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open access

Analysis of wind-tunnel stability and control tests in terms of flying qualities of full-scale airplanes

Description: From Introduction: "The purpose of this paper is to outline a suggested form of presentation of the results of a stability and control investigation in terms of flying qualities as defined in reference 1 and to systematize and review briefly the analytical work required for this type of presentation. No effort is made to specify definite test procedures."
Date: April 1, 1943
Creator: Kayten, Gerald G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Nitrited-Steel Piston Rings for Engines of High Specific Power

Description: "Several designs of nitrided-steel piston rings were performance-tested under variable conditions of output. The necessity of good surface finish and conformity of the ring to the bore was indicated in the preliminary tests. Nitrided-steel rings of the same dimensions as cast-iron rings operating on the original piston were unsatisfactory, and the final design was a lighter, rectangular, thin-face-width ring used on a piston having a maximum cross-head area and a revised skirt shape. Results we… more
Date: April 1, 1944
Creator: Collins, John H., Jr.; Bisson, Edmond E. & Schmiedlin, Ralph F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Detection of Small Amounts of Fluorine in Large Amounts of Chlorine

Description: Abstract: "Tests have been developed for both the qualitative detection and quantitative determination of fluorine in chlorine. The qualitative test is made by passing the gas through manganous chloride. If the pink solid tubes brown there is greater than 0.5 percent of fluorine in the gas. The quantitative test is a modification of the Steiger and Marvin Test with oxidized titanium solution."
Date: April 1, 1946
Creator: Lafferty, Robert H., Jr. & Winget, Rasho
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Distribution of Precious Metals in Various Residues Obtained in the Preparation of Uranyl Nitrate From Pitchblende

Description: A study was made of the distribution of Ag, Au, Bt, and Pd in the residues from an extraction process in which purified UO/sub 2/(NO/sub 3/)/sub 2/ is prepared from a pitchblende ore. The residues studied were the gangue Pb cake, the BaSO/sub 4/ cake, the filtrate boildown cake, the raffinate cake, and the purified UO/sub 2/(NO/sub 3/)/sub 2/. Samples representing three different batches of ore were used. The following conclusions were reached: (1) neither Ag nor Pd are present in the ore in si… more
Date: April 1, 1946
Creator: Shearer, R. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Study of the Distribution of Impurities in the Extraction of Uranyl Nitrate with Ether from Aqueous Solutions

Description: Early in 1942 it had been found on a laboratory scale that certain impurities such as the Rare Earths were removed by small water washes from an ether solution of Uranyl Nitrate. It was hoped that in the large production units to be constructed that the water soluble impurities would all be washed out by the time the radioactive Thorium had been removed, so that the decrease in radioactivity could be used as an index of the amount of all kinds of impurity remaining in the ether layer. Experienc… more
Date: April 1, 1946
Creator: Conard, C. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Brookhaven National Laboratory Scientific Progress Report: April 1, 1947

Description: From introduction: The fundamental purpose of the laboratory is to provide research and training facilities in nuclear and related studies which are not possible for the individual University.
Date: April 1, 1947
Creator: Brookhaven National Laboratory
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Dissolution of Uranium Tetrafluoride

Description: This report addresses the dissolution of uranium tetrafluoride.
Date: April 1, 1947
Creator: Calkins, V. P. & Susano, C. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An empirically derived method for calculating pressure distribution at supercritical Mach numbers and moderate angles of attack

Description: Report presenting a procedure for calculating pressure distributions over airfoils at supercritical Mach numbers. Only the forward portion of the airfoil, where interaction between local boundary-layer thickness and local-pressure distribution is negligible, is considered in detail. The method cannot be considered definitive because it requires that certain characteristics regarding pressure distributions and geometric properties be known.
Date: April 1, 1947
Creator: Nitzberg, Gerald E. & Sluder, Loma E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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