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open access

Validation of the G-PASS code : status report.

Description: Validation is the process of determining whether the models in a computer code can describe the important phenomena in applications of interest. This report describes past work and proposed future work for validating the Gas Plant Analyzer and System Simulator (G-PASS) code. The G-PASS code was developed for simulating gas reactor and chemical plant system behavior during operational transients and upset events. Results are presented comparing code properties, individual component models, and i… more
Date: March 12, 2009
Creator: Vilim, R. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Physics division annual report 2005.

Description: This report highlights the research performed in 2005 in the Physics Division of Argonne National Laboratory. The Division's programs include operation of ATLAS as a national user facility, nuclear structure and reaction research, nuclear theory, medium energy nuclear research and accelerator research and development. The mission of Nuclear Physics is to understand the origin, evolution and structure of baryonic matter in the universe--the matter that makes up stars, planets and human life itse… more
Date: March 12, 2007
Creator: Glover, J. & Physics
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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