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[14th Century Prayer Book Leaf, Origin Unknown]

Description: 14th-century prayer book origin unknown. Text includes Gregorius Magnus, Homiliae in Evangelia, 2, Homilia XXXIV (Habita ad populum in basilica beatorum Ioannis et Pauli, Dominica III), beginnng: "Sed his malispraevenientibus, quia non statim finis sequatur, adiungit."
Date: [1301..1400]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Agenda Ecclesiae Moguntinensis

Description: "Per reverendissimum in Christo patrem, et amplissimum principem, ac dominum, Dominum VVolfgangum, Archiepiscopum Moguntinum, S. Romani Imperii per Germaniam Archicancellarium, Principem Electorem, &c. Necessariis quibusdam additionibus auctior, et multis locis emendatior, iam denuò typis evulgata." Text in Latin and German, including tables, calendars, and a catechism in German, along with notated music. Two of the back end pages have handwritten notes, including a handwritten rendering of Psa… more
Date: 1599
Creator: Catholic Church — Archdiocese of Mainz (Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany)
Partner: UNT Music Library

Agenda Ecclesiae Moguntinensis

Description: Agenda ecclesiae from the Catholic archdiocese of Mainz. This extensive volume includes calendars for movable feasts, a daily listing of feast days for commemoration, days for fasting and abstinence from eating meat, and instructions for priests on administering the sacraments, texts of various blessings and prayers, with text in Latin and German. The volume includes notated musical settings, and a catechism in German.
Date: 1599
Creator: Catholic Church — Archdiocese of Mainz (Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany)
Partner: UNT Music Library


Description: Recording of Trevor Wishart's Anticredos performed by Trevor Wishart. It is a live-performance piece for six amplified voices using extended vocal techniques, but no electronic modification of the voices. The piece, commissioned by the English group "Singcircle," takes the word "Credos" and slowly dissolves and changes its sound-constituents through processes of gradual transformation. This recording is a studio version of the piece "sung" entirely by the composer.
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1980
Duration: 18 minutes 54 seconds
Creator: Wishart, Trevor
Partner: UNT Music Library

Antiqvæ mvsicæ avctores septem, Græce et latine, Marcvs Meibomivs restituit ac notis explicavit

Description: Contents: I. I. Aristoxeni Harmonicorvm elementorvm libri III. II. Evclidis [i.e. Cleonidae?] Introdvctio harmonica. Euclidis Sectio canonis. III. Nicomachi Geraseni, Pythagorici, Harmonices manvale. IV. Alypii Introdvctio mvsica. V. Gavdentii, philosophi, Introdvctio harmonica. VI. Bacchii senioris Introdvctio artis mvsicæ.--v. II. Aristidis Qvintiliani De mvsica libri III. & Martiani Capellæ De mvsica liber IX.
Date: 1652
Creator: Meibom, Marcus, 1630-1711
Partner: UNT Music Library

Aqua Sapientiae/Angelus Domini

Description: Recording of Alessandro Cipriani's Aqua Sapientiae/Angelus Domini. This is the 5.00 short tape version. For electronics, pre-recorded sound, and manipulated voice and Gregorian chant.
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1996/1997
Duration: 1 hour 28 minutes 26 seconds
Creator: Cipriani, Alessandro, 1959-
Partner: UNT Music Library

Ave Maria Stella

Description: Recording of Jozef Malovec's Ave Maria Stella. Ave Maria Stella has been sung in monasteries from the Middle Ages to the present day. The lyrical poems have undergone various musical adaptations from the Gregorian choirs to popular songs, by numerous anonymous authors. The lyrical poem has a philosophical and spiritual orientation. This electroacoustic composition is inspired by the Ave Maria Stella made using electroacoustic sound transformations, embellished with quotes from different version… more
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: unknown
Duration: 13 minutes 16 seconds
Creator: Malovec, Jozef, 1933-1998
Partner: UNT Music Library
open access

[Bible Leaf with Text from 1st Maccabee, 13th Century]

Description: A leaf from a Bible in Latin (France or England, ca. 1230-1260) containing text from 1 Maccabees 1 et seq. ("Et factum est postquam percussit Alexander Philippi Macedo"). Text displayed as 2 columns, gothic script (texualis formata). A notable feature of this particular leaf is that the writing begins "below top line" which suggest the MS was written "below top line" which suggests the MS was written after 1230 (see: N.R. Ker, "From 'Above Top Line; to 'Below Top Line': A Change in Scribal Pra… more
Date: [1230..1260]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Binder's Collection - Eva Eve - Duke M1507-C655-1841]

Description: Bound compilation of sheet music from a variety of composers, with multiple works from Giuseppe Verdi, M.W. Balfe, and Gaetano Donizetti. This volume is held by Duke University, and is posted here in conjunction with the Binders Volumes Research Initiative, a project funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities - Humanities Collections and Reference Resources (PW-290538-23).
Date: 1841/1858
Creator: Eve, Eva, 1841-1890
Partner: UNT Music Library
open access

[Book of Hours Leaf from the Mid 15th Century, France]

Description: France [Valence], mid-15th century. Text displayed in single column, bâtarde hand. Rubrics in pink, two two-line initials in gold and colors, and with a miniature of Matthew and his angel, enclosed by a rounded gilt frame as well with a border on three sides, the border containing acanthus leaves, hairline vines with gold dots, and trefoils, the same border on the outer margin of the other side of the leaf. The artist here has depicted Matthew in the act of writing. Matthew sits with his back t… more
Date: [1450..1500]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Book of Hours Leaf: Prayers for the Dead from the 15th Century, France?]

Description: (France? 15th-century). Text displayed in single column, gothic script, initials alternating blue and burnished gold, the formers with black filigree and the latter with red. From a Book of Hours, in Latin. Lauds / Office of the Dead. Includes prayers beginning with "Generacio mea ablata est et conuoluta est a me quasi tabernaculum pastorum."
Date: [1401..1500]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Book of Hours Pentecostal Illumination from the 15th Century, Bruges (Belgium)]

Description: A leaf from a Book of Hours, in Latin, with a full-page illumination of Pentecost (Bruges, ca. 1460). The illustration is enclosed by a wide and ornate bar frame in pink and blue with gold tracery, the frame outlined in burnished gold with floral cornerpieces in colors and gold, the whole within a full floral border filled with blue, pink, and red flowers, with blue and gold acanthus leaves and green buds and leaves as well as many tiny burnished gold dots. The Virgin and the Apostles gathered … more
Date: 1460
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

The Booke of Common Prayer

Description: 1611 edition of the Book of Common Prayer, with psalms. The psalms include incipits in Latin, and occasional notated settings, along with the traditional canticles (Benedictus, Magnificat, Nunc Dimmitis) for morning, evening, and night prayer, Te Deum, the Athanasian Creed, and other hymns and prayers.
Date: 1611
Creator: Church of England
Partner: UNT Music Library

Carmen campanarum

Description: Recording of Radek Rejsek's Carmen campanarum. This work is an electroacoustic fantasy created from the sound of bells and vocals to the words "Deo gratias". The composer also used sounds of clockwork to symbolize the flowing of time while the bells act as a hymn to God as thanks for our existence. This work was produced in Audiostudiu Czech Ragio in Prague.
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1991
Duration: 20 minutes 17 seconds
Creator: Rejšek, Radek, 1959-
Partner: UNT Music Library

Chant pages used as binding

Description: Liturgical chant pages used as binding for another work with a partially legible German title. Chant appears upside-down on the front cover; the first line, "...nt ga est flos filius" matches the text of Stirps Jesse. It is followed by a doxology (Gloria Patri) including some abbreviated text, and then the text of Veni in hortum meum soror, associated with Matins for the Assumption of Mary. The back cover has an upside-down portion, "dominus in suis virtutibus vincula manuum relaxavit suamque f… more
Date: 1643
Partner: UNT Music Library

Chordis Canam

Description: A recording of Roderik De Man's Chordis Canam. De Man composed Chordis Canam as a tribute to Annelie de Man and to Sies Bleeker. All sounds, except one, were derived from this harpsichord, no other equipment than microphones and tape recorders was used.
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1989
Duration: 10 minutes 24 seconds
Creator: Man, Roderik de, 1941-
Partner: UNT Music Library

Christ Blessing

Description: It is a round disc with painting of christ. Upper half of the body is visible with one hand holding a book and the other hand in gestural position. There is a circular disc behing the figure with painted motifs in green, blue and white colors. There is visible clothing worn by christ and textures are visible on the dark blue cloth worn over inside layer of clothing. Book has geen, yellow, red and white color motifs. Other than this there are two small circular discs on the plate with written te… more
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 0100~
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

Cloud of forgetting

Description: Recording of John Levack Drever's Cloud of forgetting.
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 1996
Duration: 11 minutes 58 seconds
Creator: Drever, John Levack
Partner: UNT Music Library
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