchange resin Dovex 21K.
Date: May 1, 1959
Creator: Shank, E. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Eurochemic Assistance: Chemical Technology Division Unit Operations Section Progress Report, December, 1958. (Sections 5.0, 6.0, 8.0)

Description: In order to make rational predictions of the operating characteristics of uranium anion exchange contactors, an understanding of the mechanism and kinetics of the exchange is necessary. Toward this objective an effort is being made to determine the equilibrium sorption isotherms and rates of sorption of uranium on the anion exchange resin Dovex 21K.
Date: May 1, 1959
Creator: Shank, E. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Euorochemic Assistance: Chemical Technology Division Unit Operations Section Monthly Progress Report, November, 1958. (Sections 1.0, 5.0, 6.0, 8.0 of ORNL CF-58-11-93)

Description: To better understand the solvent extraction process much effort has been and is being expended at ORNL and elsewhere to measure reaction kinetics of the extraction reactions. To date these efforts have been largely unsuccessful, due to the attempt to apply homogeneous reaction kinetics to two-phase systems. An optical method has been devised for analyzing the concentration profile in the vicinity of a quiescent interface during steady-state diffusion at rather large molecular fluxes. The system… more
Date: May 1, 1959
Creator: Shank, E. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Two-Group Analysis of Thermal, One-Dimensional, Multi-Region Spherical Reactors

Description: This technical report described the formulation of a set of two-group neutron diffusion equations and the solution for the critical fuel cross section in a one-dimensional, multi-region spherical reactor. A subsequent report will describe the ORACLE code developed for survey calculations using this method.
Date: May 1, 1957
Creator: Nestor, C. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The ANCO System for Boron Isotope Enrichment Progress Report for Period Ending September 20, 1955

Description: A new gas-liquid countercurrent system (the ANCO system from Anisole-Complex) for the enrichment of boron isotopes has been developed. It is believed that use of this systems will result in a considerably lower unit cost for enriched boron-10 than was previously possible. The system utilizes the exchange reaction between BF3 (gas) and BF3·anisole (liquid) to concentrate boron-10 in the liquid phase. The single stage isotopic separation factor for this system has been found to vary from 1.039 at… more
Date: May 1, 1956
Creator: Healy, R. M.; Joseph, K. F. & Palko, A. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Synchrotron Oscillations

Description: Some numerical calculations have been done which permit the deduction of many properties of the synchrotron oscillation problem. For the presentation of the numerical results, it is useful to review the formulation framework to which the results are to be fitted. These are worked out for an arbitrary circular accelerator. The algebra woud have to be modified slightly to include straight sections but the numerical results are still useful.
Date: May 1, 1962
Creator: Hochman, E. H. & Barton, M. Q.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Nitrous Acid Behavior in Purex Systems

Description: In HAPO solvent extraction processes there are two independent aspects of nitrous acid chemistry. One concern the decomposition of the solvent through nitration reactions and the attendant problems. These reactions are autocatalytic in the presence of nitric acid and have threshold values for both temperature and nitric acid concentration for a given solvent below which nitrous acid disappears and above which it is generated with continuous destruction of the solvent. These reactions are ident… more
Date: May 1, 1959
Creator: Burger, L. L. & Money, M. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Monthly Progress Report No. 120 - March 15, 1953 To April 15, 1953

Description: Progress on projects on experimental physics, theoretical physics, MTA Target-Physics Program, accelerator construction and operation, chemistry, biology and medicine, plant and equipment.
Date: May 1, 1953
Creator: University of California Radiation Laboratory
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Inhibition of Nitric Acid Corrosion of Stainless Steel (Interim Report)

Description: For some time, it has been the opinion of the personnel of this laboratory and other investigators that an appreciable amount of the corrosion observed on stainless steel in nitric acid solutions might be due to the presence of some of the lower oxides of nitrogen; NO-, NO-2, etc. If this assumption is correct, the elimination of these compounds from process solutions should result in a significant increase in the service life of equipment handling nitric acid, such as acid fractionators. Since… more
Date: May 1, 1956
Creator: Walker, W. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Absorption Characteristics of Long Soil Columns

Description: The purpose of this report is to present the information obtained relative to the characteristic adsorption of radioisotopes in a long (forty feet) laboratory soil column treated with a high salt, process waste of high activity density. The movement of adsorbed cations in a soil column subjected to prolonged leeching by water also was determined.
Date: May 1, 1955
Creator: McHenry, J. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development of a Gas Injector System for Homogeneously Labeling Gas Storage Reservoirs

Description: "The laboratory experiments and field testing which were carried out in the development of a homogeneous gas labeling device are described. Detailed drawings of the injector and its most critical components are included. Recommendations are made for a production model of the device along with estimated costs of construction."
Date: May 1, 1961
Creator: Sewell, Curtis & Schulz, Isidor
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Iteration Methods for Non-Linear Problems

Description: The methods of successive displacements or relaxation methods are investigated for a class of nonlinear problems. In particular it is shown that these methods are applicable to a large class of nonlinear problems arising from variational problems which yield elliptic equations. Constructive existence and uniqueness theorems are presented for the discrete problem and criteria are given for a practical method of obtaining solutions. The example of a discrete Plateau problem is used to illustrate … more
Date: May 1, 1961
Creator: Schechter, Samuel
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Some Computational Methods for the Study of Diatomic Molecules

Description: "The present work describes some computer-oriented techniques for the application of the laws of quantum mechanics to the problems of determining basic structure of diatomic molecules. At times, calculations of the type described here yield results which can be compared directly with experiment to check the validity of the hypotheses and technique used they may predict the results of unobserved experimental phenomena; and, in many instances, they provide quantities which are necessary for the … more
Date: May 1, 1961
Creator: Cooley, James W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Significance Arithmetic on the IBM 7090

Description: "The 7090 at NYU has been modified to include a "Significance Mode" of operation which is intended to facilitate the identification of significant bits in the results of floating point arithmetic operations. The manner in which floating point arithmetic is handled in this mode is discussed. Several numerical experiments using this mode are described and comparisons are made with the ordinary "normalized mode." Examples include power series evaluation, linear equations solution, determinant ev… more
Date: May 1, 1962
Creator: Goldstein, Max
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Utilization of Radiactive Isotpoes in Coal Process Research

Description: "This is the fourth Quarterly Report on Task II dealing with Methods Development for Radio-Tracing of Coal Product Hydrocarbons With Tritium. The problem of radio-chemical purity of traces is resolved by developing a new method of labeling with tritium that generates essentially no highly tagged side products or impurities."
Date: May 1, 1961
Creator: Yavorsky, P. M. & Gorin, E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemical Engineering Division Summary Report January, February, and March, 1954

Description: Progress is reported on (1) direct cycle boiling reactor studies, (2) solvent extraction, (3) fluoride volatilization separation process, (4) elevated temperature separations, (5) fluidization studies, (6) development of analytical techniques, (7) processing and utilization of radioactive wastes.
Date: May 1, 1954
Creator: Lawroski, Stephen; Rodger, W. A. & Vogel, R. C., 1928-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development of a Process to Produce Zirconium Hanford Type Process Tubing by Roll Forming And Inert Arc Welding

Description: The development of methods which were successful in producing zirconium Hanford type process tubing by roll forming and inert are welding (He) flat strip to which appropriate rails had ben previously attached by resistance welding is described in this report. Grade 2 drip arc melted crystal bar material was used.
Date: May 1, 1953
Creator: Noland, R. A. & O'Keefe, G. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Forming of Uranium in the Gamma Phase Temperature Range

Description: It has been found relatively easy to form uranium in the gamma phase temperature range by hot pressing, forging, or extrusion. The metal is quite plastic and flows readily to form a shape. Several temperatures from 800 degree C to 1000 degree C were investigated. No forming difficulties were experienced with the metal at the several temperatures concerned. The major difficulty in gamma phase hot pressing or extruding was associated with the tools. Metals or ceramics were not successful as tools… more
Date: May 1, 1951
Creator: Levinson, L. S.; Cribble, W. C.; Taub, J. M. & Doll, D. T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Safety Evaluation of PNPF Modifications

Description: "The purpose of this report is to examine the safety aspects of PNPF restart on continued operation, after completion of the core cleanup and system modifications."
Date: May 1, 1969
Creator: Huntsinger, M. & Hart, R. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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