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open access

Correlation of alluvial deposits at the Nevada Test Site

Description: Because characteristics of rock layers and problems in drilling must be studied before radioactive waste can be safely contained, an evaluation was made of methods for correlating alluvial deposits at Yucca Flat of the Nevada Test Site (NTS). Although correlation of Tertiary volcanic tuff beds at the NTS has been successfully achieved, correlation of stratigraphic zones in the overlying alluvium has posed technical difficulties. We have evaluated several methods for correlating alluvial deposit… more
Date: September 30, 1977
Creator: Grothaus, B. & Howard, N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Approach to decision modeling for an ignition test reactor

Description: A comparison matrix decision model is applied to candidates for a D-T ignition tokamak (TNS), including assessment of semi-quantifiable or judgemental factors as well as quantitative ones. The results show that TNS is mission-sensitive with a choice implied between near-term achievability and reactor technology.
Date: September 30, 1977
Creator: Howland, H.R. & Varljen, T.C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Cadmium sulfide/copper sulfide heterojunction cell research. Final report, February 26, 1979-July 15, 1980

Description: Extensive modifications were made to the multi-source deposition apparatus. These include the installation of a larger vacuum chamber on the existing system. The new chamber provides improved inter-source shielding, an improved substrate mounting and heating system, and a vacuum interlock for introducing substrates. CdS resistivity control by both In doping and off-stoichiometric deposition has been investigated. Indium doping has been achieved both by diffusion from a pre-deposited In layer an… more
Date: June 30, 1980
Creator: Thornton, J. A. & Cornog, D. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

MHD Coal-Fired Flow Facility. Quarterly technical progress report, January-March 1980

Description: The University of Tennessee Space Institute (UTSI) reports on significant activity, task status, planned research, testing, development, and conclusions for the Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) Coal-Fired Flow Facility (CFFF) and the Research and Development Laboratory. Although slowed by incessant rain during several days, work on the CFFF Bid Packages progressed to nearly 100 percent completion, excluding later punchlist items. On the quench system, the cyclone separator was delivered to UTSI, and … more
Date: May 30, 1980
Creator: Altstatt, M. C. & Attig, R.C. Baucum, W.E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Design of a water jet drill for development of geothermal resources. Progress report, October 1--November 30, 1977

Description: Progress is reported in the evaluation of the performance of a water jet drill in a stressed rock, particularly in drilling at hole diameters in excess of one inch. Drilling tests are being carried out in a barrier pillar in a layer of coarse, lead-bearing sandstone. Problems encountered in the test drilling are discussed. (JGB)
Date: November 30, 1977
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Pakistan: Situation Report

Description: This report is the situational report of Pakistan which includes its Political Affairs, Economy, and Foreign Relations.
Date: September 30, 1968
Creator: Niksch, Larry A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

[Letter from Vicki Rosenberg to Jack Davis and Bill McCarter, August 30, 1993]

Description: Photocopy of a letter from Vicki Rosenberg, program officer for the Getty Center, to Jack Davis and Bill McCarter, co-directors of NTIEVA, in regards to the status of their fiscal year of 1994, FY94, funding grant. Rosenberg apologizes to Davis and McCarter for the delay but that it will be four more weeks until she has an answer to their funding proposal as Leilani Lattin Duke is out of the country and cannot review the paperwork until her return.
Date: August 30, 1993
Creator: Rosenberg, Vicki
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Letter from Cassandra Broadus to Val Franks, October 30, 1991]

Description: Photocopy of a letter from Cassandra Broadus, North Texas Institute for Educators on the Visual Arts, to Val Franks. Thanking Franks for inviting Nancy Cason and Broadus to the November 4th In-Service at Greenbriar, writing that they are excited that Frank and her school are interested in the implementation of discipline-based art education, DBAE. Enclosed in the letter is an agenda for Broadus's visitation on Monday and the planned details for that afternoon.
Date: October 30, 1991
Creator: Broadus, Cassandra
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Letter from Kevin J. Comerford to Bill McCarter, April 30, 1993]

Description: Photocopy of a letter from Kevin J. Comerford, Visual Resource Librarian of the Dallas Museum of Art, to Bill McCarter, co-director of North Texas Institute for Educators on the Visual Arts. In regards to some Museum rights that North Texas Institute for Educators on the Visual Arts violated in regards to the printing and reproduction of photographic work. Comerford writes that the DMA is happy to participate as a consortia of NTIEVA, however, they need to follow standardized requirements liste… more
Date: April 30, 1993
Creator: Comerford, Kevin J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Letter from Bill McCarter and Jack Davis to Vicki Rosenberg, June 30, 1993]

Description: Photocopy of a letter from Bill McCarter and Jack Davis, co-directors of NTIEVA, to Vicki Rosenberg, program officer for the Getty Center, in regards to addressing some over-due responses needed by the Center. McCarter and Davis write that they support the Californian and Regional Institutes doing a super-session at the Baltimore conference, but the presentations need to be more balanced between what works and what doesn't. They also like the idea of each institute doing a follow up session, id… more
Date: June 30, 1993
Creator: Davis, Donald Jack
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

Future engineering needs of mirror fusion reactors

Description: Fusion research has matured during the last decade and significant insight into the future program needs has emerged. While some will properly note that the crystal ball is cloudy, it is equally important to note that the shape and outline of our course is discernable. In this short summary paper, I will draw upon the National Mirror Program Plan for mirror projects and on available design studies of these projects to put the specific needs of the mirror program in perspective.
Date: July 30, 1982
Creator: Thomassen, K.I.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Savannah River Site computing architecture migration guide

Description: The SRS Computing Architecture is a vision statement for site computing which enumerates the strategies which will guide SRS computing efforts for the 1990s. Each strategy is supported by a number of feature statements which clarify the strategy by providing additional detail. Since it is a strategic planning document, the Architecture has sitewide applicability and endorsement but does not attempt to specify implementation details. It does, however, specify that a document will be developed to… more
Date: July 30, 1991
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Rockwell Hanford Operations' 1978 radiological improvement program

Description: This document describes the radiological improvement program (RIP) to be undertaken by Rockwell Hanford Operations during calendar year 1978. Actions taken in each facility to reduce exposure and to implement the Company's policy to conduct operations in a manner that assures radiation exposures to employees are maintained at the lowest levels reasonably achievable.
Date: December 30, 1977
Creator: Cunningham, D. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Pathfinder Atomic Power Plant Technical Progress Report, January 1962-March 1962

Description: S>Progress is reported on the research and development program being performed in connection with the design of the Pathfinder Atomic Power Plant. The topics covered include: fuel material cladding, bonding, and irradiation testing; heat transfer and fluid flow; fuel element manufacturing research and development; low-enrichment superheater fuel element design; mechanical studies of control rods, guide tubes, and control rod drives; reactor physics; and reactor and system dynamics. (C.H.)
Date: June 30, 1962
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Characterization of carbonaceous materials using extraction with supercritical pentane

Description: The use of carbonaceous adsorbents is limited by irreversible adsorption of some compounds so the use of supercritical pentane as an extracting solvent was examined. Carbon black appeared to be broken down slowly, but continuously, by the penane. To see if other types of carbon behaved similarly, high purity graphite, technical grade graphites, active carbons, and charcoals were examined. The extracts were characterized by uv spectroscopy, packed column chromatography using flame ionization and… more
Date: May 30, 1980
Creator: Fetzer, J.C.; Graham, J.A.; Arrendale, R.R.; Klee, M.S. & Rogers, L.B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Free-electron laser generation of VUV and x-ray radiation using a conditioned beam and ion-channel focusing

Description: The use of ion-focusing and a conditioned beam greatly enhances FEL gain in the VUV and Soft X-Ray range. The equations governing FEL amplification are derived and results of a linear analysis are noted. Numerical results, including 3D effects and having an order of magnitude improvement in gain, are presented for a 30 {Angstrom} example. 3 refs., 2 figs., 1 tab.
Date: August 30, 1991
Creator: Yu, Li-Hua (Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (United States)); Sessler, A. & Whittum, D.H. (Lawrence Berkeley Lab., CA (United States))
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Model validation and sensitivity analysis of solar collector loops. Final technical report

Description: The experimental solar collector systems at Middlebury College have been modified to permit short time resolution studies of solar collector loop performance. A variety of experiments have been performed to measure the following system properties: (a) collector efficiency, (b) collector response to step changes in insolation, (c) collector response to the introduction of cold inlet water, and (d) pump cycling as a function of control sensor location and set points. Data from these experiments h… more
Date: July 30, 1980
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)

Description: This Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Facility Investigation Program Plan has been developed to provide a framework for the completion of RCRA Facility Investigations (RFI) at identified units on the Savannah Rive Site (SRS) facility. As such, the RFI Program Plan provides: technical guidance for all work to be performed, managerial control, a practical, scientific approach. The purpose of this Overview is to demonstrate how the basic RFI Program Plan elements (technical, managemen… more
Date: June 30, 1989
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemistry research and development. Progress report, December 1978-May 1979. [Component, pilot plant, instrumentation]

Description: Progress and activities are reported on component development, pilot plant development, and instrumentation and statistical systems. Specific items studied include processing of pond sludge, transport of radioactive materials and wastes, corrosion, decontamination and cleaning, fluidized-bed incineration, Pu contamination of soils, chemical analysis, radiometric analysis, security. (DLC)
Date: June 30, 1980
Creator: Miner, F. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: >The basic fuel element consisted of a uniform dispersion of fuel in a 1 1/2 inch diameter graphite sphere. Ceramic coatings for the retention of fission products were studied. It was found-that molecularly deposited'' ceramics such as alumina, siliconized silicon carbide, and pyrolytic carbon were excellent barriers to fission product leakage. The most advantageous location for ceramic coatings was found to be on the individual fuel particles, where the coating was subject to smaller forces an… more
Date: April 30, 1961
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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