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open access

1.4 Natural Gas Combustion

Description: This document focus's on the use of natural gas as a major combustion fuel and offers information on firing practices, emissions, and controls.
Date: 1998
Creator: United States. Environmental Protection Agency.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: Brief Artist Statement by Jihye Han as part of a 2021 MFA Exhibition, entitled "11,009km” at the Goldmark Cultural Center in Dallas, TX on April 9-May 7, 2021.
Date: May 2021
Creator: Han, Jihye
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design
open access

21,000th SCVI baby Registered for Immunization

Description: Document about the birth of the 21,000th baby registered with the SCVI Childhood Immunization Program. The document discusses the role the SCVI Immunization Program played in informing mothers on the importance of vaccinating their children. A black-and-white photograph on the document shows the infant Michael Jones-Diggs with his mother Cheresa Jones-Diggs, his grandmother Sharon Wray, SCVI Program Assistant Dorothy Buckley, and SCS Volunteer Services Manager Deborah Evans-Young.
Date: 2000
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

35 Years and Growing...

Description: A list of past workshops, conferences, awards, and publications sponsored by the Northeastern Ohio Chapter of the Church and Synagogue Library Association from 1975 to 2010. Prayers and memories written by chapter members, along with a scan of a workshop flyer from 1979, are also included in the compiled document.
Date: 2010~
Creator: Kight, Joyce
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

['81 Razzle Dazzle Dallas flyer]

Description: A flyer for the 1981 Razzle Dazzle in Dallas on June 20.
Date: 1981
Creator: Razzle Dazzle Dallas, Inc.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

100% Renewable Energy - and Beyond - for Cities

Description: This booklet sketches out the options and the processes that have started to transform urban energy systems. The document promotes carbon neutrality for communities and cities and argues that even the largest cities can make this transition, drawing on renewable energy supplies from within their boundaries, as well as from farther away. In addition to assuring urban energy security, these developments can also stimulate the growth of a very large new green economy sector.
Date: March 2010
Creator: Droege, Peter
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

[101st Congress voting summary]

Description: Registration form for the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force National Lobby Day. (repeat of page five of UNTA_AR0887-001-04-001)
Date: June 1989
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

125th Anniversary Celebration Events Outline

Description: Document created for UNT's 125th Anniversary that lists upcoming celebration events. Special notice is paid towards Founder's Week, Family Weekend, Homecoming Week, and the Wingspan Gala.
Date: 2015
Creator: University of North Texas 125th Anniversary Steering Committee
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

125th Anniversary Committees/ Sub-Committees/ Department Assignments

Description: Document created to assign responsibilities to certain committee, sub-committee, and department members. The individual's name, position title, and responsibilities are listed in a table.
Date: 201X
Creator: University of North Texas 125th Anniversary Steering Committee
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[14th Century Prayer Book Leaf, Origin Unknown]

Description: 14th-century prayer book origin unknown. Text includes Gregorius Magnus, Homiliae in Evangelia, 2, Homilia XXXIV (Habita ad populum in basilica beatorum Ioannis et Pauli, Dominica III), beginnng: "Sed his malispraevenientibus, quia non statim finis sequatur, adiungit."
Date: [1301..1400]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[17th Century Spanish Carta Excutoria]

Description: Opening page of a 17th century Spanish Baroque Carta executoria, providing geological evidence of aristocratic lineage with no trace of peasant, Jewish or Moorish blood. More than simply asserting one's high standing, such documents exempted the holder from civil suits and taxation. Carta executoria were often ostentatiously illuminated (as here), to suggest the wealth and taste of the grantee. Displays large intricate initial "D" (i.e. Don Carlos, King of Spain from 1665 - 1700) in the form of… more
Date: 1696
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

1883 Base Ball

Description: Document containing information about the history of baseball and the development of the sport throughout the 1800s.
Date: 2008~
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[1934 New Year Card]

Description: New Year's card from Neiman Marcus for 1934. The card depicts a baby angel holding a champagne flute and sitting on top of the globe with 1934 across it.
Date: 1934
Creator: Neiman-Marcus
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[1976 election results]

Description: The results of the primary election for district 33-G, 1976.
Date: 1976
Creator: Young, Louise
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[1978 Dallas precincts and candidates]

Description: A 1978 spreadsheet of info on Dallas voting districts and their respective candidates.
Date: 1978
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[1978 Dallas voter's guide]

Description: Voter's guide from the Dallas Gay Political Caucus for the runoff elections.
Date: 1978
Creator: Dallas Gay Political Caucus
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[1978 primary results]

Description: Numbers for the 1978 primary election results, prepared by Louise Young.
Date: 1978
Creator: Young, Louise
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

1981-2010 U. S. Hourly Normals

Description: This is the hourly normals meteorological data.
Date: 2012
Creator: Applequest, Scott; Arguez, Anthoney; Durre, Imke; Squares, Michael F. & Yin, Xungang
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

1982-83 Calendar of Events

Description: A few pages listing the planned events for the Junior Black Academy of Arts and Letters for years 1982-1983.
Date: 1982/1983
Creator: Junior Black Academy of Arts and Letters
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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