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[Manuscript Leaf from 15th Century, Germany]

Description: A manuscript leaf from 15th Century, Germany. The manuscript leaf is laid out with two (2) columns and scribed in late Gothic script. There are musical neums on 4-line staff (by the 16th-century the 5-line staff became more standardized) Breviary. The manuscript leaf was created on vellum parchment and used both red, blue, and black gall ink for the script. The leaf is labelled as page twenty-one (21).
Date: [1401..1500]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Agenda Ecclesiae Moguntinensis

Description: "Per reverendissimum in Christo patrem, et amplissimum principem, ac dominum, Dominum VVolfgangum, Archiepiscopum Moguntinum, S. Romani Imperii per Germaniam Archicancellarium, Principem Electorem, &c. Necessariis quibusdam additionibus auctior, et multis locis emendatior, iam denuò typis evulgata." Text in Latin and German, including tables, calendars, and a catechism in German, along with notated music. Two of the back end pages have handwritten notes, including a handwritten rendering of Psa… more
Date: 1599
Creator: Catholic Church — Archdiocese of Mainz (Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany)
Partner: UNT Music Library

Agenda Ecclesiae Moguntinensis

Description: Agenda ecclesiae from the Catholic archdiocese of Mainz. This extensive volume includes calendars for movable feasts, a daily listing of feast days for commemoration, days for fasting and abstinence from eating meat, and instructions for priests on administering the sacraments, texts of various blessings and prayers, with text in Latin and German. The volume includes notated musical settings, and a catechism in German.
Date: 1599
Creator: Catholic Church — Archdiocese of Mainz (Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany)
Partner: UNT Music Library

Chant pages used as binding

Description: Liturgical chant pages used as binding for another work with a partially legible German title. Chant appears upside-down on the front cover; the first line, "...nt ga est flos filius" matches the text of Stirps Jesse. It is followed by a doxology (Gloria Patri) including some abbreviated text, and then the text of Veni in hortum meum soror, associated with Matins for the Assumption of Mary. The back cover has an upside-down portion, "dominus in suis virtutibus vincula manuum relaxavit suamque f… more
Date: 1643
Partner: UNT Music Library

Historische Beschreibung der edelen Sing- und Klingkunst, in welcher deroselben Ursprung und Erfindung, Fortgang, Verbesserung, unterschiedlicher Gebrauch, wunderbare Würckungen, mancherley Feinde

Description: Und zugleich berühmteste ausüber von Anfang der Welt biss auff unsere Zeit in möglichster Kürtze erzehlet und vorgestellet werden, aus denen vornehmsten Autorobus abgefasset und in Ordnung gebracht von Wolfgang Caspar Printzen, von Waldthurn.
Date: 1690
Creator: Printz, Wolfgang Caspar, 1641-1717
Partner: UNT Music Library

Oden und Lieder mit ihren eigenen Melodien

Description: This collection opens with a brief letter of dedication from Leyding to his friend Johann Jakob Dusch followed by a preface. The table of contents lists the songs in the order in which they appear in this volume. All of the songs are written in two staves - the top with soprano clef; the bottom, with bass clef. The first stanza of each poem is manually underlaid below the top staff. The full text of the poem is printed either below the music or on the following page. The vocal line use either s… more
Date: 1757
Creator: Leyding, Johann Dietrich, 1721-1781
Partner: UNT Music Library


Description: This is a ca. 1774 score of the opera "Alceste" by Anton Schweitzer based on a libretto by Christoph Wieland. The work premiered in Weimar in 1773. The plot was based on the Greek legend of Alcestis, on the subject of female virtue and conjugal love. The library's copy contains an engraved illustration that portrays a domestic scene. The score does not indicate the musical instruments and the music, which is notated in two, three or four staves, contains the German text underlaid with indicat… more
Date: 1774
Creator: Schweitzer, Anton, 1735-1787.
Partner: UNT Music Library

[Binder's Collection: Mrs. Bright]

Description: Bound compilation of sheet music compiled by Mrs. Bright. Almost all selections in the volume were published in London, with songs in English, German, and Italian. Six out of the forty-six titles in the volume are by Henry R. Bishop, with several works by J. Augustine Wade and Peter von Winter as well, among others.
Date: 1795/1850
Creator: Bright, Mrs.
Partner: UNT Music Library

Oeuvres de J. Haydn, Cahier IX contenant XXXIII Airs et Chansons

Description: Though the cover of this volume is in French, the title page gives the same information in German. This latter language also receives pride of place in the text underlay: Most songs are solely in German but, when lyrics are given in two languages, German is immediately below the musical staves with either Italian or French in italics below the German. Songs use one to three voices with the voice part sometimes integrated into the top staff of the piano part with text underlay indicating when to… more
Date: 1799
Creator: Haydn, Joseph, 1732-1809
Partner: UNT Music Library

Oeuvres de J. Haydn, Cahier VIII

Description: This volume contains fifteen sacred and secular songs for one to four voices with piano accompaniment. Contrary to the title page, the titles of each song are given either in German or German and Italian. When both languages are present in the text underlay, the Italian text sits directly below the staves with German below the Italian. Most songs either give "Singstimme" or a voice part for the vocal staves; some give names of characters, possibly indicating a theatrical or semi-dramatic perfor… more
Date: 1799
Creator: Haydn, Joseph, 1732-1809
Partner: UNT Music Library

Don Juan, oder, Der Steinerne Gast : komische Oper in zwey Aufzügen, volume 1

Description: By the time of Mozart and Da Ponte’s collaboration on Don Giovanni, the Don Juan legend had been represented in musical entertainments and on the popular stage a number of times. Although it was an unusual topic for Viennese court opera, the retelling of the Don Juan story was immensely appealing for the Italian troupe in Prague. Don Giovanni did eventually make its way to Vienna, but the opera did not meet the same success it had received in Prague.
Date: 1801
Creator: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791. & Da Ponte, Lorenzo, 1749-1838
Partner: UNT Music Library

Don Juan, oder, Der Steinerne Gast : komische Oper in zwey Aufzügen, volume 2

Description: By the time of Mozart and Da Ponte’s collaboration on Don Giovanni, the Don Juan legend had been represented in musical entertainments and on the popular stage a number of times. Although it was an unusual topic for Viennese court opera, the retelling of the Don Juan story was immensely appealing for the Italian troupe in Prague. Don Giovanni did eventually make its way to Vienna, but the opera did not meet the same success it had received in Prague.
Date: 1801
Creator: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791. & Da Ponte, Lorenzo, 1749-1838
Partner: UNT Music Library

[Binder's Collection: E. M. Peachey]

Description: Bound compilation of sheet music from the collection of Thurman Morrison. The contents were assembled by Edith Mills Peachey, and the 57 works in this volume include multiple ballads, quadrilles, polkas, and waltzes, with five different compositions by Henry Russell. Other composers with two works in the collection include Edwin Flood, Charles E. Horn, Louis Antoine Jullien, and Camille Schubert. About half of the works were published or co-published by the Musical Bouquet Office. All titles we… more
Date: 1820/1879
Creator: Peachey, Edith Mills
Partner: UNT Music Library

[Binder's Collection: Mary Waddington]

Description: Bound compilation of sheet music from the collection of Thurman Morrison, compiled by Mary Alsop King Waddington, an author who was born in New York, but lived in France beginning in 1871, and was married to French statesman William Henry Waddington. This volume consists largely of excerpts from operatic works, particularly by Gaetano Donizetti, Saverio Mercadante, Gioacchino Rossini, and Giuseppe Verdi. Most works were published in Paris, with a few published in Mayence (present-day Mainz), Vi… more
Date: 1820/1859
Creator: Waddington, Mary King, 1833-1923
Partner: UNT Music Library

Saul : Oratorium

Description: This is ca. 1820 vocal score of Handel's oratorio Saul. The orchestra reduction for piano is credited to J.F. [Johann Friedrich] Naue. The hand-written date 1738 that appears at the top of the t.p. underneath Saul corresponds to the year when Handel composed the oratorio. The music parts for the soloists (soprano alto tenor, bass) and the chorus appear at the top of the piano reduction staff.
Date: 1820?
Creator: Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759
Partner: UNT Music Library
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