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open access

Quintus Horatius Flaccus [Unbound sheets]

Description: A complete set of unbound sheets of the last printing of the Pickering Horace. The Horace was originally printed by Pickering in 1820 as the first of his Diamond Classics, and are a landmark in the world of miniature books and printing. This set of sheets are a remarkable survival, giving insight into the printing and binding process. The sheets are quarter-sheet impressions, each sheet holding 8 front-and-back leaves (16 pages) of the text. The sheets have been folded into gathers, and lef… more
Date: 1826
Creator: Horace
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[The Trevi Fountain]

Description: Photograph of the Trevi Fountain in Rome, Italy. In the foreground, a portion of the piazza in front of the fountain is visible and crowded with people. Behind the people, the fountain is visible along with the top of the Palazzo Poli, which is the backdrop for the fountain.
Date: July 1965
Creator: Gough, Ray
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design


Description: Photograph of a mosaic in Venice, Italy. Half of a domed roof is visible in the foreground. The dome is decorated a detailed mosaic depicting many figures in front of a building. Below the mosaic, a row of columns and a carved archway are visible.
Date: unknown
Creator: Gough, Ray
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

[St. Mark's Basilica doorway]

Description: Photograph of St. Mark's Basilica in Venice, Italy. The top detail of a doorway fills the frame. A mosaic scene is inset into the top half dome of the doorway. Columns line the sides under the mosaic. The doorway is carved out of marble.
Date: unknown
Creator: Gough, Ray
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

[Lion Monument]

Description: Photograph of the Lion Monument in Lucerne, Switzerland. The sculpture is visible in the foreground cut into the rock. Trees frame the image. The lion is cut into the center of the image surrounded by text.
Date: unknown
Creator: Gough, Ray
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design
open access

Manuscript leaf of music.

Description: Vellum / parchment leaf with writing on both sides. The text is in Latin, in black, with occasional red letters. It includes sections of musical notation (5-line staff notation, square dots used for the notes). Recto with 12 full lines of text, 3 partial lines of text and one partial line of music, and one line of music. Verso with two lines of music, one partial line of music (out to side on left), and 12 lines of text.
Date: unknown
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Europa, secundum legitimas projectionis stereographic︠a︡e regulas et juxta recentissimas observationes ︠a︡eque ac relationes adhibitis qvoq[ue] veterum monumentorum subsidiis

Description: Hand-drawn, color map of Europe as of 1743 with place names, geopolitical borders and some topographical features. Boundaries and features are noted, with relief shown pictorially.
Date: 1743
Creator: Hase, Johann Matthias, 1684-1742
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

Tractatus de musica

Description: The present volume is a 1875 compendium of various Latin music treatises by Johannes Tinctoris gathered from manuscript sources from Brussels, Bologna and Gand. The present edition, edited by Charles Coussemaker, comprises ten of the twelve surviving manuscripts of Tinctoris's theoretical works. According to Oxford Music, these were written in the first few years of his employment at Ferrante's court and demonstrate Tinctoris's intellectual and pedagogical mastery of music theory. They also dem… more
Date: 1875
Creator: Tinctoris, Johannes, d. 1511.
Partner: UNT Music Library

Christ Blessing

Description: It is a round disc with painting of christ. Upper half of the body is visible with one hand holding a book and the other hand in gestural position. There is a circular disc behing the figure with painted motifs in green, blue and white colors. There is visible clothing worn by christ and textures are visible on the dark blue cloth worn over inside layer of clothing. Book has geen, yellow, red and white color motifs. Other than this there are two small circular discs on the plate with written te… more
Access: Restricted to UNT Community Members. Login required if off-campus.
Date: 0100~
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

Messa à 4

Description: This a manuscript copy of two Mass movements, Kyrie and Gloria, gathered from a "Messa à 4." The copyist, Vincenso Marchetti, attributed this mass to the composer Matteo Bisso. The texts of both movements of the Mass are divided in several sections and set musically for an ensemble of mixed choir (S.A.T.B), vocal soloists, strings and basso continuo. Each section reflects changes of tonality, tempo, and musical meter. The composer indicated dynamics, the use of muted strings (e.g., p.[84]) and … more
Date: unknown
Creator: Bisso, Matteo, 1705-1776
Partner: UNT Music Library
open access

Theoria, Volume 11, 2004

Description: Annual journal containing essays, studies, book reviews, and other articles related to the history of Western Music Theory, methods of analysis, and analytical discussions of musical compositions. The appendix includes corrigenda from the preceding volume, information about contributors to the current volume, and an index of content in previously-issued volumes.
Date: 2004
Creator: Heidlberger, Frank
Partner: UNT Press
open access

Theoria, Volume 16, 2009

Description: Annual journal containing essays, studies, book reviews, and other articles related to the history of Western Music Theory, methods of analysis, and analytical discussions of musical compositions. The appendix includes corrigenda from the preceding volume, information about contributors to the current volume, and an index of content in previously-issued volumes.
Date: 2009
Creator: Heidlberger, Frank
Partner: UNT Press
open access

Theoria, Volume 17, 2010

Description: Annual journal containing essays, studies, book reviews, and other articles related to the history of Western Music Theory, methods of analysis, and analytical discussions of musical compositions. The appendix includes corrigenda from the preceding volume, information about contributors to the current volume, and an index of content in previously-issued volumes.
Date: 2010
Creator: Heidlberger, Frank
Partner: UNT Press
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