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open access

Thermal stability of zirconia-s and thoria-base fuels (LWBR Development Program)

Description: Vapor densities and/or dissociation pressures of UO/sub 2/, ThO/sub 2/, ZrO/sub 2/, ThO/sub 2/-8 and -20 wt % UO/sub 2/, and ZrO/sub 2/-20 and -50 wt % UO/sub 2/ were obtained in the range from 2000 to 3000/sup 0/K by the transpiration technique. The UO/sub 2/-ZrO/sub 2/ system exhibited marked positive deviation from ideality, indicative of a strong tendency toward immiscibility. The UO/sub 2/-ThO/sub 2/ system was found to behave almost ideally. On the basis of the vapor pressures of UO/sub 2… more
Date: January 6, 1967
Creator: Alexander, C. A.; Ogden, J. S. & Cunningham, G. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Research and Engineering Operation Irradiation Processing Department monthly record report, June 1965

Description: This reports documents progress in process and reactor development, reactor engineering, reactor physics, radiological engineering, process technology, auditing, fuel failure experience, operational physics, process physics, and testing.
Date: July 6, 1965
Creator: Ambrose, T. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Monochromatic Cosmic Ray Deuterion Source

Description: The reaction pp {yields} {pi}{sup +}d resulting from the high energy cosmic rays incident on the interstellar hydrogen gas gives rise to secondary deuterons. Since the total cross section for this reaction is appreciable only at proton kinetic energies of 600 MeV, the deuterons have a very small spread in energy. It is estimated that the flux of deuterons from this mechanism should be easily discernible from deuterons produced by other reactions and copious enough to be detected at the earth. T… more
Date: August 6, 1968
Creator: Anderson, Jared A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: This report was prepared by Battelle-Northwest under Contract No. AT(45-1)-1830 for the Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Reactor Development and Technology, to summarize technical progress made in the Fast Flux Test Facility Program during May 1969 .
Date: June 6, 1969
Creator: Astley, E. R. & Cabell, C. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: A double-focusing magnetic field for a spectrometer of the flat type which gives radial focusing to roughly the sixth order, and which utilizes azimuthal variation of the field coefficients, has been devised.
Date: April 6, 1966
Creator: Bergkvist, Karl-Erik & Sessler, Andrew M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Tables of Electron Radial Functions and Tangents of Phase Shifts for Light Nuclei (Z=1 through 10)

Description: From Introduction: "This Monograph, supplemented by ORNL-3207 [9], should eliminate completely the need for use of approximate formulas (e.g. those of Kotani and Ross [10]). The formulation of the problem has been summarized in sec. II. This is followed in sec. III by a discussion of the methods used in numerical calculations. Sec. IV contains a detailed explanation to facilitate the use of present tables."
Date: August 6, 1964
Creator: Bhalla, C. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Revisions to variable goal exposure plans for production type fuel elements

Description: The exposures calculated from these plans are designed to maximize plant return on the basis that the only restraint on metal usage is that imposed by the economics of the plutonium production process and associated uranium cycle. When metal throughput in limited by ex-reactor physical capabilities to a level lower than the unrestrained requirements, exposures higher than those recommended in this document would be indicated. In essence then, these plans represent minimum economical exposures f… more
Date: December 6, 1960
Creator: Bloomstrand, R. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Variable goal exposure plans for production type fuel elements

Description: The purpose of this memorandum is to transmit revisions to the goal exposure plans of reference (1). The plans, herein, supersede the previous recommendations. Similar to the plans of reference (1), the exposures calculated from these plans are designed to maximize plant return on the basis that the only restraint on metal usage is that imposed by the economics of the plutonium production process and associated uranium cycle, as described and defined in references (2) and (3). When metal throug… more
Date: July 6, 1960
Creator: Bloomstrand, R. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Corrosion of plutonium metal when stored in containers having plastic components

Description: The conclusions are: (1) The formation of powder or ``oxide`` in the storage container is caused almost entirely by packaging of plutonium in plastic materials. (2) The corrosion of the plutonium follows degradation of the plastic due to the intense radiation. (3) The powder, formed by this corrosion is not PuO{sub 2} but a mixture of oxides, hydrides, and chlorides in varying proportions, depending on the type and amount of plastic in the individual storage container. (4) The powder consists p… more
Date: March 6, 1964
Creator: Bond, R. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Radiation - Induced Mammary Gland Neoplasia in the Rat

Description: In discussing this subject, data on radiation induced mammary gland neoplasia in the rat indicating that direct interaction between the radiation and target tissue is necessary for maximum neoplasia induction will be presented mainly. Other types of radiation induced neoplasia, in which little or no information on the mechanisms involved is available, will be discussed briefly. In particular, investigations on radiation induced mouse lymphoma will be reviewed, in which neoplasia appears to be a… more
Date: March 6, 1963
Creator: Bond, V. P.; Cronkite, E. P.; Shellabarger, C. A. & Aponte, G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aluminum Alloy Work at Hanford

Description: Investigation of aqueous and steam corrosion at elevated temperature has been carried on at Hanford for several tears. A number of reports have been published on various phases of the corrosion program but, except for monthly reports, little has been written on the progress of the Corrosion and Coatings Operation alloy development program. This interim report will outline the more important current phases of the aluminum alloy program.
Date: May 6, 1960
Creator: Bowen, H. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Rear-face Parker fitting reaming

Description: Although a fuel reactor job procedure has not yet been prepared, techniques and equipment used in a current production test are adequate with minor modifications for full reactor Parker fitting reaming. With existing reactor hardware, available flow increases at B, D, and F Reactors would be limited to about 2,500 gpm. The extent of additional rear face piping problems which may be encountered as a result of reaming cannot in several instances be predicted with confidence at this time. It is ex… more
Date: December 6, 1960
Creator: Brinkman, L. B. & Corley, J. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Non-military Uses of Nuclear Explosions

Description: Introduction. With the development of fission and subsequently of thermonuclear explosives, a very large source of cheap energy has become available. The problem of using this energy for peaceful purposes safely and economically presents itself as one of the most interesting and important of our time. In explosions the energy is released very suddenly. Conversion of this sudden release of energy at extremely high temperature and pressure into the form of useful work, either mechanical or chemic… more
Date: January 6, 1960
Creator: Brown, Harold
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Classification of PuO2 Particles

Description: The Biology Operation, Hanford Laboratories, required plutonium dioxide particles in five different micron and sub-micron size ranges. These were to be supplied as a water suspension in small containers. It was necessary to design equipment, suitable for hood operation, which would give a satisfactory separation of these particles.
Date: January 6, 1960
Creator: Burnham, J. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

C pile mark 1 overbore fuel element design

Description: It is necessary to provide the option of using either aluminum or zirconium tubes in the C pile 20-tube overbore test. A bumper-type fuel element has been designed to fit a fixed ribbed aluminum tube size; zirconium tube dimensions were then determined which will provide the same flow and pressure drop when the fuel element is changed from bumper type or self-supported without changing other fuel dimensions.
Date: October 6, 1960
Creator: Cahoon, R. D. & Nechodom, W. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Possible consequences of operation with KIVN fuel elements in K Zircaloy process tubes

Description: From considerations of the results of experimental simulations of non-axial placement of fuel elements in process tubes and in-reactor experience, it is concluded that the ultimate outcome of a charging error which results in operation with one or more unsupported fuel elements in a K Zircaloy-2 process tube would be multiple fuel failure and failure of the process tube. The outcome of the accident is determined by the speed with which the fuel failure is detected and the reactor is shut down. … more
Date: August 6, 1963
Creator: Carlson, P. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Production test IP-527-A effect of eccentricity on the irradiation behavior of KVNS fuel elements

Description: The objectives of this production test are to confirm the KVNS fuel element design, determine the effect of support height on annulus coolant temperature distribution (R Value), evaluate the effect of eccentricity on KVNS fuel element irradiation behavior.
Date: February 6, 1963
Creator: Carlson, P. A. & Hladek, K. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Geology and Geophysical Field Measurements for the Midi Mist Tunnel, Nevada Test Site, Nevada

Description: The following report summarizes the geological and geophysical studies made on the rocks of the Midi Mist site in the Area-12 tunnel complex of the Nevada Test Site. The data was needed to determine whether the rock met the technical criteria of the nuclear experiment.
Date: February 6, 1967
Creator: Carroll, Roger D.; Ege, John R.; Scott, J. H. & Cunningham, D. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Possible Manifestations Of A Pion-Pion Interaction

Description: The pion-pion interaction is of great theoretical importance and must be understood before the other and more familiar interactions can be systematically analyzed. Therefore, various experiments to verify the existence of a P resonance in the w w system are proposed.
Date: January 6, 1960
Creator: Chew, Geoffrey F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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