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open access

Production Potential of Copper Deposits Associated with Permian Red Bed Formations in Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas

Description: Report issued by the Bureau of Mines on the copper deposits in the Permian red beds from north-central Texas through Oklahoma, and into southwestern Kansas. Geologic and economic properties of the copper ore are documented. This report includes tables, maps, illustrations, and photographs.
Date: August 1970
Creator: Stroud, R. B.; McMahan, A. B.; Stroup, R. K. & Hibpshman, M. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

[News Script: Teases]

Description: Script from the WBAP-TV/NBC station in Fort Worth, Texas, relating a news story.
Date: September 6, 1971, 10:00 p.m.
Creator: WBAP-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

The Bounty of Texas

Description: This volume of the Publications of the Texas Folklore Society contains a miscellany of Texas, Mexican and Spanish folklore, including information about hunting, canning, cooking, and other folklore. The index begins on page 225.
Date: 2017
Creator: Abernethy, Francis Edward
Partner: UNT Press
open access

Straight Texas

Description: Volume of popular folklore of Texas, including tales about the origins of various cities and towns, personal anecdotes, songs, superstitions and other miscellaneous legends. The index begins on page 341.
Date: 2017
Creator: Dobie, J. Frank
Partner: UNT Press

[Hardeman County Courthouse in Quanah, TX]

Description: Photograph of Hardeman County Courthouse in Quanah, TX. A blue-gray car drives past the camera while three more vehicles, a red truck next to a blue van and white car, park in front of the orange brick and stone courthouse. The stone appears mostly as a base under the courthouse's lowest row of windows. The entrance sits into the building a short distance and includes two windowed doors with one window on either side of them, along with a row of four windows above. Two white columns sit on eith… more
Date: February 14, 1972
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

Memories of Martha Elizabeth Gibson Anglin

Description: A transcript of a 1963 oral history with Martha Elizabeth Anglin (née Gibson), recalling her childhood in Alabama, her family's move to Texas in 1895, and her marriage and life on a farm in Commerce, Texas. Footnotes are provided to add context to the narrative.
Date: 1887/1963
Creator: Anglin, Michael W.; Anglin, Reba; Barnett, Robert & Barnett, Patricia
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

A Study of the Validity of Brace's Football Achievement Tests as a Measure of Real Playing Ability of Individual Players of the Quanah and Childress High Schools

Description: The investigator undertook a study to determine the validity of the Brace Football Achievement Tests as a measure of real playing ability of individual members of the 1948 football squads of the high schools of Quanah and Childress, Texas.
Date: August 1949
Creator: Edmondson, O. K.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Straight Texas

Description: Volume of popular folklore of Texas, including tales about the origins of various cities and towns, personal anecdotes, songs, superstitions and other miscellaneous legends. The index begins on page 341.
Date: 1966
Creator: Dobie, J. Frank
Partner: UNT Press
open access

The History of Hardeman County, Texas

Description: This thesis discusses the creation and history of Hardeman County in the state of Texas. The period of the Texas Republic was one of uncertain and unstable government, and the Red River Municipality thus created in 1835 remained as such for only two years. It was realized by the government that such large political subdivisions would not be easily administered, and by 1837 these municipalities were further divided into counties. The vast territory encompassed by the original boundaries of the R… more
Date: August 1949
Creator: Jones, J. Paul
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Bounty of Texas

Description: This volume of the Publications of the Texas Folklore Society contains a miscellany of Texas, Mexican and Spanish folklore, including information about hunting, canning, cooking, and other folklore. The index begins on page 225.
Date: 1990
Creator: Abernethy, Francis Edward
Partner: UNT Press
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