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open access

Intensifiers of Adjectives in Akha

Description: This is an extensive wordlist of intensifiers of adjectives in Akha. The author provides a list of intensifiers and examples of an adjective intensifier. She notes whether the intensifier occurs alone and provides commentary.
Date: unknown
Creator: Hansson, Inga-Lill
Partner: UNT College of Information
open access

Adjectives in Akha

Description: This manuscript discusses the properties and functions of adjectives in Akha. Data come from 40,000 transcribed texts—conversations, stories, and factual information. The author argues that the most common syntactic constructions are those in which adjectives modify nouns, adjectives funciton as predicates, and adjectives function as adverbs. The manuscript also illustrates how special intensifiers and tone markers work and provides a great variety of examples of phrases, clauses, and sentences. more
Date: unknown
Creator: Hansson, Inga-Lill
Partner: UNT College of Information
open access

The Transmission and Language of Akha Shaman Texts

Description: This is the abstract and handout used for the 50th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL) in 2017. The purpose of this paper is to discuss orally-transmitted Akha ritual literature. The author concentrates on shamanistic texts dealing with issues such as: the importance of working on oral texts (e.g., as compared to the Iliad and the Odyssey), the type of actors/shamans/reciters found in these oral texts, the type of training actors go through, a brief comme… more
Date: 2017
Creator: Hansson, Inga-Lill
Partner: UNT College of Information
open access


Description: This chapter 46 is a recent version of the Akha chapter 15 pubished in 2003. It provides a description of the Akha people in southwest China as well as their language. Looking at the Akha spoken in northern Thailand, the author provides the Akha vowel inventory and discusses important issues in the phonology (e.g., tone and syllable structure). The author also discusses word formation, the syntax of noun and verb phrases, and sentence particles. The chapter concludes by discussing the topic of … more
Date: 2017
Creator: Hansson, Inga-Lill
Partner: UNT College of Information
open access

A Comparison between the Textual Traditions of the Shamans and the Ritual Reciters of the Akha

Description: The Akha, a Tibeto-Burman speaking people living in the border areas between China, Burma, Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam, have a vast body of oral texts, ritually performed by the Phíma (a trained reciter and ritual specialist dealing with death and sickness) or by the Njí-phà/Nyirpaq (a shaman, deals with sickness). Abstract for the 47th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL) in Kunming, October 17-19, 2014.
Date: 1982
Creator: Inga-Lill Hansson
Partner: UNT College of Information
open access

A Comparison between the Language of Akha Ritual Texts and the Modern Vernacular Language

Description: This handout offers a comparison of the type of language found in ritual Akha texts and in the modern vernacular. The author discusses various linguistic properties and illustrates them with ten example sentences with word-to-word glossing of ritual Akha, modern Akha, and English. There is free translation in English with Akha in a CAO-like script. This handout was presented at the 6th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL) in China, in 2012.
Date: 2012
Creator: Hansson, Inga-Lill
Partner: UNT College of Information
open access

Evidentiality in Akha - a preliminary discussion

Description: In this conference paper handout the author discusses eight different types of evidentials used to describe actions, factual knowledge, knowledge from witnessing, reaction to witnessing and hearing, action, etc. Example sentences used in this paper come from various stories and conversations collected by the author. Approximately 25 senteces were word-to-word-glossed for modern Akha and ritual Akha and English. This handout was used during the 38th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Langu… more
Date: 2005
Creator: Hansson, Inga-Lill
Partner: UNT College of Information
open access


Description: This chapter 15 provides a description of the Akha people in southwest China, and their language. Looking at the Akha spoken in northern Thailand, the author provides the Akha vowel inventory and discusses important issues in the phonology (e.g., tone and syllable structure). The author also discusses word formation, the syntax of noun and verb phrases, and sentence particles. The chapter concludes by discussing the topic of noun incorporation in monosyllabic and disyllabic nouns and those with… more
Date: 2003
Creator: Hansson, Inga-Lill
Partner: UNT College of Information
open access

Translation of the Ritual Akha Language into Modern Akha

Description: This conference handout discusses the importance of translating the Ritual Akha language into Modern Akha given the literacy level, the richness of the ritual language, word order, pronunciation, vocabulary, etc. that all make the Ritual language an important source for the Akhas. The author provides various sentences comparing Ritual Akha and Modern Akha, word-to-word-glossing for modern Akha and ritual Akha, and presents differences. This handout was presented at the 4th International Confere… more
Date: 2002
Creator: Hansson, Inga-Lill
Partner: UNT College of Information
open access

Translation of the Ritual Akha Language into Modern Akha

Description: This conference handout discusses the importance of translating the Ritual Akha language into Modern Akha given the literacy level, the richness of the ritual language, word order, pronunciation, vocabulary, etc. that all make the ritual language an important source for the Akhas. The author provides various sentences comparing ritual Akha and modern Akha, word-to-word-glossing for modern Akha and ritual Akha, and presents differences. This handout was presented at the 35th International Confer… more
Date: unknown
Creator: Hansson, Inga-Lill
Partner: UNT College of Information
open access

Object-verb in Akha: the ABB Structure

Description: This journal article discusses the structure, syntax, and semantics of noun/object-verb constructions in which the verb has the same phonetic shape as the second syllable (aka cognate object constructions) in Akha. The author illustrates this phenomenon with words whose origin is in monosyllabic and disyllabic nouns, as well as syllables with the prefix a- in various tones. Insertion of classifiers, negation, and auxiliary verbs are discussed in the syntax. Associations with the body, heavenly … more
Date: 1996
Creator: Hansson, Inga-Lill
Partner: UNT College of Information
open access

Akha Ritual and Vernacular language - with a Special View to the Role of Affixes in Word Formation

Description: This handout discusses the affixes of the ritual texts. The author notes that Akha does not have many affixes, and the only widespread ones in the modern vernacular language are the prefix a- and the suffix -ma, noting that there are some prefixes which are limited to certain kinds of animals,: xhá- for some birds and beasts, bö̀- for many grubs, ho- or xho- for many rats, and ŋà- for most fishes. Consequently, the author illustrates with various wordlists, small clauses and sentences the differ… more
Date: 2001
Creator: Hansson, Inga-Lill
Partner: UNT College of Information
open access

Recommendation of Hansson (6)

Description: Recommendation of Inga-Lill Hansson sent by Lars Ragvald on 25 Sept 1996. Related to ILH's application for a fellowship. About her work and importance at Lund University.
Date: 1996
Creator: Ragvald, Lars
Partner: UNT College of Information
open access

Recommendation of Hansson (5)

Description: Recommendation of Inga-Lill Hansson sent by J.M. McKinnon on 29 July 1996. Rrelated to ILH's application for a fellowship. About her research and research qualities, including respect for the people she works with.
Date: 1996
Creator: McKinnon, J.M.
Partner: UNT College of Information
open access

Recommendation of Hansson (4)

Description: Recommendation of Inga-Lill Hansson sent by James A. Matisoff 13 Aug. 1996. Related to ILH's application for a fellowship. About her research and outstanding qualities, including speaking fluent Akha.
Date: 1996
Creator: Matisoff, James A.
Partner: UNT College of Information
open access

A preliminary comparison of Hani and Akha funeral texts

Description: This conference paper provides a comparison of the linguistic information found in Hani and Akha funeral texts. The author argues that the two death rituals belong to the same tradition, and that they seem to have similar properties, e.g,. the same number of transcribed lines. Text depends on the Phíma (reciter) and their teacher. The themes of chapters are discussed based on English translation. It includes appendices with extensive funeral texts. It is a report on work in progress. Present… more
Date: 1993
Creator: Hansson, Inga-Lill
Partner: UNT College of Information
open access

Akha oral texts - memorized or created anew?

Description: This conference paper discusses the problem of how to judge the transmission of the Akha texts including ritual songs, stories, myths, riddles, ritual texts recited by the phíma, the Njí-phà/Nyirpaq, the dzòma, etc. The author also discusses various features related to, for example, the archaic use of ritual language, the linguistic properties such as syllable formation, prefixes, suffixes, etc. There is also treatment of the history of written Akha and Hani (closely-related languages). Akha pe… more
Date: unknown
Creator: Hansson, Inga-Lill
Partner: UNT College of Information
open access

Akhə Akha and Pahi Akha - Two little known Burmese-Yipho Languages

Description: This article summarizes the main differences found between speakers from the Akhə Akha language group in Northern Thailand and speakers from the neighboring village called Pahi Akha. This article discusses the initial and final sound correspondences between the two langauges, as well as tone marking. It also offers a cross-linguistic comparison with other languages such as Hani, Pi, and Mpi, illustrating the similarities and differences via selected tables and examples. Data come from a fieldwo… more
Date: 1990
Creator: Hansson, Inga-Lill
Partner: UNT College of Information
open access

Affixes in Akha

Description: This conference handout discusses the affixes of the ritual texts. The author notes that Akha does not have many affixes, and the only widespread ones in the modern vernacular language are the prefix a- and the suffix -ma, noting that there are some prefixes which are limited to certain kinds of animals: xhá- for some birds and beasts, bö̀- for many grubs, ho- or xho- for many rats, and ŋà- for most fishes. Consequently, the author illustrates with various wordlists, small clauses and sentences … more
Date: 1990
Creator: Hansson, Inga-Lill
Partner: UNT College of Information
open access

The word order of Akha nouns

Description: This conference paper handout discusses the properties of nouns in Akha, which are less restricted than verbs. Noun particles include ∅, nɛ, à, áŋ, and lɛ́. The author illustrates word order in clauses involving subject and object, object-verb, verb-object, as well as subject-verb, verb-subject, subject-object-verb, topic, and other possible word orders. There are a great variery of example sentences. Comparison of the OVS, VSO, and the SOV order. Topicalization. 22nd International Conference o… more
Date: 1989
Creator: Hansson, Inga-Lill
Partner: UNT College of Information
open access

A Comparison of Akha, Hani, Khàtú, and Pìjɔ

Description: This article compares the cognate forms and phoneme inventories of four Lolo-Burmese languages: Akha (Thailand), Hani (Kunming, China), Khàtú (Kunming, China), and Pìj̀ɔ̀ (Kunming, China). It includes tables and lists of finals, initials (velar, fricative, laryngeal), tones, rhymes (open, nasal, final). The author provides five appendices with almost six hundred glosses in all the languages and combinations of initials and finals. This article is published in Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area… more
Date: 1989
Creator: Hansson, Inga-Lill
Partner: UNT College of Information
open access

Akha and the Hani Languages of China

Description: This article discusses the similarities and differences of sounds found in Akha in Burma/Thailand and sounds found in Akha in Yunnan, from current and historical points of view. It also offers a comparison with other neighboring languages such as Hani (Lüchun), Kathú, and Pìjɔ, discussing sound changes in initial and final sounds; laryngealization; and rhymes; among other phemonena found in Akha and other major Hani languages including Haóni and Mpi. There are examples and explanations, as well… more
Date: 1988
Creator: Hansson, Inga-Lill
Partner: UNT College of Information
open access

Akhə Akha and Pahi Akha - Two little known Burmese-Yipho Languages

Description: This handout outlines the main differences found between speakers from the Akhə Akha language group in Northern Thailand and speakers from the neighboring village called Pahi Akha. It discusses the initial and final sound correspondences between the two langauges, as well as tone marking. It also offers a cross-linguistic comparison with other languages including Hani, Pi, and Mpi illustrating the similarities and differences with various tables and examples. Data come from a fieldwork trip in … more
Date: 1988
Creator: Hansson, Inga-Lill
Partner: UNT College of Information
open access

The Language of Akha Ritual Texts

Description: This conference paper handout discusses the problems that the author had analyzing the Death Ritual texts from a grammatical point of view as it pertains to historical grammar and phonology. Working from a recorded version of the Death Ritual done by the author. She describes the rhythmic patterns found in the sentences, as well as the environments of filler syllables, negation, types of nouns, and prefixes. Approximately 40 Akha sentences with word-to-word-glossing and free translation are fou… more
Date: unknown
Creator: Hansson, Inga-Lill
Partner: UNT College of Information
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