Explore Results

open access

LEAPS-MPS: Non-Archimedean, Arithmetic, and Algebraic Geometry

Description: Data management plan for the grant, "LEAPS-MPS: Non-Archimedean, Arithmetic, and Algebraic Geometry." The research tasks of this grant are to study the geometry of solutions to systems of polynomial equations in many variables. These types of questions have been studied for centuries going back to the ancient Greeks, and they constitute fundamental questions in mathematics and more generally the basic sciences. The major goal of this project is to prove a long-standing conjecture of Demailly an… more
Date: 2024-09-01/2026-08-31
Creator: Morrow, Jackson
Partner: UNT College of Science
open access

NSF Training

Description: Data management plan for the grant, "NSF Training."
Date: 2024-09-01/2026-08-31
Creator: Fu, Shengli
Partner: UNT College of Engineering
open access

Collaborative Research: Conference: NSF Computer and Information Science and Engineering Research Expansion Program (CISE MSI) 2024-2026 Aspiring Principal Investigators Workshop

Description: Data management plan for the grant, "Collaborative Research: Conference: NSF Computer and Information Science and Engineering Research Expansion Program (CISE MSI) 2024-2026 Aspiring Principal Investigators Workshop."
Date: 2024-08-01/2026-07-31
Creator: Sha, Kewei
Partner: UNT College of Information
open access

Adaptation: UNT CRECE

Description: Data management plan for the grant, "Adaptation: UNT CRECE."
Date: 2024-07-01/2027-06-30
Creator: Padilla, Pamela A.
Partner: UNT College of Science
open access

NSF Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program

Description: Data management plan for the grant, "NSF Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program."
Date: 2024-06-01/2030-05-31
Creator: Eddy, Colleen
Partner: UNT College of Education
open access

[Assessment Case Study Worksheet]

Description: Worksheet template and a sample of a completed worksheet that walks through the assessment cycle. This was used at the UNT Libraries' Assessment Seminar in April 2024.
Date: April 22, 2024
Creator: Byrne, Sephra
Partner: UNT Libraries
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