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[Tape of a radio interview with Ruby Dee and Curtis King]

Description: Video recording from The Black Academy of Arts and Letters recorded during a taping of a radio interview with Curtis King and Ruby Dee conducted by the radio station 107.5 NYC for an "Evening of Spoken Word with Ruby Dee" to take place at the Apollo Theatre on Mothers day weekend 2012. The footage shows King and Dee seated across from a microphone while King encourages individuals to come out and attend the event.
Date: 2012
Duration: 4 minutes 05 seconds
Creator: 107.5 (NYC)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

Shirley Temple in Heidi

Description: Softcover Heidi book based off of the 1937 film adaptation of Heidi by Johanna Spyri, starring Shirley Temple. The cover of the book is a black and white photograph of Shirley Temple sitting in a dirndl with her hands held on her lap. Of to the side is a red and white sticker.
Date: 193X
Creator: 20th Century Fox
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Boy's romper

Description: Boy's romper of white cotton. Detachable shorts are high waisted sailor style with four buttons at the inseam. Short sleeves with 1/2" cuffs; peter pan collar trimmed with white eyelet lace. Center front of shirt has horizontal pin tucked pleating with two vertical pieces sewn over the top, each an equal distance from center front; trimmed with three tiny decorative buttons at neckline. Shirt buttons in back with four buttons with six larger pearlized buttons (two missing) for attaching shirt t… more
Date: 1957
Creator: A-Lad-'N-Togs
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design
open access

Coupled Hydrodynamic-Structural Response Analysis of Piping Systems

Description: This report describes in detail the expansion of the ICEPEL code for the coupled hydrodynamic-structural response analysis of pipe-elbow loops to general piping systems. A generalized piping-component model, a branching tce junction, and a surge-tank model are introduced and coupled with the pipe-elbow loop model so that a general piping system under the effect of internally traveling pressure pulses can be analyzed hydrodynamically, as well as structurally.
Date: 1978?
Creator: A-Moneim, M. T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

ICEPEL Analysis of and Comparison with Simple Elastic-Plastic Piping Experiments

Description: The results of simple elastic-plastic piping experiments for straight pipes and single-elbow loop systems are interpreted and evaluated. The experiments are also analyzed by the ICEPEL piping code, and the analytical results are compared against the experimental data.
Date: December 1978
Creator: A-Moneim, M. T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
captions transcript

[Nichelle Nichols Shuttle Astronaut Recruitment]

Description: Nichelle Nichols (Lieutenant Uhura) wants you to work on the Space Shuttle Enterprise in this government produced film from 1977. Nichelle Nichols played communications officer Lieutenant (later, Commander) Uhura aboard the USS Enterprise in the Star Trek television series (1966–1969), working to recruit diverse astronauts to NASA, including women and ethnic minorities.
Date: 1977
Duration: 5 minutes 54 seconds
Creator: A-V Corporation
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Men's dress shirt

Description: Man's shirt in wedgewood blue-gray silk. One wooden collar button. Long sleeves with French cuffs. "RNS" monogram on left cuff. Label: A. Sulka & Company / New York London / Chicago Paris Tag attached to label: Sept. '62 B) Detachable matching collar. Labels same as shirt.
Date: 1962
Creator: A. Sulka & Company
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

Men's shirt

Description: Shirt of blue-gray cotton brocade with darker gray squares. Neckband is of white broadcloth designed for detachable collar. Long sleeves with French cuffs. Label: A. Sulka & Company / London / Paris / Chicago / New York Tag under label: Sept. '62
Date: 1962
Creator: A. Sulka & Company
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design


Description: Ladies lace-up boots of brown leather with low stacked heel. Slightly pointed toe cap with light brouguing. Sewn-in fabric label: "The A.E. Little / Shoe $12.50 / Reg. U.S. Pat. Off." Stamped on sole: "The A. E. Little / Arch Supporting Suspension / Construction"
Date: 1880/1915
Creator: A.E. Little Shoe Company
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design
open access

Can Data Recognize Its Parent Distribution?

Description: This study is concerned with model selection of lifetime and survival distributions arising in engineering reliability or in the medical sciences. We compare various distributions, including the gamma, Weibull and lognormal, with a new distribution called geometric extreme exponential. Except for the lognormal distribution, the other three distributions all have the exponential distribution as special cases. A Monte Carlo simulation was performed to determine sample sizes for which survival dis… more
Date: May 1999
Creator: A.W.Marshall; J.C.Meza & Olkin, and I.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

[Project Summary: Deepwater Program: The Technology and Economics of Deepwater Production Projects]

Description: Report summary describing the work completed at ABS Group, Inc. for 'Deepwater Program: The Technology and Economics of Deepwater Production Projects'. It includes background information on the project funding and sponsorship, goals, methodology, and findings.
Date: May 2004
Creator: ABS Group, Inc.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Savannah River Project Site Report: 30,000 KW Prototype Partically Enriched Uranium Gas Cooled, Graphite Moderated Nuclear Power Plant for United States Atomic Energy Commission Idaho Operations Office

Description: Report describing a modified prototype of a nuclear reactor that uses partially uranium-enriched fuel and is cooled by helium. The construction site, site safety aspects, and design and construction costs are included.
Date: March 1959
Creator: ACF Industries Incorporated. Nuclear Products - ERCO Division.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Microstructure, Phase Formation, and Stress of Reactively-Deposited Metal Hydride Thin Films

Description: This document summarizes research of reactively deposited metal hydride thin films and their properties. Reactive deposition processes are of interest, because desired stoichiometric phases are created in a one-step process. In general, this allows for better control of film stress compared with two-step processes that react hydrogen with pre-deposited metal films. Films grown by reactive methods potentially have improved mechanical integrity, performance and aging characteristics. The two reac… more
Date: May 2002
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Evolution of Stress in ScD{sub 2}/Cr Thin Films Fabricated by Evaporation and High Temperature Reaction

Description: The stress of scandium dideuteride, ScD{sub 2}, thin films is investigated during each stage of vacuum processing including metal deposition via evaporation, reaction and cooldown. ScD{sub 2} films with thin Cr underlayers are fabricated on three different substrate materials: molybdenum-alumina cermet, single crystal sapphire and quartz. In all experiments, the evaporated Cr and Sc metal is relatively stress-free. However, reaction of scandium metal with deuterium at elevated temperature to fo… more
Date: June 2001
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Give us lumber for more PT's.

Description: Color image of war ships at sea. In the foreground is a boat with "PT 34" painted on it, shining a light and speeding forward. In the background, a ship is sinking as explosive flames rise from it. Other ships and flames can be seen in the distance on the left.
Date: 1943
Creator: AEL.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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