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open access


Description: Preface to Knowledge Discovery and Data Design Innovation: Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM 2017), Dallas, Texas, USA, 25-26 October 2017.
Date: October 19, 2017
Creator: Alemneh, Daniel Gelaw; Allen, Jeff M. & Hawamdeh, Suliman M.
Partner: UNT Libraries

Using eReaders to Enhance Literacy Instruction in the Content Areas

Description: This book chapter focuses on the use of ereaders as a learning tool to motivate and engage students, support content learning, and promote literacy development across content areas.
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 2015
Creator: Fang, Zhihui; Eutsler, Lauren; Coatoam Chapman, Suzanne & Qi, Yang
Partner: UNT College of Education
open access

Metadata for ETD Lifecycle Management

Description: Chapter from Guidance Documents for Lifecycle Management of ETDs. This chapter describes the roles of metadata in facilitating the ETD lifecycle, methods to capture metadata manually and automatically, examples of programs using metadata to enhance ETD access, and strategies to manage metadata over time.
Date: March 21, 2014
Creator: Alemneh, Daniel Gelaw
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Considering the Impact of the WPA Outcomes Statement on Second Language Writers

Description: Book chapter on considerations on the impact of the Council of Writing Program Administrators (WPA) Outcomes Statement (OS) on second language writers. This chapter examines the extent to which the WPA OS reflects (or does not reflect) the presence and needs of second language writers.
Date: 2012
Creator: Matsuda, Paul Kei & Skinnell, Ryan
Partner: UNT College of Arts and Sciences
open access

Reengineering The Portal to Texas History

Description: This book chapter reports on a case study on the activities, findings, and lessons learned during a project that replaced the legacy Digital Asset Management (DAM) system of The Portal to Texas History at the University of North Texas Libraries with an open source system.
Date: 2013
Creator: Murray, Kathleen R.; Phillips, Mark Edward; Hicks, William; Weng, Neena & Belden, Dreanna
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Vanillin Biosynthesis - Not as Simple as it Seem?

Description: Book chapter on vanillin biosynthesis. The author gives an introduction to vanillin biosynthesis, the multiple pathways to vanillin, and the way forward.
Date: November 23, 2010
Creator: Dixon, R. A.
Partner: UNT College of Arts and Sciences
open access

The Evolution of Publishing Agreements at the University of Michigan Library

Description: Book chapter on the evolution of publishing agreements at the University of Michigan Library. Taking as an example an open-access journal with a single editor, this chapter discusses the various configurations of rights agreements used by the University of Michigan Library throughout the evolution of its publishing operation, the advantages of the various models, and the reasons for moving from one to another.
Date: March 2015
Creator: Hawkins, Kevin S.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Annotating and Identifying Emotions in Text

Description: This book chapter discusses annotating and identifying emotions in text.
Date: 2010
Creator: Strapparava, Carlo, 1962- & Mihalcea, Rada, 1974-
Partner: UNT College of Engineering
open access

Skins and Bones: The Horror of the Real

Description: This book chapter examines the ways in which horror, as an aesthetic mode or sentiment, is bound to an experiential perception of "the real."
Date: March 25, 2013
Creator: Martin, John
Partner: UNT Libraries

A snare in every human path: "Tamerlane" and the Paternal Scapegoat

Description: This book chapter examines Edgar Allan Poe's poem "Tamerlane" through Poe's reimagination of the artist-as-scapegoat figure as a viable alternative for preserving artistic integrity in the face of paternal and literary authority.
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: September 5, 2013
Creator: Martin, John
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

"The Silicon Dream": Breaking Glass on the Small Screen

Description: Book chapter discussing the Brian Gibson film "Breaking Glass" and the author's experiences viewing the film and thoughts about the impressions it made.
Date: March 2008
Creator: Keralis, Spencer D. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries

Characteristics of Tweets about African Cultural Heritage

Description: This article investigates broad characteristics of tweets about African cultural heritage with possible implications for marketing by cultural heritage administrators and other stakeholders.
Date: May 20, 2016
Creator: Rorissa, Abebe; Assefa, Shimelis & Alemneh, Daniel Gelaw
Partner: UNT Libraries

Documenting Institutional Knowledge Through TRAC Self-Audit: A Case Study

Description: Book chapter on the Trusted Repository Audit and Checklist (TRAC) process through the lens of contextual dimensions within knowledge management, using the case study of the University of North Texas Libraries.
Date: October 26, 2017
Creator: Krahmer, Ana; Andrews, Pamela; Tarver, Hannah; Phillips, Mark Edward & Alemneh, Daniel Gelaw
Partner: UNT Libraries Digital Projects Unit
open access

Students Collaborate to Develop Educational Green-Clothing Label

Description: This book chapter describes a project to develop an informative green label that outlines the impact of a product on the environment, to help inform the consumer considering buying the product.
Date: 2011
Creator: Gam, Hae Jin; Ma, Yoon Jin & Ciaccio, Elizabeth
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design
open access

Lead-Cooled Fast Reactor (LFR) Design: Safety, Neutronics, Thermal Hydraulics, Structural Mechanics, Fuel, Core, and Plant Design

Description: Fifth chapter from "A Compendium of Reactor Technology" discussing the history and design of lead-cooled fast reactors in nine sections: Lead-cooled Fast Reactor (LFR) Development, Design Criteria and General Specifications, Neutronics, Lead Properties, Compatibility of Structural Materials with Lead, Core, Reactor System, Decay Heat Removal System, and Nuclear Island.
Date: February 22, 2010
Creator: Smith, Craig; Cinotti, L.; Artoli, C. & Grasso, G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Carbon-14 Bomb Pulse Dating

Description: Abstract: Atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons during the 1950s and early 1960s doubled the concentration of carbon-14 in the atmosphere and created a pulse that labeled everything alive since 1955 as carbon moved up the food chain. The variation in carbon-14 concentration in time is well-documented and can be used to chronologically date all biological materials since the mid-1950s.
Date: June 15, 2012
Creator: Buchholz, Bruce A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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