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Don Juan, oder, Der Steinerne Gast : komische Oper in zwey Aufzügen, volume 2

Description: By the time of Mozart and Da Ponte’s collaboration on Don Giovanni, the Don Juan legend had been represented in musical entertainments and on the popular stage a number of times. Although it was an unusual topic for Viennese court opera, the retelling of the Don Juan story was immensely appealing for the Italian troupe in Prague. Don Giovanni did eventually make its way to Vienna, but the opera did not meet the same success it had received in Prague.
Date: 1801
Creator: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791. & Da Ponte, Lorenzo, 1749-1838
Partner: UNT Music Library

Don Juan, oder, Der Steinerne Gast : komische Oper in zwey Aufzügen, volume 1

Description: By the time of Mozart and Da Ponte’s collaboration on Don Giovanni, the Don Juan legend had been represented in musical entertainments and on the popular stage a number of times. Although it was an unusual topic for Viennese court opera, the retelling of the Don Juan story was immensely appealing for the Italian troupe in Prague. Don Giovanni did eventually make its way to Vienna, but the opera did not meet the same success it had received in Prague.
Date: 1801
Creator: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791. & Da Ponte, Lorenzo, 1749-1838
Partner: UNT Music Library

Serva padrona : intermezzo

Description: The intermezzo La serva padrona first appeared between the acts of Pergolesi’s Il prigioniero superbo in 1733. This was the standard way in which to present an intermezzo. The work served as comic relief in the midst of more solemn opera serie, and incorporated elements of the improvisational commedia del’arte tradition. For instance, the few characters are drawn from stock types, such as the servant Serpina.
Date: [1804,1805]
Creator: Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista, 1710-1736
Partner: UNT Music Library

Buona figliuola : opera comica

Description: Goldoni turned to Samuel Richardson’s novel Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded (1740) as the inspiration for his La buona figliuola. In 1750, he wrote the play Pamela nubile and then turned it into a libretto for Duni. Although Duni’s La buona figliuola (1756) was a failure, Piccinni’s setting in 1760 was a huge success. The hilarious comedy coupled with Piccinni’s sentimental treatment of Cecchina contributed to the popularity of the opera, which still receives performances to this day. Typical of… more
Date: 1767
Creator: Piccinni, Niccolò, 1728-1800; Goldoni, Carlo, 1707-1793 & Richardson, Samuel, 1689-1761
Partner: UNT Music Library

Finta pazza, drama.

Description: Although Sacrati’s La finta pazza (1641) was immensely popular and influential, the opera has received little discussion in modern scholarship, due in large part to the absence of the music (even the number of extant copies of librettos is very small). Since Lorenzo Bianconi discovery of a score that was used for traveling productions, the opera has received increasing attention.
Date: 1644
Creator: Strozzi, Giulio, 1583-1652
Partner: UNT Music Library

La grande offensiva Italiana: la disfatta Austriaca sul Montello.

Description: Detailed color illustration of a battle scene. Italian soldiers in blue cross a river and charge against Austrian soldiers in green. Several Austrian soldiers and a horse are falling or dead. A toppled weapon is seen in the foreground. Several explosions can be seen on the river, its banks, the mountains, and a town in the distance. Airplanes are flying, cannons are firing, and multitudes of Italian troops are marching in the far distance.
Date: unknown
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Su gli argini del Piave, dove maestosa si erge la Storica e millenario Venezia, l'orgoglio Unno trova certo tomba per l'eroismo delle legioni alleati : On this side of the Piave, where the beautiful and ancient City of Venice stands, the haughty Huns will surely meet death from the hands of the Heroic and Allied Legions.

Description: Color poster depicts a battle scene with the British, American, French and Italian forces on one side of the river and the enemy on the other side. In the background there is a view of the buildings of Venice. A female figure wearing a crown and draped in a red skirt hovers over the scene holding an Italian flag and a sword. A large yellow star shines behind her and over the city. At her feet are the words, "Da qui non si passa" ("They shall not pass"). At the upper left hand corner are small p… more
Date: 1918
Creator: Petronzio, G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Forza del sangue, e della pietà; drama per musica

Description: 1686 libretto for Giuseppe Fabrini's opera La forza del sangue, e della pietà. The music for all of Giuseppe Fabrini’s operas, including La forza del sangue e della pietà, is lost. However, the libretti by Gerolamo Gigli, have been preserved for these dramas that were performed at the Collegio Tolomei in Siena. La forza del sangue e della pietà translates as “The Force of Blood and Pity.”
Date: 1686
Creator: Fabrini, Giuseppe & Gigli, Girolamo, 1660-1722
Partner: UNT Music Library

Nouvelles Poesies Morales sur Les Plus Beaux Airs de la Musique Francoise et Italienne avec la Basse.: Fables Choisies Dans le gout de M. De La Fontaine, Sur des Vaudevilles & petits Airs aisés à chanter, avec leur Basse & une Basse en Musette. Recueil I. 6 liv. broché.

Description: This score is a collection of poetry and set to music including moral fables (marked on the table of contents with an asterisk). Each piece has words written with musical lines in treble, bass, or a combination of both. Includes a preface ('Avis.') and table of contents for the movements prior to page 1 for each of the seven collections ('recueil'). The pagination restarts for each collection and for the fables which fall at the end of each section.
Date: 1737
Creator: La Fontaine, Jean de, 1621-1695
Partner: UNT Music Library

[Villa Farnese]

Description: Photograph of the Villa Farnese in Caprarola, Italy. In the foreground, a silhouetted figure and the side of a building are visible. The entrance to the villa is visible in the middle ground between the figure and building. Trees are visible in the background.
Date: 1958
Creator: Gough, Ray
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

[Empty Street]

Description: Photograph of an empty street in Florence, Italy. A motor bike and a parking sign are visible in the foreground. Behind the motor bike, a narrow street stretches into the background with a line of cars parked on the right side.
Date: 1965
Creator: Gough, Ray
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

[Italian Cemetery]

Description: Photograph of a cemetery in Florence, Italy. Two trees are visible on each side of the photograph. In the foreground, men and women with flowers walk on the path in front of the cemetery wall. The wall is lined with stacked graves. A mausoleum is centered in the wall of graves.
Date: 1953
Creator: Gough, Ray
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

[San Gimignano, Italy]

Description: Photograph of a arched passageway in San Gimignano, Italy. In the foreground, a small sign is visible under the archway. A stairway beside a building is visible in the background.
Date: unknown
Creator: Gough, Ray
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

[Piazza di Spagna]

Description: Photograph of the Piazza di Spagna in Rome, Italy. In the foreground, two men drink from the Fontana della Barcaccia; people, buildings, and automobiles are visible in the background.
Date: unknown
Creator: Gough, Ray
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

[Lion Fountains]

Description: Photograph of two lion fountains in the Piazza San Bernardo in Rome, Italy. In the foreground, a marble lion spurting water from its mouth into a small pool is visible. There is another identical lion visible behind the first. A woman is seen dipping a cloth into the second pool. In the background, a zoo sign is visible.
Date: unknown
Creator: Gough, Ray
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

[Neptune Fountain]

Description: Photograph of the Neptune Fountain in Rome, Italy. In the foreground, a stone cherub climbs atop a head while holding a crab on the edge of the fountain basin. Other figures within the fountain basin are visible behind the cherub. A row of buildings is visible in the background.
Date: unknown
Creator: Gough, Ray
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

[Piazza della Rotonda]

Description: Photograph of a fountain in the Piazza della Rotonda in Rome, Italy. In the foreground, a stone head spurting water out of its mouth is visible with two serpents on either side of the head. A building in the piazza is visible in the background.
Date: unknown
Creator: Gough, Ray
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

[Via di Ponte Rotto]

Description: Photograph of a house on the Via di Ponte Rotto in Rome, Italy. The house sits on the Piazza Bocca della Verita. In the foreground, a metal barrier and some cars are visible in front of a gray house. Another building is visible to the left of the house.
Date: unknown
Creator: Gough, Ray
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

[Side View of Trevi Fountain]

Description: Photograph of the Trevi Fountain as seen from the left side. The silhouette of a man is visible the foreground in front of the fountain. In the background, a building is visible with a glove shop.
Date: July 1965
Creator: Gough, Ray
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design


Description: Photograph of the Pantheon and the Piazza della Rotonda in Rome, Italy. The piazza is visible in the foreground with people and cars scattered throughout. A fountain is visible in the center of the piazza in front of the Pantheon.
Date: unknown
Creator: Gough, Ray
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design


Description: Photograph of a street in Lucerne, Switzerland. A red and white barrier is visible in the right foreground. A child on a tricycle is visible next to the barrier on the street. A man in white walks across the street. A row of shops is visible on the left side of the street. More buildings are visible in the background.
Date: 1965
Creator: Gough, Ray
Partner: UNT College of Visual Arts + Design
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