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Constructed Self Installation

Description: Works of art on image transfer on concrete, mixed media by artist Kaitlin West as part of a 2022 MFA exhibition, entitled Constructed Self in the the Cora Stafford Gallery South, 1201 W Mulberry St, Denton, TX 76201, from April 6 to 9, 2022.
Date: 0022
Creator: West, Kaitlin
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

Leather sandal

Description: Carabatina Roman shoe/sandal of petrified leather in “gladiator” style, with seam at center back and geometric open perforated pattern. Open perforations longer on one side of vamp, suggesting they folded over and were laced across top of foot. Missing heel and toe; stitching at center back.
Date: 0300/0400
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

Leather shoe

Description: Carabatina Roman shoe/sandal of petrified leather in “gladiator” style, with seam at center back and perforated loops across vamp, suggested they folded over and were laced across foot. Missing heel and toe.
Date: 0300/0400
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

Leather shoe

Description: Carbatina shoe of petrified leather in “gladiator” style, with seam at center back and open perforated loops at sides of vamp, suggesting they folded over and were laced across top of foot. Missing back half of sole, toe, and back half of side.
Date: 0300/0400
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

Roman sandal

Description: Carabatina Roman shoe/sandal of petrified leather in “gladiator” style, with seam at center back and perforated loops across vamp, suggested they folded over and were laced across foot. Missing heel and toe.
Date: 0300/0400
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design
open access

Determination of the 14-Mev Li7 (n,n'a)T Cross Section from Sphere Multiplication and Transmission Measurements

Description: By utilizing lithium spherical shell transmission and multiplication measurements, the Li7(n,n'y)Li7 and the He6-production cross sections, it is possible to deduce that the 14-Mev Li (n,n'a)T cross section is 325 ± 75 mb. A spectrum for neutrons degraded in energy between 0 and 12 Mev is also given.
Date: July 1054
Creator: Thomas, R. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

[Manuscript Leaf from a Volume on Saints' Lives from the 12th Century, Italy/Lombardy]

Description: A leaf from a volume on the lives of saints from Italy, perhaps Lombardy, ca. 1100. Attenuated Caroline minuscule. Rubric in red majuscules. 16 line initial "P" with curling foliate infill. With the inscription of "D. Thomasio de Belmont" (perhaps Belmont-sur-Lausanne) and the date 1681 in one margin. Begins with an account of the life of Saint Cyprian.
Date: 1100
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Manuscript Leaf 12th Century, France]

Description: A previously bound leaf approximately 12th-century.Text from a Lectionary (?) with text from the Life of Saint Gregory of Spoleto. The words Gregory and martyr appear in red ink. Late romanesque book hand. Seven line initial "T" in yellow on a blue background outlined in red, with a small winged dragon. Recovered from a bookbinding.
Date: 1150~
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Manuscript Leaf from the 12th Century, Italy]

Description: This 12th-century Italian manuscript recovered from a binding, displays a double column, rounded Italian gothic hand, and a series of tiny pinpricks at edges where binding hardware had been attached. Text here contains parts of the homilies from Johannes Chrysostomus' work on the priesthood, "De Dignitate Sacerdotali," and from Saint Gergory's "Homiliae in Evangelia."
Date: 1150~
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Leaf from Latin Bible of Ecclesiastes 2-8, 13th Century, France]

Description: A leaf from a Latin Bible (France, ca. 1200-1240), including text from Ecclesiastes 2-8. Text displayed in 2 columns, gothic script written "above top line", and chapter numbers in margins, indicating a date before ca. 1240. Notable in this item are the outer margin prickings used for the creation of horizontal justification lines and the hole in the vellum, around which text has been written.
Date: [1200..1240]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Manuscript Leaf from 13th Century, Germany?]

Description: 13th-century German manuscript leaf. Double column, transitional Caroline/gothic hand. Text from a Lectionary(Matthew 13:15 - 13:21, in which Christ explains to his disciples why he speaks in parables). Written by an accomplished scribe, with capitals, ampersands, ligatures, and fishtail-like terminations at the top of ascenders indicate that the script is transitional, from the late Caroline to the early gothic. Recovered from a bound book.
Date: [1201..1300]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Leaf from 13th Century Bible]

Description: A leaf from a Latin Bible from England or France, ca. 1220-1240. Text from the end of Jonah 4, and Micha 1-3 is displayed in 2 columns, gothic scripts (texuais formata). A notable feature of this particular leaf is that the writing begins "below top line" which suggests the MS was written after 1230 (see: N.R. Ker, "From 'Above Top Line; to 'Below Top Line': A Change in Scribal Practice," Celtica, 5 [1960] 13-16). Note also that the chapter numbers were added later (standardization was begun in… more
Date: [1220..1240]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Leaf from Latin Bible of 2 Kings 5, 13th Century, England or France?]

Description: A leaf from a Latin Bible, (England, or France, ca. 1230-1260), including second Kings 5. Text is displayed in 2 columns, gothic script (texuais formata). A notable feature of this particular leaf is that the writing begins "below top line" which suggest the MS was written "below top line" which suggest the MS was written after 1230 (see: N.R. Ker, "From 'Above Top Line; to 'Below Top Line': A Change in Scribal Practice," Celtica, 5 [1960] 13-16). Note also that the chapter numbers were added l… more
Date: [1220..1240]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Manuscript Leaf from the 13th Century, France]

Description: A manuscript leaf from France? ca. 1220-1240 sourced from a Latin Bible with text including Zecheriah I. Text displayed in 2 columns, gothic script (texuais formata). Notably, no chapter numberings have been added to this particular Bible leaf.
Date: [1220..1240]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Manuscript Leaf of James I from Latin Bible 13th Century, England or France?]

Description: Vellum leaf from a Latin Bible (England or France, ca. 1220-1240). The text is James 1 et seq. (note that the chapter heading is "IACOBUS") with multiple glosses in the margins. A notable feature of this particular leaf is that the writing begins "below top line" which suggest the MS was written after 1230 (see: N.R. Ker, "From 'Above Top Line; to 'Below Top Line': A Change in Scribal Practice," Celtica, 5 [1960] 13-16). Note also that the chapter numbers were added later (standardization was b… more
Date: [1220..1240]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Manuscript Leaf from Latin Bible [James I], 13th Century, England or France]

Description: A leaf from a Latin Bible (England or France, ca. 1225-1275). Text displayed in 2 columns, gothic script (texuais formata). A notable feature of this particular leaf is that the writing begins "below top line" which suggest the MS was written after 1230 (see: N.R. Ker, "From 'Above Top Line; to 'Below Top Line': A Change in Scribal Practice," Celtica, 5 [1960] 13-16). Note also that the chapter numbers were added later (standardization was begun in Paris ca. 1230). The text is James 1 et seq. (… more
Date: [1225..1275]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Bible Leaf with Text from 1st Maccabee, 13th Century]

Description: A leaf from a Bible in Latin (France or England, ca. 1230-1260) containing text from 1 Maccabees 1 et seq. ("Et factum est postquam percussit Alexander Philippi Macedo"). Text displayed as 2 columns, gothic script (texualis formata). A notable feature of this particular leaf is that the writing begins "below top line" which suggest the MS was written "below top line" which suggests the MS was written after 1230 (see: N.R. Ker, "From 'Above Top Line; to 'Below Top Line': A Change in Scribal Pra… more
Date: [1230..1260]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Latin Bible Leaf [Peter 1 & 2] from the Mid 13th Century, England or France]

Description: Manuscript leaf from England or France, ca. 1230-1260. Sourced from a Latin Bible with text 1 Peter 3-5 and 2 Peter 1 et seq. displayed in 2 columns, gothic script (texuais formata). A notable feature of this particular leaf is that the writing begins "below top line" which suggest the MS was written after 1230 (see: N.R. Ker, "From 'Above Top Line; to 'Below Top Line': A Change in Scribal Practice," Celtica, 5 [1960] 13-16). Note also that the chapter numbers were added later (standardization … more
Date: [1230..1260]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Leaf from 13th Century Bible, Paris, France]

Description: Manuscript leaf from Bible, in Latin: Hosea 1 et seq., France [probably Paris], ca. 1240. Text displayed in double column, gothic pearl script. Rubrics in red, capitals struck in red, running tiles and chapter numbers in red and blue, one two-line initial and one four-line initial with extensions into the margin, both painted pink or blue with gold dot embellishments on a contrasting ground, and both with an internal scrolling design, the larger initial containing the head of a small beast, and… more
Date: 1240~
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Leaf from a Miniature Bible, Mid 13th Century, France]

Description: A leaf from a miniature Bible in Latin from France, ca. 1250-1275. Text organized in 2 columns, gothic script (texualis formata) and displays 1 Chronicles 23-25. A notable feature of this particular leaf is that the writing begins "below top line" which suggests the manuscript was written after 1230 (see: N.R. Ker, "From 'Above Top Line; to 'Below Top Line': A Change in Scribal Practice," Celtica, 5 [1960], 13-16). Note also that the chapter numbers were added later (standardization was begun i… more
Date: [1250..1275]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[14th Century Prayer Book Leaf, Origin Unknown]

Description: 14th-century prayer book origin unknown. Text includes Gregorius Magnus, Homiliae in Evangelia, 2, Homilia XXXIV (Habita ad populum in basilica beatorum Ioannis et Pauli, Dominica III), beginnng: "Sed his malispraevenientibus, quia non statim finis sequatur, adiungit."
Date: [1301..1400]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Liturgical Calendar Leaf from a Book of Hours 14th Century, France or the Netherlands?]

Description: A leaf displaying the month of November from a liturgical calendar within a Latin Book of Hours. The text indicates so-called "Red Letter" days. This particular Book of Hours was designated use of Sarum (i.e. Salisbury Cathedral) and was bound in France or The Netherlands in the 14th-century most likely for the English Market. Of particular interest is the appearance of "Euduardi Regis" referencing King Edward the III of England [1312-1377].
Date: [1301..1400]
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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